Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
I find the last sentence in the quote to be the pinnacle of irony in "beside the golden door". The truth being Wall Street only minutes away. America owes no man or woman anything. To be American is not entitlements to share in the wealth of others hard work. Such is the case with the richest 1% in America. They're parasites sucking the life's blood from the sweat of the American People. Egregious thieves who build nothing only scalping profits in America. Practicing their craft under the protection of American Military Blood and Treasure who receive little compensation for their life on the front lines.
The elite who weigh one thumb on the scales of justice when legislation is written to favor their own greed. The fact that it is legal or lawful does little to make it moral or rightful. It simply is evidence of the conspiracy of Congress and Oligopoly in concert to indenture "We The People"
The people who are gifted tax concessions to promote flawed business ventures with money from the US Treasury. Huge profits amassed from Social Security, Medi-Care and Medic Aid in the tiny benefits received by the taxpayers. Trickle Down Reaganomics that creates jobs America does not want or need. All this followed with bailouts and handouts to 2big2fail Corporate Wealth Fare from the Federal Reserve. All in the maligned name of philanthropy.
The people who are gifted tax concessions to promote flawed business ventures with money from the US Treasury. Huge profits amassed from Social Security, Medi-Care and Medic Aid in the tiny benefits received by the taxpayers. Trickle Down Reaganomics that creates jobs America does not want or need. All this followed with bailouts and handouts to 2big2fail Corporate Wealth Fare from the Federal Reserve. All in the maligned name of philanthropy.
We The People don't wish to punish success. We embrace those who created vast wealth from their own ingenuity. Those who profit in America where all boats are lifted in the rising tides are always welcomed. Those who thrive from the wealth of others sweat are the true villains on Wall Street. Hedge Funds who scalp fuel supplies and medicine before the public has a chance to purchase are despicable. Insurance pandering that provides vast wealth for executives as it denies coverages from those in need.
We The People support a fair tax where all money collected is the same tax rate not same tax. Will some people pay more, the answer is yes. Will some pay more tax, the answer is no. They pay the same tax is true. Regardless of individual or corporations and economic desires. No exemption, No deduction and No exceptions. No April deadlines or tax prisons.
The unemployment rate hovers at 9% eligible add another 9% ineligible and another 9% here illegally and you get the 999 or 27% unemployed.
There are 50 million living beneath the poverty benchmark and more if you could count the illegals.
Home foreclosures are the highest ever and 25% of mortgages are valued greater than the home is worth. Another 25% are in the chute behind in mortgage payments. More children ripped from school and moved to other shelters.
TARP Bankers own more real estate now than ever before in our history. Homeless live in sight of Boarded Up TARP Homes they once occupied.
One in six people in America are on government support.
Our free trade policy resembles our US tax code. Unfair to the middle class.
So if your wondering where could all this wealth vanish in forty years? It didn't. It is now in the hands of America's New Elite Robber Barons. Banking, Insurance, Media. Pharmaceuticals and Heath Care Titans.
And our US debts owed equally are out of control!!! Don't look to the poor to work harder or pay the amounts stolen.......
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