Have you ever wondered how many people actually work and how many people are merely watching others labor. It seems that while some Americans work, an ever increasing number of people simply attach themselves to the sweat of others labor.
Frivolous Political Bureaucrats who strangle the GDP in America.
We always have recognized the need for teachers and instructors as necessary to insure a qualified worker. Teachers Instructors produce indirectly to the production via their students justifying their place
Supervisors are necessary to maintain quality and efficiency of production.
The people who concern me are the bureaucrats who sit silently and detract from production.
How many government workers are required to drive the golden spike. We know the work requires only one man, one hammer and one spike.
Government dictates many more are needed to suck off the GDP as bureaucrats. How many people does the government appoint to insure each worker pays his tax, buys mandatory insurances, wears seat belts, head gear, works safely, doesn't pollute the environment, doesn't make noise or start work to early, carries proper permits, licenses and certifications and civil rights for minorities. Hunting and Fishing now require permits fees and stamps.
None of these agencies increase production or quality. Many countries around the world provide free harassment, it's in their constitutions. Only in America do citizens pay to be harassed.
College degrees are offered to comply with these foolish regulations.
Government bureaucracy have become so complex cottage industries have sprouted to interact for people who don't have the time or patients to deal with the nonsense. These people are paid to stand in line and wait for imaginary assistance on touch tone cyber languages. This is sub level of worker who's only existence is to satisfy the bureaucrats in power, adding zero to GDP. Include to this number are the people who won't work and can't work.
A possible solution to boost American Productivity would be to legislate another giant bureaucracy "The Slacker Administration Act". We take all government employees , department and bureaus condense them into one huge slacker bureaucracy. Similar to Homeland Stupidity and pay them to stay home out of the way. This will save money in that they will not require any office, energy or cars and the rest of us can do our work unimpeded. Is it any wonder the American worker fails to compete in global markets as he must support Congress and so many non producing parasites watching his labor and robbing his pay!!
Call your Congressmen today and voice your support for The Slacker Administration Act 2010
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