22 Years ago Carol Ann passed away in Naples Florida. Carol and I met on Valentines Day 1965 at a Middle School Basketball game. We were both 14 years old. We had a very long run from 65 to 1989.
The GAO report GAO-11-696 dated July 21, 2011 was reported on by Mitoosense August 30, 2011 after an obscure reference noticed on the WEB. ...
Mission Statement
The motivation for this blog is frustrations from inequities in government. We will attempt to offer a viewpoint ignored by professional journalist known as "The Press" Often our frustration with our loss of freedom in the pursuit of happiness can be traced to a core value. The United States Constitution is four pages .The Declaration of Independance One Page. These documents represent everything America is and everything we are not. This blog will be a daily ledger of the events our times at light speed. We will continue to strive for a more perfect union based upon these documents.
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