The CNN debates hosted by Wolf Blitzer pulled out more contributions from other candidates. I had been a supporter of Ron Paul until he spoke of Americas involvement in Muslim Jihad. I don't want anyone in the White House who listens to this malarkey. Muslims attacked the United States because they're barbarians rich with oil money. They have no sense of how to spend the wealth on humanitarian needs. They would rather practice genocide. We've all seen this movie before and we know how it's gonna end. The leaders of the Muslim plague are dying at alarming rates. They die from the sword they lived by. The Spirit in Sky US Drones are forcing the vermin deeper in obscurity.
So once again I'm open to other candidates. Paul, Bachman, Santorum, Gingrich and Perry are all thumbs down. In that order of worst being first. The remainder Romney, Caine and Huntsman simply haven't stepped in a big pile thus far. I said from the beginning this would be Romney's bid to lose.
Both debates thus far have lead the candidates to answer with either cut spending or lower taxes. The pre-edited question and answers are reminiscent of the old game show Hollywood Squares. I accept this kind of debate as an insult to most Americans. None of the candidates seem to have clear answers of how they might achieve this feat since it hasn't worked for forty years. Like the stock market we seem to climb out of our hole only to fall back in deeper than before. The rising tides at Wall Street lowers all boats on Main Street.
Gingrich did let the cat out of the bag by naming our problems as a revenue illness. Treating the illness with tax and spending cuts treat the symptoms and not the illness. Determined in denial to sink deeper they allowed covert Bush Immigration Doctrines to drive down the defeated American middle class further. They cannot , will not recognize that lower wages is destroying our economy. You conclude this answer by viewing your bottom line and ignoring your neighbors. Simply put the people who once made up the middle class paid the bills. High unemployment and wide spread poverty have decimated budgets at every level of Government. The decline in the middle class has eroded the standard of living once admired around the World. This poverty has spawned civil unrest unseen in a hundred years. Democrats responded with free stuff from the Big Government. Big Business hands out the Free Stuff but capture all the wealth in failed Reaganomics.
The bill for civil unrest will be unlike any current budget line item seen today. This is gonna be very expensive indeed. Our Union is in peril we all agree.
I agree with Gingrich our problem is a revenue based. The answer is found in the Rust Belt of dilapidated industries through out the United States. The American way is to build a better mousetrap. Foreign trade balance and unfair trade in concert with technology of more efficient workers has decreased demands for US workers. Entirely overlooked ideology for forty years are new industries in renewable energy and environmental balance with nature. We poisoned our country and answered with shove the dirt elsewhere and ignore the problem that could become Americas Greatest Innovation. Who would ever think you could make diesel fuel from discarded french fry oil? 110 years ago people were feverishly trying to build an affordable car and an airplane that would fly. They did so without any immediate rewards. They didn't have a college diploma or immigrated from India either. The early days of Henry Ford and Wright Bros. were accomplished as Congress passed legislation prohibiting enormous 2big2fail corporations. Leaving plenty of room at the bottom to compete.
Obama knew all this and responded with wasteful spending on Acorn Workers caulking windows in downtown urban blight. The workers got paid and the windows still leak in homes that should be torn down, not caulked!
You can't steal blood from a stone. The American worker cannot be beaten further. He's tapped out, Uncle.
Tonight we will all be waiting for new leadership with promise of radical changes that produce revenues that can be taxed. I don't care to hear about vaccinations or cutting Social Security. It's a Ponzi Scheme and we all know it. That's the reason you can't option out. Put people back to work with a forty hour week and eight hour day. Earning wages that afford basic human needs of Retirement, Health Care, Education, Food and Housing. Take all the Free Stuff and shove it where the Sun don't shine. Forget the bottom line. We're on the bottom!
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