This is the history of vampires in government spending our money wastefully, only to make room for requests for more money to be wasted. The system dates back to the days of George Washington. Our current dilemma is a result of the US Constitution 16th amendment 1913.
The current obese 2010 Tax Ax cannot be published due to limits of modern day technologies of bandwidth.
The current obese 2010 Tax Ax cannot be published due to limits of modern day technologies of bandwidth.
It can only be described as an Ex Wife with numerous infections, addictions and bad habits whose limited only by her boyfriend the judge.
The shear size of our Tax Ax indicates the enormous task of legally describing the unfairness of who must pay and who will benefit from inequities of the written word.
The deal of 1913 is ; as long as employers seize money for income tax from their obedient workers the employers would not be asked to pay any income taxes. This system utilizes credits or deductions from the Tax Ax to allow for discriminating loopholes for business but, excludes the worker from the same benefits.
The three martini executive lunch is a write off but, bologna and cheese white bread brown bags are excluded.
Ever wonder why interest is tax deductible and food is not? Why do we find ourselves scrambling for receipt for some items but ignoring others. Taxes forcing dollars to stretch farther and promised deductions later, encourages the direction of our wealth in America.
The Tax Code is used to seize taxes as only as a by product of it's primary purpose. The primary purpose is to direct the wealth in our country.Tax free interest on loans from banks encourages taxpayers to borrow money. Conversely it discourages taxpayers from saving money when interst income is paid out in Tax. Borrowing money is the sugar rush needed to enhance our debt driven economy. When the sugar rush ends and the crash occurs it signals in the musical chairs as everyone in business seeks security in government work. Everyone will not get a seat at the table.
Saving money guarantees a stable economy , Strong dollar, no inflation and prevents governments from spending money foolishly.
With a stable economy Wall Street tends to flat line without the sugar rush making it difficult to create money from thin air.
With a stable economy Wall Street tends to flat line without the sugar rush making it difficult to create money from thin air.
America's hollow economy is living from borrowed future imaginary money. Consumer borrow money from Banks to purchase homes, autos and stuff expanding the economy. This is the National Borrowed GDP. There are no numbers to describe how much of our GDP is actually paid in full.
Congress then extrapolates these numbers over years to borrow money to the National Borrowed Debt for further expanding our economy. The essence here is citizens borrow money to create a debt driven economy so that government can borrow against future Borrowed GDP.
The truth is, were broke. Since there is no gold standard the US Treasury can produce as many dollars as the economy will allow. Inflation is the enemy of our hollow economic system. When to much currency is introduced, the dollars buy less trumping the debt. This is a hidden tax that is paid by the sucker consumer.
We all realize the need for taxes to pay for services,roads and schools. What we must stop is the power given to government to discriminate the direction of wealth in America. The only way to end the discrimination, is to end tax deductions from any special interest.
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