None the less I didn't have anything longer and the word stuck in my memory as the longest. A child of the fifties and sixties I never looked up the definition or correct spelling until this morning. As I suspected the translation is "to not give a rats ass or Uncopetsetic in nature" (coposetic is in the dictionary)
I was reading an article on Yahoo about Occupy Wall Street had won a court order to stay in Zuccotti Park. Mayor Bloomberg has his panties in a bunch shooting new rules from his arse like any of them really cared. I thought it ironic the New York Scooter Troopers were outside arresting Patriots while criminals were stealing billions inside. The latest is MF Global. Due to my Marine Corp heritage I find MF to be appropriate and Global just offensive. True to Wall Street protocal the bonuses at MF were distributed hours before the billion dollar bankruptcy. Fannie Mae and Freeby Mac are also news worthy with $141 Billion TARP Bonus Booty on top of $900 thousand personal executive annual salary. With $141 Billion TARP you could buy Detroit and Alabama with money left over. Is anybody out there??? The TARP Bailouts are measured in Billions making million dollar bonuses possible.
Mitoosense supports the Occupy Wall Street protesters based upon facts. The facts are of coarse the top 1% control the wealth of our nation. The opposition never disputes the accounting. Instead they defend their position as being more worthy. This and $1.50 will get you a good .05 cent cigar. (Thomas Marshall Vice President under Woodrow Wilson) The truth of coarse is found in conspiracy legislation between the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and the 112 th Congress.
As I support the protesters I question their tactics. We Baby Boomers did little to improve the world. A spoiled bunch mostly. Veterans of the Hoola Hoop, Mickey Mouse Club and Peanut Gallery. One thing we are good at is complaining and protesting. We should be remembered as the Baby Bummers as evidence of our many accomplishments. If you want to have a party at other's expense or protest, ask a Baby Bummer.
The new group protesting are a sterile group lacking creativity. They are just dithering threats. The protests should have corresponding intensity as the money stolen inside NYSE and Congress. Mayor Bloomberg is sensing a weakening in strength. Followed with typical New York pushing.
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