Any criminals who attempt public protest in Arizona had better be citizens and proof of their rights to the US Constitution or they may find themselves protesting from across the Rio Grand.
No longer will the rights of profiling impede our immigration laws.
We don't discriminate against race but now incriminate illegals who break our laws with impunity. We don't need reforms President Obama we need our laws enforced. The nonsense of protecting illegals breaking our laws and mocking our US Constitutions has stopped in Arizona. We have condoned this recognition of criminals rights much to long. While we freely allow the Patriot Act to spy on our legal citizens. (crazy huh)
Our grandparents recognized in early 1900's the threat of Poncho Villa raids on American border towns as significant.
Remembering The Alamo The thirty dead killed by Poncho Villa in 1917 would be avenged despite the cost. Americans sovereignty would prevail. They dispatched General John J Pershing to clean out Poncho's 500 plus insurgents. Our forces, armed with airplanes and machine guns failed to capture Poncho Villa. (planes trains and automobiles vs mules and horses) Tragically our forces, it's reported fell victims of the cheap liquor from the Catina's and the all night $2.00 bordellos. Can't blame them for that ; must be something in the Geneva Convention about dirty fighting. The only bright spot in the conflict was Pershing's Lt George S Patton lead a raid and personally shot and killed Julio Cardena one of Villas henchman. Thus the legend begins !!!
What America should have learned in 1917 and failed to realize 2009 is American sovereignty is paramount to destitute immigrants plight.
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