Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Blue Dress

Focus Focus Focus
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Heads Goldman Wins, Tails you Loose

Realizing in October the enormous amount of money to be made from the taxpayers. Paulson and cronies changed the rules to allow banks to keep the bad paper and real estate but also syphon off the TARP money until there was a better economy. This allowed the same banks to profit twice, once from the initial scam derivative and also from resales down the pike. The banks are now hoarding the houses as the government attempt to stabilize the housing markets with low down and $8000 dollar tax credits.
The current economic collapse a reflects a perfect storm of theft, beginning with
2. Goldman Sachs creations of mortgage derivatives to sell home mortgages in bundles
3. The rating agencies who rated these blindly as AAA.
On October 14, 2008, Secretary of the Treasury Paulson and President Bush separately announced revisions in the TARP program. The Treasury announced their intention to buy senior preferred stock and warrants in the nine largest American banks. The shares would qualify as Tier 1 capital and were non-voting shares. To qualify for this program, the Treasury required participating institutions to meet certain criteria, including: "(1) ensuring that incentive compensation for senior executives does not encourage unnecessary and excessive risks that threaten the value of the financial institution; (2) required clawback of any bonus or incentive compensation paid to a senior executive based on statements of earnings, gains or other criteria that are later proven to be materially inaccurate; (3) prohibition on the financial institution from making any golden parachute payment to a senior executive based on the Internal Revenue Code provision; and (4) agreement not to deduct for tax purposes executive compensation in excess of $500,000 for each senior executive."[11] The Treasury also bought preferred stock and warrants from hundreds of smaller banks, using the first $250 billion dollars allotted to the program.[12]
The first allocation of the TARP money was primarily used to buy preferred stock, which is similar to debt in that it gets paid before common equity shareholders. This has led some economists to argue that the plan may be ineffective in inducing banks to lend efficiently.[13][14]
On November 12, 2008, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson indicated that reviving the securitization market for consumer credit would be a new priority in the second allotment.[15][16]
On March 23, 2009, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced a Public-Private Investment Program (P-PIP) to buy toxic assets from banks' balance sheets. The major stock market indexes in the United States rallied on the day of the announcement rising by over six percent with the shares of bank stocks leading the way.[22] P-PIP has two primary programs. The Legacy Loans Program will attempt to buy residential loans from bank's balance sheets. The FDIC will provide non-recourse loan guarantees for up to 85 percent of the purchase price of legacy loans. Private sector asset managers and the U.S. Treasury will provide the remaining assets. The second program is called the legacy securities program, which will buy mortgage backed securities (RMBS) that were originally rated AAA and commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS) which are rated AAA. The funds will come in many instances in equal parts from the U.S. Treasury's TARP monies, private investors, and from loans from the Federal Reserve's Term Asset Lending Facility (TALF). The initial size of the Public Private Investment Partnership is projected to be $500 billion.[23] Economist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman has been very critical of this program arguing the non-recourse loans lead to a hidden subsidy that will be split by asset managers, banks' shareholders and creditors.[24] Banking analyst Meridith Whitney argues that banks will not sell bad assets at fair market values because they are reluctant to take asset write downs.[25] Removing toxic assets would also reduce the volatility of banks' stock prices. This lost volatility will hurt the stock price of distressed banks. Therefore, such banks will only sell toxic assets at above market prices.[26]
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Defibrillator Recall

Affected devices can have the following problems after powering on:
- Turns itself off then back on
- Turns itself off and requires the operator to restart it
- Cannot be shut off
The Products Manufactured by Physio-Control Inc Redmond Washington mailed letters to those who bought the devices informing the customers of the defects .
I find it comforting the Food and Drug Administration is serving the public and not downloading porn as the SEC. They performed in pro active manner warning the citizens of a potential crisis .The SEC played no part in uncovering the Mortgage Derivative or Ponzi Schemes that were major contributors to the collapse of our economy.
With the Gulf of Mexico being destroyed with 1000 barrels of goo hemorrhaging from so called safe off shore drilling and criminal immigration invading our borders we should all applaud the efforts of the FDA
Therefore, I recommend we recycle our faulty defibrillators to be inserted into the rectums of members of Congress, Homeland Stupidity, SEC and the DNR. With each inappropriate behavior , give the little button a push. At the very least they should be awake and the folks at the SEC may encourage a jolt every now and then!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Drill Baby Drill

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Security Exchange Commission

n Seventeen of the employees were "at a senior level," earning salaries of up to $222,418.
n The number of cases jumped from two in 2007 to 16 in 2008. The cracks in the financial system emerged in mid-2007 and spread into full-blown panic by the fall of 2008.
California Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said it was "disturbing that high-ranking officials within the SEC were spending more time looking at porn than taking action to help stave off the events that put our nation's economy on the brink of collapse."
Friday, April 23, 2010
Cone Zones

Halleluiah Arizona

Any criminals who attempt public protest in Arizona had better be citizens and proof of their rights to the US Constitution or they may find themselves protesting from across the Rio Grand.
No longer will the rights of profiling impede our immigration laws.
We don't discriminate against race but now incriminate illegals who break our laws with impunity. We don't need reforms President Obama we need our laws enforced. The nonsense of protecting illegals breaking our laws and mocking our US Constitutions has stopped in Arizona. We have condoned this recognition of criminals rights much to long. While we freely allow the Patriot Act to spy on our legal citizens. (crazy huh)
Our grandparents recognized in early 1900's the threat of Poncho Villa raids on American border towns as significant.
Remembering The Alamo The thirty dead killed by Poncho Villa in 1917 would be avenged despite the cost. Americans sovereignty would prevail. They dispatched General John J Pershing to clean out Poncho's 500 plus insurgents. Our forces, armed with airplanes and machine guns failed to capture Poncho Villa. (planes trains and automobiles vs mules and horses) Tragically our forces, it's reported fell victims of the cheap liquor from the Catina's and the all night $2.00 bordellos. Can't blame them for that ; must be something in the Geneva Convention about dirty fighting. The only bright spot in the conflict was Pershing's Lt George S Patton lead a raid and personally shot and killed Julio Cardena one of Villas henchman. Thus the legend begins !!!
What America should have learned in 1917 and failed to realize 2009 is American sovereignty is paramount to destitute immigrants plight.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Vote for Somebody,Anybody and Nobody
Americans should stop focusing on the achievements of the current administration and focus instead on who should we vote for next? We all know this is exactly what politicians are practicing.
Let's all start now, today seeking our next candidates for office. Remember to focus on everything they don't say,while ignoring everything they do say.
Vote for Somebody, Anybody or Nobody don't re-elect incumbents!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Fix America

Your employers door step is where Democracy ends and Oligarchy begins.
Circumventing our money from our government empowers the Corporate Employers in between. Take back your money and the power comes free. It's like sending your neighbor out to buy you a car. You have no idea what he may bring back, much less how much he paid or the real value of your car. You just don't know and he aint talkin either!!
Encourage your employer to pay you in cash and 1099 A form for taxes.
Abolish: The Uniting America And Strengthening By Providing Appropriate Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism Act Of 2001. It renders the constitution useless.
Stop: the Use of Your Social Security Identification for tracking Americans Lives and everyday commerce.
Pass local zoning legislation requiring uninhabited Foreclosed or REO properties to be sold within 90 days of foreclosure or be razed as a nuisance. Banks and Government are hoarding homes with TARP money supported with tax dollars. Banks should be forced to pay people to occupy housing until every homeless man, woman and child in America has a roof over their heads or tear'em down.
Deny Corporate donations to election campaigns and party affiliations.
Pass legislation establishing the 30 hour work week. Ten hour days with No Holidays or Vacations paid.
Dad works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mom works Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This way we value families allowing Americans to properly raise, educate and nurture the next generation Americans. Leaving more time for community service and the need for police in every empty neighborhood.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Field of Dreams

The Hollywood story does not embellish, whether they made money and how many games were played.
The Pontiac Silver Dome was built in a 127 acre field of dollars, costing $55 ,700,000.00 million in 1975. The former home of the NFL Detroit Lions has a seating capacity of 93,687. Sold in 2009 for a dismal $583,000.00 .That's right, I said 583 thousand or the price of a high end Gross Point 4 bedroom home on a 1/2 acre lot. $4600.00 an acre well below the value of undeveloped farm land.
The same story in reverse is true, if you don't build it they will leave. The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of people in the grips of Depression traveling to California for a better life.
Yankees left their homes in mass exodus for a better life in the new South. More people means more housing shopping centers and schools. An expanding Florida economy not built on manufacturing but, more hospitality mixed with agriculture prospered.
Often building high density zoning to allow for unbridled ocean front property values to escalate. The down side to over population is a lower quality of life, crime, faster rates of urban decay, congestion and high taxes to maintain infrastructures.
For the first time since 1945 Florida's population has declined. The same people who escaped the Mid West Rust Belt in the 70's and 90's and traveled South seeking jobs and a better climate are now leaving the Sunshine State of Florida.
The sun, sand and surf which once drew snowbirds to South Florida Beaches has been trumped by crime and congestion as tourist prefer more relaxing destinations in the Caribbean. The quiet Florida two story mom and pop beach motels are torn down replaced with towering hi rises that shadow the beaches after 2:00 o'clock pm
It's the classic American Tale to "Kill all the Buffalo then Leave"
This editorial is not about wasteful spending on sports venues or the loss of manufacturing centers of Northern Cities nor is it to predict the demise of Florida's Tourist industry. This editorial is more about Americas Greedy Economy that historically build a thriving industry and then destroys the same. Short term gain and long term pain.
America needs to pick a path providing work for it's citizens without importing illegal foreign labor. We need a economy not based upon the whimsical needs of Wall Street Bankers but based upon what is best for our children. Establish focus on not what makes money next year. Focus instead on long term payouts like Hoover Dam, Renewable Energy and the Space Program
We became the greatest country the world has ever known by creating the highest standard of living for all our people, not some people. If we cannot get a grasp upon our American way of life were headed for Anarchy!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Broadcast Digital Television

You never see the Indian Screen, as programming is now invasive.
Financial Regulatory Reform / Post Mortem

There simply wouldn't be a needed reform today if the Bush Administration had obeyed the laws of capitalism and allowed the bankruptcies of the AIG, Big Six Banks and Auto producers.
Capitalism is self cleaning if you let free markets work. Sadly we were robbed of the benefits free markets would have provided to new season investors. Had we let capitalism prevail all of the Big Six Banks , AIG and Wall Street would have gone under and worthy savy investors would take their place for pennies on the dollar. Those people and the problems they created would be forgotten. The Mississippi would still flow South, corn would be planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. The TARP didn't fix anything and it won't bring back the buffalo to the plains either. Instead were forced to deal with the same ignorant fools who devised the scam then profited from same!
The Bush Administration invented a new law of capitalism 2big2fail. We are told if we had not submitted to the blackmail economy, America would slip into a deep depression. The Easter Bunny would not appear in the Spring.
We don't need reform legislation, what we need is to unplug the American Economy from the life support system known as TARP Post Mortem. The patient died in 2008 and should be buried with full honors in Federal Bankrupcy Courts.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Income Tax April 15th Day

The current obese 2010 Tax Ax cannot be published due to limits of modern day technologies of bandwidth.
The Tax Code is used to seize taxes as only as a by product of it's primary purpose. The primary purpose is to direct the wealth in our country.Tax free interest on loans from banks encourages taxpayers to borrow money. Conversely it discourages taxpayers from saving money when interst income is paid out in Tax. Borrowing money is the sugar rush needed to enhance our debt driven economy. When the sugar rush ends and the crash occurs it signals in the musical chairs as everyone in business seeks security in government work. Everyone will not get a seat at the table.
With a stable economy Wall Street tends to flat line without the sugar rush making it difficult to create money from thin air.
America's hollow economy is living from borrowed future imaginary money. Consumer borrow money from Banks to purchase homes, autos and stuff expanding the economy. This is the National Borrowed GDP. There are no numbers to describe how much of our GDP is actually paid in full.
The truth is, were broke. Since there is no gold standard the US Treasury can produce as many dollars as the economy will allow. Inflation is the enemy of our hollow economic system. When to much currency is introduced, the dollars buy less trumping the debt. This is a hidden tax that is paid by the sucker consumer.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Free Market Capitalism

A free market is a market without economic intervention and regulation by government except to outlaw and prosecute force or fraud. It is the opposite of a controlled market, where the government regulates how the means of production, goods, and services are used, priced, or distributed. This is the contemporary use of the term "free market" by economists and in popular culture; the term has had other uses historically. A free market economy is an economy where all markets within it are free. This requires protection of property rights, but no regulation, no subsidization, no government-imposed monopolistic monetary system, and no governmental monopolies
The theory holds that within the ideal free market, property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not coerce each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property rights without the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or fraud, nor are they coerced by a third party (such as by government via transfer payments) [1] and they engage in trade simply because they both consent and believe that what they are getting is worth more than or as much as what they give up. Price is the result of buying and selling decisions en masse as described by the theory of supply and demand.