I think most Americans were aware if not concerned with the amounts of foreigners allowed passage to America. The fact that all those involved in 911 were legal immigrants in America was not a revelation. We all kinda wondered when the other shoe would drop.
I was in Miami pouring the 10 th floor of a Condo Hotel that morning. I suppose most people remember where they were when the news came to them. The first news came from a concrete man with head phones listening to the radio.
He said Tom: did you hear a plane hit the World Trade Center in New York. I responded a quick no, encouraging others to keep working and avoid the distraction. Minutes later the same worker said both towers were hit. Keep working! There was a lot of chatter among the Spanish worker many of whom had ties to NY. South Florida is often referred as the 5th borough. In the construction business everyone is an equal regardless of race or religion. Sometimes hot or cold. Sometimes smelly and dirty. But, always heavy back breaking and strenuous. The work itself has few rewards with little room for useless discrimination.
Then the news came the planes were Commercial Aircraft and one plane was stuck high in the upper tower and burning. I said if true, that building is gonna come down. Building designs, each floor carries the weight of that floor only. Known as live load and dead loads transmitted to columns to the foundations. These are not infinite factors and don't include Commercial Aircraft.
When the first floor came down the building would pancake unable to support the immense weights of the structure above. I'd seen it before at Cocoa Beach. Then I said both buildings would fall because one tower would not stand alone, needing both towers as counter balance on a shared foundation. The workers there in Miami got the the news first from me, "the Towers would collapse". My prophecy came true minutes later the first tower was down. There was little doubt among the workers the second tower would fall soon. We were nearly finished with the 10th floor and by this time the focus was quickly transferred to the events in New York. I didn't know about the Pentagon or Pennsylvania tragedy until much later in the day. News across the media was America was under attack and all air traffic was grounded.
Swell, Miami International lands or takes off a plane every 2 or 3 seconds. I could only imagine every airport in America grounded and the impact of places to put people and planes. Schools were being let out early and workers sent home. By this time I remember being first unafraid and seventeen kinds of mad as hell. I got home early and my daughter was in a fuss about her kids and the news on TV we were being attacked. I remember being unfazed and logic seemed to dictate this was not a Country attacking America. I surmised it was the acts of cowards killing innocent people. More about the repeat of another Federal Building in Oklahoma City than a full blown Pearl Harbor. There is no honor in killing the innocent. These Mother Fuckers were gonna pay a heavy price. If they thought this despicable act would produce a positive result they were in for a big surprise.
In the months ahead I saw America attack alkada facilities in Afghanistan. I use phonetic spelling in Arabic languages. They're largely a illiterate bunch and haven't any translated correct spelling. The US Military chased the cowards across Afghanistan like Grant through Richmond. I expected the whole mess would be wrapped up in a year or so. They unwisely picked a fight and America meet their needs.
I was amazed Bush and Rummy were planning attacks in Iraq. Further, I felt we should pull out of Afghanistan as soon as the immediate threats were removed. I saw the police action in Afghanistan as needed to control the vermin population. Kill the SOB and come home. We tracked down Hitler in less than 4 years in a real war.
Attacking Iraq would produce another Vietnam. Back in the day opponents of the Iraq War were arguing Bush 's Plans, saying this would be exactly what alkada would want "US Forces spread thin and mired in Civil Wars and Nation Building".
Bush 41 was wisely careful to not become involved in Nation Building in the 92 Gulf War. Daddy Bush carefully exercised America's Military under support of the UN and advisement of the Pentagon. The purpose was clear and the loss of life was minimal. We didn't attack Iraq because we didn't want it. I didn't care for Daddy Bush because of families involvement in the Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco. His son W is an idiot who acted in concert with Cheney who is a self absorbed bureaucrat representing Haliburton interests only. Any nation who can withstand the irresponsible leadership of Bush/Cheney and not fold under the pressure is truly strong.
It was here at this point that America took the wrong path. Without support of the United Nations we launched a paranoid attack of Iraq alkada training camps and weapons of mass destruction. Further, Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense argued with the Pentagon about the size of troops needed and money spent. Bush43 exercised little care and based America's involvements upon unrealistic troop numbers, flawed economics of oil revenues to pay for the War, the liberation's of grateful Iraqi citizens and of course the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction and Training Camps of Bogeymen. No matter where you look you find nothing more than blind paranoia mixed with unprovable speculation leading America to needless, senseless conflict. I must admit as I watched the US Marines enter Baghdad and topple the statues of a Madman the mood was positive but, short lived. The people who we liberated were now trying to kill us.
I believe the American people were convinced to enter the Iraq War because of delicate information central to national defense yet, unavailable to the general public. We trusted our government! The War proved to be based solely upon Haliburton revenues producing zip for the citizens of either nation.
Bush/Cheney handed the blame to flawed intelligence from CIA. Had they exercised any restraint upon their own intelligence and required proof positive evidence before going off half cocked the entire War would have been avoided.
The World would be a better safer place if Iraq overthrew their own leaders. Remember, all said and done, Iraq threw shoes at Bush 43 in the end. Bush seem amused at the anger of his shoeless attacker and ignorant of an enraged taxpayer back home.
The Wars dragged on under the Bush/Cheney leadership. There didn't seem to be an end in sight. Eventually, it became apparent that the Rumsfeld Plan was failed and a surge in troops was needed in Iraq.
The Wars dragged on under the Bush/Cheney leadership. There didn't seem to be an end in sight. Eventually, it became apparent that the Rumsfeld Plan was failed and a surge in troops was needed in Iraq.
The Pentagon had been correct in their original assessment of the Senseless Iraq War. A new administration was coming and the new blood would eventually lead to the troop withdraw in Iraq.
At the same time Afghanistan was escalating and rumors were mounting the US might concede the loss. If we did lose the loss would not be in defeating alkada but, in nation building. President Obama authorized more troops to Afghanistan and placed renewed focus on killing Osama bin Laden.
The greatest blow to both wars was the killing of Bin Laden. Even if we pulled out of both wars Bin Laden's death mark US Victory. Not to mention all the others killed or captured through the years. The final chapters in the Middle East have not been written. What is known is the wars against terrorist with bombing and boots on the ground is nothing compared to the power of the Internet.
Just as our Civil Wars in America that took the lives of 650,000 men needlessly. Modern farm machinery of the Industrial Revolution eventually would have brought an end to slavery through technology without the slaughter of so many.
The Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Middle East will be won on the Internet with truth and the power of the people. Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Libya have all thrown out their tyrants in power without US boots on the ground.
The world is a better place because of the truth revealed on the Internet. The Bombshell of Bandwidth is the fear of governments an tyrants around the globe. Even the US government has felt the sting of Wiki leaks exposing the soft underbelly of US espionage. Big Brother may be watching but little brother can see too, for the first time.
The story should end here right? Nope, because this editorial about the tragedy in New York and DC is not a about building collapse, wars or troops or winning or losing.This story is about where America has gone since the distractions of 911. That's right, mere distractions.
We are all aware of the loss of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness bartered casually in the Patriot Act. We long endure the invasions of privacy at airports as TSA workers go about the business of illegal search and seizures. The constant reminder the Patriot Act is reading your mail, listening to phone conversations and monitoring Internet Traffic. The Messages of "if you see something, say something" offered by Homeland Security Paranoia. Spying on the citizens in the interest of National Security. Defying the US Constitution and mockery of the 4th amendment. The focus of a Nation determined to barter your freedom to maintain lucrative foreign trade and immigration policies that bring poverty to the American people. So if you think the editorial is about loss of freedom from the jobless former middle class you'd be wrong again.
The real tragedy of New York and DC began in 1999 with Gramm Leach Bliley legislation passed and signed into law by Bubba Clinton. The story I consider to be far above any building collapse, failed leaders or defiled Constitution. This is the legislation that released the demons sequestered in 1933 Glass Steagall Act that led America out of the Great Depression and into America's Golden Age.
The Gramm Leach Bliley Act that legalized Investment Banks, Commercial Banks and Insurance Underwriters to be operated under a single corporation ownerships. Commonly referred to today as 2big2fail. This law is the core of the 2008 Financial Holocaust that grips our nations economy as hostage. The source of every bailout and bonuses of CEO's across America. The Legislation that provides for some to live in privilege and most to live in poverty.The Hallmark of our Oligopoly System ruling America today.
I'm sure many of you are saying this guys bananas and dropped his Happy Meal. Before you condemn me you should look at the numbers. Compare the costs of both wars overseas and put them together. Include all the costs of Homeland Security that robs your freedom. Hell, throw in the cost of all natural disasters and toss in the entire Federal Deficits. When your done you won't have a figure equal to what Gramm Leach Bliley has stolen from America.
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