The grand old party has reached a new low, sinking to patronize Strip Clubs as a tax deductible business expense.
Possibly plowing the fields for prospective candidates or in search of a new direction in their mindless party platform.
Clearly, people in trusted with GOP credit cards are so far removed from the blight in America they did not see their deplorable actions as WRONG.
The behavior of attending a strip club is not the issue. The issue here is public waste on extravagant purchase for personal enrichment at taxpayers expense. $150.00 Haircuts are equally as bad!
These actions discredit our system as it pits one miserable platform against another, leaving the voter no acceptable choice for his Vote.
Raising the bar we must start at the source of our corruption and clean our house from the bottom up. If we donate to a corrupt party, expect it to produce corruption.
If we are depending on this system to provide candidates for our elections, is it any wonder why we have such flagrant waste in our government. Is it any wonder, our elected official are constantly embroiled in blackmail from individual threats of exposing their inappropriate and sometimes illegal behaviors.
Corporations that feed lavishly from the sweat of the GDP are providing the capitol to both parties. Platforms of the parties are designed to only capture the voters trust election day.
After elections, politicians first responsibility reverts back to the corporations who bought the office with your money.
Establishing a new standard from our elected officials is paramount. The peoples vote is nullified by Corporations Donations to Parties!!
Do Not Support a system that mocks our American Values
Throw'em all out. Raise the bar for our children
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