We need to increase revenues to balance the budget. Republicans only answer is cut spending. Democrats only answer is raise taxes. Both treat the symptoms and ignore the illness. The answer is to stop all subsidies, deductions, exemptions, grants, gifts and loans. Republicans will confuse this as raising taxes. It really is stopping the practice of giving money away. Will some pay more money? The answer is yes. Will some pay more tax? the answer is no. They will pay the same tax is true. This is considered pure heresy in Corporate America. Corporate America is synonymous with "The Rich"
The direct benefit is less wealth at the top of the food chain. More money for the working middle class. It denies power of congress to control business by offering free gifts. This policy will break the economic cycles that allow big business and big government exchanging wealth as the middle class watch as spectators. This is the reason your poor. Your not even in the game 42% of the time!
The reason we have welfare is to insure "We The People" won't revolt and spoil the whole party. Taking these crumbs falling from the government means you will pay ten times premium for what was always yours in the beginning.
Anytime you offer favoritism to special interest, it's a gift by any definition. Not collecting a tax produces the same results as bailouts. Those selected have more of your money in their pockets. These are special rights not included in the US Constitution. Congress is not empowered by the US Constitution to grant any of the above. The powers of Congress are to impose taxes spend or borrow money as the deem necessary for the good of the Nation.
Another way to increase revenue is too lower unemployment. Putting people back to work equals more tax collected. The more they earn increases revenue. This brings us to how do we increase jobs available.
Republicans answer is handing out tax dollars to Corporate America. This is the debate that takes you right back to the lessens above. I've heard this argument for forty years and don't care to listen to it ever again. All GOP roads lead to greed. This policy produces Company Store Economics and the jobs America does not want or need. These same people poison the air, water for the taxpayer to clean up after they have raped the environment and economy. The exception is government spending for the government. Things like roads, bridges, ship, planes and trains that cannot bleed back to Corporate America benefit. If it's a one way street then it's OK. When it begins to cycle back and forth it's pure corruption!
Policies like paying Exxxon to look for oil when they are already the richest in America. Again the money cycles through government and then to Corporate America. Wrong answer! This policy interferes with supply and demand free markets. Once the cost of gasoline reaches the magic number. Either they will find the oil or America will convert to more abundant energy sources. Government involved at the gas pump confuses the markets. The real value and cost becomes an unknown factor to the consumer. President Ronald Reagan famously said "Government is not the answer to your problem. Government is the problem". This statement is all true but, not all inclusive. The flip side of this story is Government Conspiring with Corporate America is also equally at fault.
I know, I'm riding a dead horse so, I'll move on to the divide in America. I'm an Independent Voter. I change teams all the time. I represent most Americans who are neither party. The Independent Voter is the variable demographic that elects those in office. Right and Left are urged to vote party lines.
That's the reason I like Charlie Crist and Evan Bayh. Charlie is a Republican banished from his party for actually doing what he thought best for his Country. Evan Bayh a Democrat popular in a Red State resigned from the Senate because of the divide in government. This divide is the center piece of government stalemate. I have great respect for both of these men regardless of their politics. These are men of deep convictions to "We the People"
I would like to see these two team up as Independents running in 2012 Presidential Election. Running on the same ticket together. Evan Bayh as President and Charlie as Vice. In 2016 they reverse with Charlie on Top as President. Then reverse again in 2020 with Bayh as President. Charlie would have to run alone in 2024 due to term limits on the President. Still a very long run for "We the People"
Once upon a time Presidents ran as teams. This was changed in the Constitution to prevent having a Republican President and a Democrat Vice. Which is nearly what I propose. It's not new. It's new to you. We need change and the current system is broken..
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