Virtually all of America missed his intention and focused on Shirely Sherrod the speaker, including myself.
I watched MSNBC talking head Chris Mathews last evening and Chris noted the material included Shirley's disclosure "race was not the issue". Thanks Chris because everyone in America missed the obvious.
Andrew Breitbart interviewed with cameras on, explained his focus was on the laughter in the audience as Shirely made racist statement about the white farmer. His claim the audience seemed pleased when the white farmer's plight was exposed and then silent as Shirely expressed her retractions were validated on the tape. Only Chris Mathews seemed objective about the claim.
Is a retraction with apology in order to Andrew Breitbart? Does information viewed as a reflection of the audience and not Shirley's Speech exonerate his behavior?
The answer is "No" his motives were to discredit people for the color of their nose, as a group. Andrew expected viewers to join him in racism. The tape did not prove whites were not laughing members of the Audience. America completely missed his motives and focused on Shirley Sherrod's partial message.
Andrew Breitbart did exposed the following for the record of this Blog
1. Andrew Breitbart used race to discredit audience members during the speech. We need to eliminate perceived race in America. Highlighting race aggravates the issue further.
2. The Audience displayed racism with laughter and silence when racially cued.
3. The USDA was exposed as incompetent representing the American public when it asked for Shirely Sherrods resignation without investigation.
4. The Obama Administration revealed incompetence is acceptable while perceived racial improprieties is grounds for dismissal. ( a teachable moment Mr President)
5. The NAAACP supported Shirley Sherrods speech and then her dismissal as racist? Whats up with this option. Is the Pot calling the Kettle Black. How can one be supportive of both issues simultaneously? Is the NAAACP agenda clouded in political gain.
6. Nobody expressed interest in either farmer. If the Farmer's were central to the issue, government works!! Our focus should be on the Farmers and did the USDA perform as intended.
7. Shirely Sherrod is not racist and should be compensated for the blatant mistreatment inflicted by the Obama Administration. Public employees should be banned from discussing the Peoples Business to promote personal agendas. We need a law to protect profiteering the Public Business.
8 Chris Mathews is an excellent journalists with intense focus on facts.
9. I have no money so don't sue me.
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