The 1989 movie Field of Dreams is the story of an Iowa farmer committed to building a baseball diamond in a remote cornfield. The theme based on the analogy "If You Build it They Will Come". So the story goes he built the diamond and sure enough the people came. The movie happily ends as streams of cars with beaming headlights travel to the new Field of Dreams.
The Hollywood story does not embellish, whether they made money and how many games were played.
The Pontiac Silver Dome was built in a 127 acre field of dollars, costing $55 ,700,000.00 million in 1975. The former home of the NFL Detroit Lions has a seating capacity of 93,687. Sold in 2009 for a dismal $583,000.00 .That's right, I said 583 thousand or the price of a high end Gross Point 4 bedroom home on a 1/2 acre lot. $4600.00 an acre well below the value of undeveloped farm land.
The same story in reverse is true, if you don't build it they will leave. The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of people in the grips of Depression traveling to California for a better life.
The Hollywood story does not embellish, whether they made money and how many games were played.
The Pontiac Silver Dome was built in a 127 acre field of dollars, costing $55 ,700,000.00 million in 1975. The former home of the NFL Detroit Lions has a seating capacity of 93,687. Sold in 2009 for a dismal $583,000.00 .That's right, I said 583 thousand or the price of a high end Gross Point 4 bedroom home on a 1/2 acre lot. $4600.00 an acre well below the value of undeveloped farm land.
The same story in reverse is true, if you don't build it they will leave. The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of people in the grips of Depression traveling to California for a better life.
As more an more Americans loose their high paying manufacturing jobs, urban blight becomes common to Northern industrial cities
Yankees left their homes in mass exodus for a better life in the new South. More people means more housing shopping centers and schools. An expanding Florida economy not built on manufacturing but, more hospitality mixed with agriculture prospered.
Yankees left their homes in mass exodus for a better life in the new South. More people means more housing shopping centers and schools. An expanding Florida economy not built on manufacturing but, more hospitality mixed with agriculture prospered.
The by products were construction jobs in Florida's Hotels, Condos and housing markets further enhanced the thriving economy. Like Nomads who wander from field to field grazing livestock. Florida workers traveled from field to field building new cities to house more workers and so on.
Often building high density zoning to allow for unbridled ocean front property values to escalate. The down side to over population is a lower quality of life, crime, faster rates of urban decay, congestion and high taxes to maintain infrastructures.
For the first time since 1945 Florida's population has declined. The same people who escaped the Mid West Rust Belt in the 70's and 90's and traveled South seeking jobs and a better climate are now leaving the Sunshine State of Florida.
The sun, sand and surf which once drew snowbirds to South Florida Beaches has been trumped by crime and congestion as tourist prefer more relaxing destinations in the Caribbean. The quiet Florida two story mom and pop beach motels are torn down replaced with towering hi rises that shadow the beaches after 2:00 o'clock pm
It's the classic American Tale to "Kill all the Buffalo then Leave"
This editorial is not about wasteful spending on sports venues or the loss of manufacturing centers of Northern Cities nor is it to predict the demise of Florida's Tourist industry. This editorial is more about Americas Greedy Economy that historically build a thriving industry and then destroys the same. Short term gain and long term pain.
America needs to pick a path providing work for it's citizens without importing illegal foreign labor. We need a economy not based upon the whimsical needs of Wall Street Bankers but based upon what is best for our children. Establish focus on not what makes money next year. Focus instead on long term payouts like Hoover Dam, Renewable Energy and the Space Program
We became the greatest country the world has ever known by creating the highest standard of living for all our people, not some people. If we cannot get a grasp upon our American way of life were headed for Anarchy!!!
Often building high density zoning to allow for unbridled ocean front property values to escalate. The down side to over population is a lower quality of life, crime, faster rates of urban decay, congestion and high taxes to maintain infrastructures.
For the first time since 1945 Florida's population has declined. The same people who escaped the Mid West Rust Belt in the 70's and 90's and traveled South seeking jobs and a better climate are now leaving the Sunshine State of Florida.
The sun, sand and surf which once drew snowbirds to South Florida Beaches has been trumped by crime and congestion as tourist prefer more relaxing destinations in the Caribbean. The quiet Florida two story mom and pop beach motels are torn down replaced with towering hi rises that shadow the beaches after 2:00 o'clock pm
It's the classic American Tale to "Kill all the Buffalo then Leave"
This editorial is not about wasteful spending on sports venues or the loss of manufacturing centers of Northern Cities nor is it to predict the demise of Florida's Tourist industry. This editorial is more about Americas Greedy Economy that historically build a thriving industry and then destroys the same. Short term gain and long term pain.
America needs to pick a path providing work for it's citizens without importing illegal foreign labor. We need a economy not based upon the whimsical needs of Wall Street Bankers but based upon what is best for our children. Establish focus on not what makes money next year. Focus instead on long term payouts like Hoover Dam, Renewable Energy and the Space Program
We became the greatest country the world has ever known by creating the highest standard of living for all our people, not some people. If we cannot get a grasp upon our American way of life were headed for Anarchy!!!
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