Both of the last two debates were a step up from the CNN Debate moderated by Andy Cooper. You may remember this debate as the Donnybrook in Vegas. The Hostility Index was maxed out as the candidates mired themselves in muck and Mr Cooper had as much control as Mr Rogers in the Hood.
The candidates took their podiums according to their current polling. White House Party Crashers or whiners Bachman and Santorum also got a podium. CBS is not an acronym for Cry Baby Senators. Both Santorum and Bachman whined about air time. Santorum violated Scott Pelley's request for time repeatedly. Bachman was denied the floor by Pelley twice. The first time sending her to time out in the corner. Later on, time out without supper. Both behaved as children, not Presidential Candidates.
The CBS Blog reported this morning Perry, Gingrich, Bachman and Cain all violated the Truth-O- Meter with false claims.
Mitoosense also surveyed how many time candidates used the word "I" or I'm or I've in the first round of answers. The ranking is: Herman Cain 4 times, Mitt Romney 2 times, Newt Gingrich 1 time, Ron Paul 0 times, Rick Perry 3 times, Michelle Bachman 0 times, Jon Huntsman 9 times and Rick Santorum 11 times. I find the high usage of the first person singular can indicate self absorbed people. Regardless, it's bothersome in speech. Not included was conversation between candidates and moderators, only answers. I'm sure if you surveyed the entire debates the ranking would change little. This could be an indication of why some candidates are overlooked on questions and polling tabulations.
The evening began with Mitt Romney's argument with moderator Pelley about the time allotment. Oh well here we go again. Turned out Romney was correct and was deprived half of his time. Scott Pelley apologized and granted the balance of time to Mitt. This small issue made Mitt Romney to be a man of reckoning. Mitt was right! He would not be denied his time.
The big surprise of the night goes to Rick Perry who emerged from town clown to Statesman. Perry lead the field with "Zero Foreign Aid" to other countries until they convinced America, the money was well earned. He capitalised on his statement later to include all government agencies should also prove their value. Can questions regarding Government Employees sleeping in the Airport, Downloading Porn at Treasury, Drugs and Hookers at Interior or Gun Sales in the Justice Department be far away? Bravo Gov. Perry!
Later in the evening Gov. Perry took a quote from President Reagan saying like the USSR, Communist China would end up on the Ash Heap of History. Followed with an emotional plea that any nation without virtue will fail.
Newt Gingrich found his audience in approval of the executions of US citizens as enemy combatants. These people live outside of civil or criminal laws and are exempt from the Bill Of Rights. ( US Constitution article 1 section 9 suspends writ of habeus corpus in rebellion or invasions)
Newt's comment on solutions to National Security are actually, Four Interlocking Mechanism. Any solution for one must be compatible with all four. They are Debt- Energy- Manufacturing and Science and Technology. Amazing, A lot of thought given to his assessments.
Jon Huntsman was the clear leader in Foreign Policy. His strongest asset by far. Huntsman reminded the audience to be a world leader you must have world followers. He stated American Policies against torture gained respect from people of all race and religions. He was a Hawk on loose Nukes and would not hesitate to attack any nuclear threats.
Herman Cain will get no recognition from Mitoosense. Herman's gotten enough support from yellow journalism, trading in rumors and gossip for two weeks. The AP: Ray Henry reported Davine Intervention claims from Herman that God pleaded with him to become President. The report also included delusions of Cain on a par with Moses. Barber Shop Politics is clearly Herman's forte. Plays well at the Barroom. Last Call for Herman!!!
A very good debate overall. It's interesting to watch Democracy working. People from around the World watch as "We the People" establish the bar for our leaders. Each debate changes Public Sentiment and in the process each candidate adjust to The American Experience.
Most interesting to me is all the Candidates agreed that Pakistan was not in control of their Country. They viewed the Military to be a separate force uncontrolled by Government. We should stop all Aid to Pakistan and address the real issues instead of diplomacy of denial. We are dealing with a ghost governments to often in way to many places. Results Gentlemen no more Promises!!!
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