Two years later a similar labor rally May 4th 1886 at Haymaker Square Massacre in Chicago, Illinois occurred. The killers in both accounts were the Hired Thugs, US Army and US Marshals who were ordered to protect business interest of McCormick Harvesting Machines and Pullman Palace Car Company.
May 4th is also the same day the US Army murdered unarmed students at Kent State University in 1970, sum 84 years later. Happy anniversary. So if your a part time Patriot with your head in the sand. Buried deep in Political Patriotism beware. The Central Government has murdered it's own in the past and the destiny it will occur again is found in the Iron Will of the American People.
The peoples celebrated Labor Day May 1 was chosen in October 1884 to commemorate the dead at Pullman Palace Car in Pullman Illinois. The first national observance of unity among America's workers. Their objective was to standardise the 8 hour work day. The Nationwide union organized events in 1884 proved deadly for the workers at Pullman Car. The Trans Continental Railroads that connected a nation also brought an equal amount of unity in the American Labor Movement. America had become smaller because of Railroads
The first demands for the eight hour day is from the Philadelphia Carpenter's Union 1791. Coincidentally, the same year the Bill of Rights became law. Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness was rampant out of control in 1791 evidently. Most likely the sentiment of a grateful nation to reward those who fought and died in the Revolutionary War. How quick greed overwhelms grateful is repeated throughout American History.
Labor struggled from 1791 to 1869 when Federal Workers were granted the eight hour work days. During this time there were countless strikes, toothless legislation to appease Chicago Rail workers and City employees from shutting down America. In 1869 all the Federal Workers in America would fit in a modern day School Bus. (excluding Postal Workers and Military) It did regardless mark a changing tide in American Labor.
It's clear when American Workers unite, supporting each other rather than selfish greed, the resulting power is an overwhelming force. It's obvious when reading history the central government sided with big business on every issue every time. Much as today when Banksters steal trillions and Government responds with patronizing legislation like Dodd Frank to appease "We The People". America was divided between it's provisional central government and "We The People". I dare say "provisional" to remind Congress they can be thrown from power at anytime from the Iron Will of the American People. American Presidents included along with their much coveted central government. It's not that the old Constitutional Democracy doesn't work. The old Democracy has been modified and often ignored into obscurity. The record of the Supreme Courts decisions to uphold the 4th Amendment is a disgraceful example of Hypocracy not Democracy!
Remember before their was a government their was only a Union of people who organized to overthrow English Rule in the American Colonies. The Founder's selected the US Constitutional Democracy as the best choice for "A More Perfect Union". To insure peaceful tranquility they wisely chose the Bill of Rights to insure against tyranny in a Powerful Central Government. The Bill of Rights is a constant stumbling block of the Oligopoly System in power today. Then wisely tempered the Bill of Rights in Separation of Church and State
Make no mistake. Just as the 4th of July is not the day we became a country Labor Day is not the day we garnered workers rights. Both days are results of perceived subversive dissidents profound convictions to do or die. To often, die precedes do.
Both the 4th of July and Labor Day share years of pent up frustrated oppression. Not the opposite, flag waving celebrations supported "to be grateful for what ya got" implied by government and taught to America's Youth. Highlighting the profound differences in Political Patriotism and true American Patriotism. Thomas Jefferson quoted "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism" Be grateful to your neighbor and your Union for what you have. Government is intended as the cop on the beat working for you.
The Patriot Act courtesy of Bush 43 is 100% political patriotism. The spin of government by and for the government. Their refusal to control the borders and immigration translates into a loss of freedom and liberty of the people, by the people and for the people. The Patriot Act mocks the Preamble of the US Constitution.
Benjamin Franklin who dwarfed Bush 43 's intellect is quoted "Those who would give up a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both". The Patriot Act is Tossing the baby out in the bath water insuring the floor remains dry. Our Liberty should never be bartered.
The Massacres at Pullman Car and Haymaker Square is not the beginning of the union movement. Pullman Car and Haymaker Square are the product of years of oppression from the Robber Barron's pulling the the strings of government like a Stradivarius Violin.
The events of the Pullman Car and Haymaker Massacre did little to quell the divide between Oligopoly Government and Union Organizations. The Pullman Strike of June 29, 1884 saw the Oligopoly Government slaughter 13 Americans at Pullman Illinois. Those who gathered protesting the George Pullman decision to pay hundreds of workers less money because he said so. I gather having the town named in your honor allows unprecedented authority to do as you please as an Autocrat. The death toll at Haymaker Square has never been revealed.
Thousands of Union workers shut down the Railroads in 84 and President Cleveland made the quantum leap in logic. claiming the Railroad Strike impeded US Mail delivery and therefore required the US Army and US Marshals to intervene. Railroads privately owned share nothing in common with US Mail delivery. The fact railroads may be inherently more convenient is not the product of Union Organizations. Even faced with US Marshals and our own US Army "We the People" stood our ground in unwavering fearless unity. The Veterans of Gettysburg had seen death before.
The Struggle of Organized Labor over the years has been not to get ahead but rather stay even in the Oligopoly System that controls the strings of money supply, inflation, taxes, immigration, unemployment and interest rates policies that are designed to benefit employers. The Wealth Fare Programs of the Federal Reserve, TARP, 2big2fail magnify the double standard between the workers and Corporate Welfare supported at Congress.
The economy and workers rights have always prospered after America is threatened in World Wars. The last such event was World War 2 when America was threatened by Germany and Japan. The returning Veterans were greeted to a grateful nation once again. The sentiment in American ideology of grateful over greedy prevailed throughout America until 1979.
In the 1980's however American sentiment transferred from grateful to greedy and American Labor has been on a steady decline since 1980. Union Busting, Downsizing, Outsourcing are fanciful terms describing the controls imposed on Labor as fair in free market capitalism. Quantitative Easing, Zero Interest Rates and Covert Cash dispersed at the whims of the Federal Reserve Bank New York are the real time opposites that conveniently cast off free market capitalism as primary rule. The long division of 2 for me and 1 for you dividing a fair days work and fair days pay from the sacred cows in New York and DC.
Gone is the 8 hour day, the forty hour work week and workers rights fought for 100 years. We now live in the highest poverty rate in history and the balance of wealth can be found in extravagant CEO pays, obscene bonuses for Banksters, Brokers, Media, Health Care, Energy and Pharmaceutical Titans. All because Congress provides the security blankets of 2big2fail Reaganomics. The Black Hole Economics that rewards heavily to Oligopoly Employers who in turn hire workers to spin the economy. Greed trumps this failed fairytale policy. The Oligopoly builds factories overseas and creates jobs America does not want or need.
More recently the 11 men murdered at BP Deepwater Horizon is a fine example of a greedy BP, Trans Ocean and Haliburton hiding under the veil of corporations and a corrupt central government. The greed simply trumps regulation every time. 11 men died nobody tried.
Mitoosense didn't relish writing this editorial. It's not with pleasure we report the deplorable conditions in our economy. The current state of affairs in America have reached a level of discontent that cannot be, will not be ignored further. If we had our wish we'd be drinking beer today and looking forward to returning to work Tuesday. And a 8 hour day, forty hour week and a single paycheck that pays the bills. The Nimrods of the Northeast can't seem to grasp how Corporations Stocks climb without hiring additional workers. If they ever had a job the answer would be crystal.
8 hours work, 8 hours rest and 8 hours relaxation enjoyed forty years ago sleeps within the"Iron Will of the American People"
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