Des Moines is neither Bethlehem or the birthplace of Democracy as some would like us to believe. Mitoosense watched the first hour of the non event. After an hour I turned into a pillar of salt. Cardboard Jesus was everywhere. Each question had only one answer. The answer of the most devout carried the longest applause. Go figure. The second hour that I missed was dedicated to Jimmy Swaggert impressions where they all testified and cried for the audience. I think overall the Senators in the Sanctuary could have been confused as a Obama fund raising attempt. Late night TV was a big winner also. Expect a lot of new materials in coming months.
For those who have an interest in my faith; My first Church was a Presbyterian faith. My father evidently was Presbyterian and we followed his Faith in our early years. My father worshiped at the Gold Brick Tavern and never attended Church. He attended the Gold Brick six days and never missed a chance to pass the plate or tip a few cold ones. None the less he was a man of very strong conviction who always paid his due and never lied to anyone. He was fearless, not faithful. After moving to our second home I was Baptised in a Christian Church and was married in the same sanctuary. I later moved and attended a Baptist Church for several years. Then moved to another state and attended a Methodist Church. My personal preference is the Methodist version of cardboard Jesus. I vowed in 1972 " I would never attend another Catholic Wedding". Up down, up down and never quite sure if either was appropriate. Latin monotone chanting to hypnotise the faithful. Half way through the spectacle the groom keeled over and passed out from the stress of last nights bachelor party. In our circle of friends I was the designated Bachelor Party HQ. Never quite sure why? The priest had guzzled all the wine with a large portion on his robe. The Bride was a long time childhood friend who I always liked. The Groom was eventually revived with more wine and we all exited to the nearest Holiday Inn to consecrate the Mass.
I'll buy you a gift and go to your party but, never a Catholic Wedding. I'm not a fan of Pre-packaged Religion. I believe in a Deity. I don't profess to know her name or address. As an American I support the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This does not indicate I would go to your Church. It means you may worship in freedom. I support the US Constitution to the letter in which it was written. I do not support interpretations of the Supreme Court ruling of implied Powers or Elasticity in government. Same argument of Thomas Jefferson and same reasoning. The Bill of Rights Amendment 10 is crystal clear. All powers not specified as United States are granted to the States. This means Congress cannot grant, gift or loan money. The States may, if they choose.
The event last night was prefaced in introduction with Christians are better people overall and happier than people of other Religions. Other Religions are sinners, blasphemy and of coarse an evil lot. Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney would be in this group. Then the Pious moderator produced a number of facts to support their righteous claims. The candidates all answered in kind. Fearful of being feed to the lions I suspect. Once you accepted this then the balance of the evening would be more palatable. It was all downhill from here.
The introduction of the candidates was delayed while Michelle Bachman washed every ones feet and poured water for the eight apostle of the GOP. When the the candidates were introduced I waited to see if any would ignite and burn in the sanctuary. Neither Cain or Gingrich even smoldered. The award for the biggest hypocrite goes hands down to Newt Gingrich. The biggest difference in Cain and Gingrich is: where Cain's accusers were paid off, Gingrich married his. Newt pulled off the successful diversion of the night attacking Occupy Wall Street as the sinners who were destroying our Country. Rave applause from the gallery overlooking Gingrich's documented past as Speaker. Since leaving the house in disgrace, Newt has been robbing the Treasury monthly of $30,000 dollars in consulting fees to Fannie Mae and Freeby Mac. Considerably more than the $200,000 annual salary as Speaker. Shame, Shame, Shame Newt. (Gomer Pyle)
The high point in the hypocrisy occurred when Newt advised Occupy Wall Street "they should get a job after taking a bath". He accuses protesters of abusing a Park they did not pay for, a public bathroom the did not pay for, begging for food they did not pay for and proclaiming themselves as "Paragons of Virtue. The oration was reminiscent of Pontius Pilate Judgment in Judeae.
The truth is they've been taking a bath from Newt's $30, 000 monthly consulting fee for a decade. The extortion to a reported total exceeding $1.6 million dollars to date in Newt's greedy pockets. Newt Gingrich has been a wealth of influence to "The Money Changers" throughout his Public Career.
The Occupy Wall Street bunch may not bath as regularly as Newt nor, are they as dirty either. The stench on Newt comes from unbridled Wall Street corruption in Oligopoly America. It is Newt who expects the American people to meet his every need as the Paragon of Virtue. Newt's $30,000 dollar extortion was ended in 2007 as a result of new legislation. This could explain Newt's return to the public trough. It really is that easy if your Newt!
Newt Gingrich has NEVER had a job!! Newt is more guilty of the charges made on Patriots in Occupy Wall Street.
Occupy Wall Street is preaching to the Republican Choir to stop the Newt Gingrich and others like him. Those who abuse the US Treasury in the name of Public Good. Their greedy hands up to the elbows in the storehouse. Newt is the problem in America. Every dollar Newt paid in taxes was a return of some of the money he extorted from the system. Every dollar he tithed came from an other's pockets. Newt is the freeloader, not Occupy Wall Street. The protesters who get nothing from the government, all have meager jobs to survive. They apply their free time not working and paying tax to protest the unfettered conspiracy.
This morning I awoke to some good news. After an intense Forum and Communion last night, Ron Paul is leading the Iowa Caucus. A backfire of Theocracy in America. There is hope in America......
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