Whenever sex or race is involved the smallest issue can explode to national discussion. It appears that all of the Networks are on this story that dates back to the Bill Clinton Era.
FOX is also beating this like a drum of yellow journalism. The actions of Herman are buried in the silence of Court Settlements. Neither party are permitted to discuss the fine prints negotiated to protect the guilty. I'm really not sure who was the plaintiff but, I must admit having trouble with the visual of Herman abused by women. It never happens to me and I'm much more attractive than Herman!
In the absents of truth, Cable News Pundits will always offer theoretical substitution for facts. Which is almost as good as journalism. In the hunt is Comedy Centrals own Jon Stewart. Jon does 5 minutes or so mocking the coverage of the Pundits. This is always funnier than the original story. The truth being silenced in Court Order. Jon does this bit showing video of a Monday Fox broadcast The panelist of news guru's is this Shrew who had just broomed in from a Halloween Celebration at Stone Henge and a Short Guy in a suit. If your on TV your automatically an authority on something. One was named Hanity but I'm not sure which was Hanity. Also missing was the Sorcerers Hat and Broomstick from the woman interviewed. This woman reminded me of Seabiscuit and is no Elizabeth Montgomery although, the short guy does resembles Darin.
Anyhow it's all over the Web if you care to waste some personal time. The Shrew who has written a book titled "Demonic". She plugs the book then states " Our Black people are better than their Black people". The divide being her party opposed to another. Then goes on to explain why. As the rant continues the short guy in the suit interrupts the message over and over. The televised exchange begins similar to Taming of the Shrew and ends sounding more like Dred Scott decision. I know sounds terrible but, when Jon Stewart narrates parity for Fox it really is funny. Is to me....
The next day, in jumps none other than Donald Trump. The Donald has found celebrity status of the small screen more profitable than actually being successful. Since Rosie ODonnel went off the air he jumps on any issue to attract attention away from his failed business empire. Trump also stars in his own show on NBC (No Body Cares) where he sits on his ass and fires people for no apparent logic. In addition he plays the part of a Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party that never files. This offers Trump the position of attacking without defending.
He's on Stewart attacking Jon as a racist. Stewart's birth certificate wasn't an issue. You can't do that, Jon is Jewish and all Jews get the Race Card Exemption. Something to do with Nazi Germany I think. Jon commented on the Shrew's video quotation of whom has the best Black people. The next day Jon retaliates against Donald and the prophecy is fulfilled. Donald get his sound bite and Stewart more material for the Daily Show. Trump doesn't fire Stewart cuze Jon has real talent.
Today, another or third woman steps forward with similar empty allegation that also cannot be discussed. Maybe, it's time to tally the women who have not been to Court with Cain? All this about nothing and important issues affecting the election are burned in effigy in Oakland at night.
America's Media Titans have turned the focus of Occupy Wall Street to what Cain does in the sheets. If your following this Yellow Journalism it's you who are the victim. The victim of Media Titans feeding you garbage instead of the News. Detracting from national debates that are important to our future as a Nation.
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