The offshore oil spilling 50 miles from the Louisiana coast is contaminating the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Approximately 42,000 gallons a day or 1000 barrels a day are killing birds and sea life.
Covering an area of 20 miles by 20 miles or 400 square miles. The spill growing 25 times larger in 24 hours indicates the situation is out of control. The oil is threatening the beaches of Louisiana and Florida.
The oil rig that sank may contains another 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel trapped in the rig a mile down from the surface.
The Exxon Valdez spill was 11 million gallons spilled in 1989 covering 1300 square miles. The worst environmental disaster in recorded history has still not reached full settlement or completely cleaned of oil residue.
Chernobyl Disaster in Russia occurred April 26 1986. The worst nuclear disaster in history.
The only level 7 event recorded on the International Nuclear Event Scale. The scale tops out at 7.
The disaster spread higher radiation levels over most of Europe. The world health organization declared fewer than 50 direct deaths including nine children. The 17 square mile Exclusion Zone is still off limits. Even though the majority of the area affected is now considered safe. Resettlement of 10,000 people from age 60 to 90 years have returned the area despite Russian laws disallowing living in the Exclusion Zone
Whether the disaster is nuclear or petroleum the results are catastrophic. Worse yet, the current spill will force the costs of gasoline pump prices higher . We know, no matter who made the mistake, regardless of ignorance or bad luck, the American consumer will get the bill.
The ultimate price is Gulf Coast Beach destruction and cleanup. The cost of short term gain and long term pain from drill baby drill.
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