One was a Filipino/American man who described himself as a hardcore Republican. He wrote 47 entries in September. Most were centered on Barack Obama who is a Democrat. Interesting, a self described graduate of Rush Limbaugh University would have so much to say about the opposition. Must be what their teaching at RLU. The clip art attached indicated how many ways you can defame one man. Not much substance. Just a lot of well written political theatre. No real solutions, other than slander. No mention of who his candidate might be. And, he did this 47 times in a single month.
The next worthy blog was from a woman who by her admission was older than dirt. Her blog recounted a colleague from her former work place who stayed in touch with her and others against their will. Their former employer closed their doors after the 2008 Financial Holocaust. The entry she wrote was this man who claims to be a Republican sends her all this politically charged E-mails slandering Democrats. One e-mail conveniently contained a link to Snopes to prove authentic. She is a Democrat and he is aware of her allegiance to her party. Her complaint was the Republican platform is basically demagoguing the Democrats. After reading the message she checked the truth-o-meter to see if it had merit.
It was decidedly false. The link provided was forged as well. She then made the big mistake of informing the man of his error. This proves she's a Democrat. Enraged the guy denied the repudiation. This really hit home with me. This woman has been reading my mail too. I get the same crap about Jesus is a Republican yada yada. Never Republican mail proved to be true. I don't get mail from the Democrats. Not on their radar I guess. The Republicans focus on blue dresses and birth certificates and Democrats are concerned about senseless wars and financial meltdowns followed by bailouts followed by obscene bonuses as rewards.
I began blogging at the request of friends who were sick of my e-mails and politics. I decided it best to voice my opinions on the Internet. Raping another persons ear is unkind. So my views are there to read and 100% consensual. I feel better relieving my frustration on the willing.
Every now and again Republicans toss aside the slander and attack viable issues. Now your talking. The latest are the Solyndra Bankruptcy and $16.00 muffins. Both are legitimate issues of discussion. What is left out are the trillions handed to Haliburton and Blackwater no-bid contracts. The $800 billion TARP bailouts under Bush 43 or $180 billion Savings and Loan Fiasco under Daddy Bush 41. Both are wrong, neither are good yet, their mute on Republicans copyable. To say they lack objectivity would be an under statement. Republicans are in complete denial the Stock markets are controlled by the Federal Reserve through bond buys, toxic assets purchase and free investment money to Casino Bankers. They call this a free market and should not be regulated. Too funny!
Republican attack with sophomoric school yard slander and Democrats aren't smart enough to ignore it. Will Rogers said " I don't belong to a organized political party. I'm a Democrat! Very true. The Republicans are unified and wear similar suits. Democrats are easily spotted wearing enormous red shoes, red nose and orange hair.
Personally, I try to be Independent but no ties to an Independent Party. I try to vote my conscience. If forced to chose I would not select Democrat or Republican. I would be a Libertarian. If there is a Libertarian Party. You become a Libertarian after being screwed by Democrats and Republicans every two years. I cast my first vote for Richard Nixon. He cancelled my vote when he resigned in disgrace. I stood in line for this? My second vote was for Jimmy Carter. You would think with a record like mine a normal person would give up, not me. Undaunted, I voted for Reagan twice. This is when I surmised I was doing more harm than good. Reagan had a strong foreign policy. His domestic economics were a disaster. The first steps toward deregulation of Banking, Stocks and Union busting destroying the middle class on the alter of 2big2fail Reaganomics. For the record, my best vote was for Bubba Clinton, twice. Bubba had full employment and all the trains were on time. The worst President was not Jimmy either. Both Nixon and Bush 43 were worse than Jimmy. Jimmy didn't lie and he could pick peanuts. I place Bush 43 between Baby Doc and Idi Amin.
After reading both blogs I speculated that maybe I was to harsh on Republicans. I should broaden my knowledge and widen my scope. This is what I finalized. We should dispense with Elephants, Donkeys, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives. Going forward they should be referred to as Right and Left. These are the only terms that have any real truth. Republicans are not Elephants or Conservatives. Being fair, Democrats are not Donkeys or Liberals. By definition neither should make claims unsupported by facts. Now we have a solid base to work from. Neither party is what they claim to be and have records to back up the opposites. In fact they are much closer to being the same with rhetoric as the only real divide. They do put on a helluva show for us though.
When I buy shoes I always buy a right and a left. Same with gloves. Two rights is as uncomfortable as two lefts. Two rights will make you walk funny. I think there is a message here. Same with politics. If you only vote one way your gonna walk funny. The only time you should always chose right is in driving. Unless your in Europe then Left might work better for you. I think the problem is to much importance on party and not enough on our Union. We get led down the wrong path every election. We cast votes on the important issues and we get Employer Based Health Care in substitution. They deregulate Corporate America and regulate the citizens with Insurance Prisons. Fabricating 2big2fail Corporate Wealth Fare for the richest Americans. Forced retirement plans that guarantee poverty and the Un-Constitutional Patriot Act ignoring the Bill of Rights. Both sides are equally negligent.
If we want to improve we must demand change. Doing the same thing over and over for forty years and expecting a different outcome is Insanity. Forget about party affiliation and vote them all out. Only new blood will cause change. You buy a right and left shoe, politics isn't any different.