Gary Johnson is the latest entry hailing as Gov. New Mexico. Gary filled in the center square needed for the Hollywood style Game Show. He endorsed many good ideas. Cutting the Military Budget is not one of them. He gave the best response of the evening with remarks of his neighbors two dogs created more shovel ready jobs than Obama. The truth rearing it's ugly head of campaigns coming.
Mitt Romney's winning appeal emanates from his positions to be the least like George W Bush. He fought when attacked but didn't behave as a predator looking for a kill. He seemed Presidential all evening deflecting Perry's comments.
Rick W Perry suffered more from his repeated failed attacks on Romney than his free education legislation to illegal criminal aliens in Texas. The Water Gate attacks from Bachman on Perry's campaign donations from Merck made both Perry and Bachman look bad.
Huntsman comes off a s smartest kid in the class who lacks athletic abilities to be President.
Herman Caine grabbed a lot of attention from his economics 9-9-9 plan and promise to bring an end to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service.
Ron Paul needs to calm down. Every time he is asked questions the response is an outburst of pent up frustrations mixed with a defensive posture. He has many great ideas. He has brought undeniable influence to the Party Platforms. All Americans think differently because of Ron Paul's fearless campaigns against the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service. The torch will be passed to his son Rand Paul along with a considerable campaign war chest of cash
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