Robert Michels believed that any political system eventually evolves into an oligarchy. He called this the "iron law of oligarchy". According to this school of thought, modern democracies should be considered as oligarchies. In these systems, actual differences between viable political rivals are small, the oligarchic elite impose strict limits on what constitutes an 'acceptable' and 'respectable' political position, and politicians' careers depend heavily on unelected economic and media elites. Thus the popular phrase: there is only one political party, the 'incumbent' party.
Corporate Oligarchy (Corporatocracy)
Corporate oligarchy is a form of power, governmental or operational, where such power effectively rests with a small, elite group of inside individuals or influential economic entities or devices, such as banks, commercial entities that act in complicity with, or at the whim of the oligarchy, often with little or no regard for constitutionally protected prerogative.
When I look back over the past two weeks of this blog, I noticed there has been a lot of complaining without any solutions offered. If you have read my blog I deeply apologize for one sided criticisms.Television pundits are the worst for reporting accurately the poor condition and never offer any solutions. Time to tune out as I don't need an in depth account of yesterday's weather
The World is flush with critics who can evaluate yesterday's failures. The true leaders are the rare individuals who can predict failures tomorrow and then avoid the consequence. The person I focus my attentions to are the latter.
Right or Wrong these individual always rely on past experiences to predict the future. I have found they may not be as accurate as a see'er forecasting yesterday's weather or ball scores. So I look for a batting average as measure. For instance I have George Bush as 0.00000 average. George the Shoe Guy was truly a reign of errors in office
Many complain and wonder why or how things got so pathetic. A few resulting to blowing up public building with trucks and airplanes as a solution to their frustrations While this does demonstrate vividly the depth of the hopelessness, it is never a solution in Democracy. Taking the lives of innocent Americans will not solve the problems, we are in this altogether and we need every American to help.We have militia's forming around the country to provide the safety our government has failed to provide. These groups, some quite radical and are characterized by government as not mainstream. Certainly as these militias pop up, the sheer numbers of folks coming to identical conclusions is frightening.
Militias who plan forced take over are just as despicable as "The Patriot Act" neither have a place in a Democracy.
The focus should be at the source of Democracy. The above definitions are for Oligarchy which seems to clearly depict our current government. Certainly all agree we started with Democracy and changes have lead us away from our government.
Thomas Jefferson quoted" Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism".
Peaceful demonstration of the 1960's taught us a overwhelming support of the people mandates their desired change. Even though demonstrations were peaceful, sadly some paid the ultimate price at Kent State.
Children at Kent State recognized the failures of the Vietnam Conflict supported by our government.
Demonstration were common for Civil Rights and protest against the war. The 69 Democratic Convention in Chicago is a good example of change from grass roots. So folks there is a path.
How did "We The People" loose our freedom ,civil liberties, borders and control of government and how and where do we begin the change
Vote the Bums Out is a popular phrase. Unfortunately this is merely shock therapy of a system intent on producing Bums.
Bums will be replaced by Bums until we regain control of our government and change the corrupt system.
The Banking in America is a scam; our money is being transferred back and forth between Stock Market Investment Banking and the US Treasury. The treasury either gives money away under the TARP or loans the money at discounts of 0% interest. This a tennis match that I'm sick of watching. As the morons in banking mock our intelligences with imaginary interest and fees collected from the taxpayers as Government imposes imaginary taxes for the free money. The taxpayer sits in the stands watching money created Houdini Dollars from thin air, accompanied by the year end bonus from the imaginary bubble. The game continues until the bubble bursts. The taxpayers are then required to clean up after the theft. Nobody goes to jail because this is all legal. It's legal because of Corrupt Government. Catch 22 scheming
Solution for the little guy; remove your money from the bank and refuse to accept checks written on the BIG SIX Banks. Remove your money from retirement account who invest in Wall Street . The 401k program funnels money into Wall Street without your approvals.Turn in your credit cards and refuse to borrow money. Establish credit on local accounts from local merchants, they hate bankers too. Purchase homes on contract. Do not buy products from welfare corporations on life support from the TARP money.
Refuse to give your personal retirement information for all aspects of commerce or abandon "The Social Security Act" or refuse to contribute. Remove your Federal SS number from State Drivers License. Driving has nothing to do with retirement. Stop all contributions from employer based payroll accounts. Your job is where you work. Government are the people who work for you. It's backwards. Demand that every dollar the government collects comes directly from you. Corporation pay their tax you pay yours. Accept cash only and 1099 a form for taxes.
Drop your health Insurance and go to the Emergency Room as the illegals. If you travel to any urban area look up at the towering buildings. The names at the top are not the grocery, it's Banks, Insurance and Government.
Stop ; Corporate donations to political elections and Impose the Fat Tax described in my earlier blog. Tax politicians and all who profit from our government.
Vote the Bums Out and Peaceful 1960's demonstrations until we reinstate Democracy.
Follow the money. Demand fair wages.
Repeal The Patriot Act .................Peace Brother
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