Obama, Duncan, Perry and O'Donnell can be as philanthropic with their money as they care. Know this" Mine is Not On the Table By Law" As Gov. Perry Texas points out. Children born in another Country have access to Texas State College tuition subsidy. My kids born in America out of State don't qualify. If ever there were a violation of the Preamble Of The United States Constitution this is it baby.
The Department of Education is tied with the Justice Department for wasting money. Further more Department of Education has No input in INS Immigration. Arnie should focus all his attention on education in the classroom. Who sit in the class is none of Arnie's business. Try to teach first. Once you can accomplish your job maybe we might be interested in your opinion. Currently Arnie is getting a F in education. They get an A in destroying education.
MSNBC and their pundits offer a barrage of views in support of free education and college tuition. To those who are here courtesy of Illegal Covert Bush Immigration Policies. All the supporters including President Obama conveniently overlook the obvious line between Legal Immigration and Un-Constitutional Criminal Invaders.
The claim is that it's no fault of their own. Cheers to this we can all agree. It's a purposeful failure to provide cheap illegal labor to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. We can all dispense with rhetoric of "It's Not Their Fault". The entire problem is dereliction of duty of the United States of America.
We wouldn't have this problem if the first line of defense protected our borders. That line is not a fence or boundary between Mexico and the US. This is pure and simple a economic defense. No barrier will keep them out. What will stop the invasion is not offering sanctuary to illegals in employment, housing, schools and hospitals. Border security is necessary but the economics of no work or housing will stop the infestation. These are States rights under the US Constitution. Most States already have laws against hiring or housing illegal criminals. So the the States may be limited to Amendment 14. They are not helpless and blaming the Fed is a waste of time. Government slackers are to busy down loading porn and sleeping in the Airport. We don't have a government that works. We support a slush fund of bureaucrats like Arnie Duncan who can't perform their jobs. They distract from failure pointing to others who profit in additional failure. We have reached a inefficient level of dysfunction never seen before in government.
Arnie, We know who's fault it is. We know where all the problems lie. The question on every body's mind is: When are you going to start enforcing the laws we have on the books. creating new laws to control broken laws is an exercise in futility. We need to fire everyone in government who say it's not their fault.
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