Five years ago the Republicans had all the virtues of a pregnant welfare mother with ten kids. Republicans handed out free money to No-Bid Haliburton, Blackwater for imaginary wars and TARP for Banksters, GE, Fiat and GM. They invented 2big2fail Fascism. They have all the virtues of a K-Street Hooker. (quote Allan Greyson)
The common denominator in all the debates over the past years find their roots in the tax code. Budget, Wars, Borders, Deficits, and Increasing the debt hole all lie in the 1913 Income Tax Act. The Republicans make the false claim that deregulation and tax loopholes create jobs in America. Nothing could be further from the truth. All GOP roads lead to greed. Deregulation and Loopholes create jobs America does not want or need. They are a dead end pathway to the American Dream. These jobs produce the Company Store economics in America.
If you were looking for a good place for tax deductions look no further than the US Military. The service they perform protects the Capitol Building and all commerce in America. Yet they get nothing in the tax code. Ditto for Volunteers and Firemen.
Why is there no support for a tax code that provided for deduction as received, not promised. Gifting money to proposed job creation creates corruption. If we granted deductions for service rendered then you would see the economy grow. Of coarse you must cancel all other deductions and exemptions. Earn first then collect. No considerations for poor paying jobs naturally. The US Military should be taxed less for the service they provided. In the end it was a man with the Golden Gun who killed bin laden with 0.25 cents of lead.
All debates are over money. The current tax code is full of gifts, grants, exemptions and deductions crafted by wordsmiths to benefit the chosen few. Before you can talk intelligently about taxes you must first determine who pays the tax. Under the current system there is no baseline to begin. First Tax Reforms then determine how much we will ALL pay.
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