In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Cone Zones

I recently ventured out to my favorite watering hole for happy hour observance. When I arrived I found the parking area covered in bright orange cones placed strategically in a line leading to a poorly constructed temporary wooden structure made largely of discarded crates and pallets.
It became immediately evident that an enterprising young man had successfully created his own version of a modern day toll booth.
The booth itself reminded me of Lucy's Psychiatric Help in the Peanuts Comics, only this guy was serious.
This gentlemen, with a capitol expenditure of $25.00 in orange cones had created a demand for parking where none had existed previously.
Obviously he must have learned this from the government who constantly creates imaginary boundaries with legislation requiring citizens to stand in line to pay imaginary fees for revenue.
Great biz for the Governor but this guy ain't the Governor. Or possibly from the titans of Wall Street who mandate both supply and demand on paper, thus creating money from thin air.
There was plenty of parking available and so I drove over one of the cones and parked in a spot allowing for an easy exit.
I was confronted by the young entrepreneur who asked did I not see his sign for free parking.
Not at all interested in conversation about the sign I responded quickly "do you want me to leave". I recognized the potential problem of having just run over his prized cones.
The thought being the proprietor would not choose to loose any business over the cost of tipping the attendant.
I was correct he said no but I want your keys. Again I said "do you want me to leave" and again he said no. A pattern was developing as I advised the attendant my truck had several thousand dollars of tools and I wasn't going to submit to his requests. I assured him I would gladly leave if this was his command.
The complimentary parking is simply another way to extort imaginary fees from customers. The truth is, tools or not I'm not going to pay anyone to park or for parking privileges. To forfeit my keys would no doubt insure another wait in line later to retrieve my car, my keys and my life.
I avoid lines where ever I go and pay to park is the first indication of the pain lying ahead.
Preferring to patronize other establishments who offer free parking and quick service in and out where I am not asked to place my vehicle at risk from individual whose character is not known.
I have noticed a trend in business to collect fees versus selling tangible commodities.
The cell phone for instance is an example where you purchase a phone that is useless without the service. Many times service provider will give you a phone in exchange for a signed contract. Free is always a red flag in my opinion. Not only do you become a captive customer but you also sign contracts that allow the service provider to determine your monthly bill using their mathematics which is always different than yours.
The contract also has fees hidden that you never saw coming.
Buy a TV and get ready to pay the cable service as TV is no longer free and the same rules apply to cable as phone services. Your screwed.
The Banks are in on the action as well offering free checking but again they make the rules and fee structures and they do all the math their way. Your screwed.
Purchase a new computer and pay again for Internet Services Provider.
The worst of all is the "Printer" buy one of these babies and watch how much you spend on Ink. The machine is nothing compared to the costs of Ink. Ink itself is not expensive it's the non generic cartridge containers your married to when you buy a printer.
We don't make the Phones, TV's or Computers here in the USA. We have become a nation of toll booths paying from one month the next monthly charge. Installment or EZ payments that never end.
We could all use some of Lucy's Psychiatric help. She only charges a nickel and she wont take your keys either.
Since we are no longer are producers or manufacturing products, our commerce in America has become charging imaginary fees to turn the wheels of our imaginary economy.

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