Newt Gingrich spoke well, gave excellent answers and response without nervous delay. Gingrich always quick with response centered on logical conclusion is plagued with baggage from past service as Speaker of the House.
The issues of cut spending and lower taxes carried the evening. Republicans in denial these people pay no taxes already. That dog won't hunt in our depressed economy. Like our zero interest bank rates of the Fed you cannot lower taxes beneath zero. Refusing logic that in most cases cutting taxes and spending are often found within the same line items. Further confusing regulation as tax and avoiding bureaucratic windfalls in the tax code. The issues of sacred cows of energy subsidies can be viewed as both expenditures and tax depending on the party that has your ear. Paying Corporations to look for oil, increase MPG standard for autos and handouts to GE and Bankers are not considered expenditures in the Republican Platforms, ignoring true Conservative values. Great political Theatre and nothing for realistic leadership!!
Mudslingers: Santorum, Bachman, Huntsman and Romney all attacked Perry with negative audience response to divisive Texas issues not applicable to a National election. Perry seemed confident until confronted with one on one debates with Mitt Romney. Perry seemed to lose composure when confronted by Mitt.
Mitt Romney seemed to be the front runner and overall winner in the debates. In spite of audience negative response to Mitt's comments that Perry's leadership as Governor was not responsible for the Texas record. Perry scored no points against Romney as Perry suffered from constant reference to Texas Mandated Vaccinations from the round table. Romney suffered from self inflicted wounds most of the evening.
Ron Paul ended his campaign with quoting Muslim Radical Ideology for attacks on 911. Most Americans realize Radical Muslims would attack the US regardless of perceived US Foreign Policies. War mongering is the Al Qaeda agenda and peace with the US is against religious beliefs. Leaving the US with little choices, other than killing all Muslim Radicals until peace is achieved with attrition.
We prefer to kill them over there, opposed to hiding in the security of porous US borders. The conflicts overseas are not in debate. The US Military policies of how to best win the wars is the entire discussion.
Sadly, I will be forced to vote for one of these candidates in 2012. The performance of the likable President Obama in Obama Care, Dodd-Frank, Stimulus and proposed Dream Act overwhelm his positive foreign policy and killing of Bin Laden.
I have ruled out Paul, Bachman, Huntsman, Santorum and Gingrich as viable candidates. I found Herman Caine to have solid solutions that penetrate core problems in the US Economy. Unpopular on Wall Street and supported on Main Street.
Bachman maintained her position as head cheerleader and mudslinger attacking Perry then Obama. Very little substance beyond childish attacks on the leadership of others. Romney and Perry are mired in party politics that ignore the independent voters. The run off will come between Romney and Perry with one losing and no winner for the People.
Paul, Caine and Gingrich apply counter weight to the standard party platforms swaying the debates away from narrow Republican Failed Agenda.
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