Come Bank with BOB has a nice ring. The television commercial have endless possibilities. Images of happy people greeted by BOB with checks for free and under tones of give me your money or die penny less in the poor house for not saving with BOB. We've seen the movie before. Your security always involves you to happily handing over your money to BOB. You go to work and are given script known as a check. A check is a note from your employer who directs the banker to forward said amounts to the bearer of the check. Otherwise useless. Known as cashing. Once upon a time payroll checks could be cashed at the neighborhood grocery. Not today. You must go to the Bank to get paid. Your employer doesn't pay you to stand in line either. Standing in long lines insures the bank employees are working at top efficiency at the subsidy of customer's time. If you haven't any accounts at any banks the Banker penalizes you for not patronizing banking. Just exactly how the banker becomes involved in your compensation from your employer is a mystery. The only advice I can recommend is if the bankers demands of $6.00 dollars to cash your employers check you should get a receipt for the fee and have it added to your next paycheck. Bank fees are not the workers responsibility. Demand cash or your employer pay the $6.00 extortion.
If you have an account then putting money in the bank is free. Free if you consider giving money away as Free? Only in American Banking could such a twisted system work. You will also note this will be the only time banking is free is when you blindly forfeit your money. Putting money in is always cheerful and immediate, taking money out is waiting in line and always costs you money to return what is yours. Each time money is extracted the Banker embezzles a little for himself.
If The Girl Scouts of America got their cookies for free they to would be listed on the Dow Jones as well. The Girl Scouts don't bake cookies and BoA doesn't print money. They both operate as middlemen/girls in the prosperous GDP. Neither spin the GDP. If Americans don't have money they don't buy cookies or put money in the bank. The Girl Scouts won't take your home and throw you in the street if you don't buy cookies.
The phenomenon overlooked by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street is: if America sent their retirement 401-k money to the Ying Yang stock exchange and Banked with B.O.B for checking and mortgages, we could roll up the sidewalks in New York and DC in the same manner they abandoned the Rust Belt in Middle America. Same logic, identical economics. Has nothing in common with education levels or wages paid. Your just as screwed as the people in the Mid West trying to compete with another country who coincidentally has a different rulebook than yours. Wall Mart mentality that is destroying our Union. Greedy people who can't see that not patronizing American workers will eventually lead to your wealth lost in the end.
Everybody out of work should bank with BOB until the message is received in Washington, DC
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