.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................How many lies will we hear before we accept BP as lying British Pirates of the High Seas.
The descendants of Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard the Pirate operate as emissaries of corporate greed, buying, selling corruption in governments around the globe.
Paying for lavish BP trips, where sex and drugs are the accepted itinerary for the Department of Interior M.M.S. employees.
$4.00 a gallon gasoline to refine our US crude. And most frightening wilful reckless Manslaughter of American workers offshore.
Now we're told BP has admitted it lobbied the British Government for Libyan Prisoner Transfer.
This explains the return and release of Pan Am flight 103 Lockerbie, Scotland murderer Abdelo Basset Ali al Megrahi to the Libyan Government in exchange for a lucrative drilling rights to Libyan offshore crude.
Megrahi soul is marred with the deaths of all 259 people of flight 103. BP supported claims the murderer had only three months to live in 2007 from terminal prostrate cancer, therefore should be returned to Libya for eminent burial.
Three years later the murderer is still alive and well living from US oil revenues as our military fights terror around the globe.
BP's mathematics wrong again. It seems BP calculation at the consumer's pump are hugely different when calculating barrels of oil spilled, oil cleaned, money paid to fisherman and now life expectancies of Terrorist Murderers.
Why would anyone believe anything they say. Further, why would you expect anything but lies, deception and twisted numbers in the future.
Crude Oil addiction is destroying America on all fronts. Oil polluting the Gulf of Mexico , Wars in foreign lands and greedy corporate raiders buying politicians and government favor with American consumer's money. Pillage Baby Pillage!!!!!
I urge all Americans to conserve as much oil as possible , but never buy products from BP.
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