We find ourselves in a very complex society today with many challenges. It seems we over spent during the Bush years in every aspect of society, including government. A skyrocketing Stock Market had everyone in America clamoring to spend money from investments.
Everybody participated and everyone should pay. If you made lots of money during these years you should be charged for your share of the fix. Most noticeable was the housing market fueled by the Banksters Derivative Markets legalized in 1999 when 1934 Glass Steagall Act was abolished. The good news here is Glass Steagall worked well for 65 years.
The Banksters lobbied Congress to abolish the 1934 legislation as obsolete and modern day Bankster Philosophy would prevent another Great Depression.
The Banksters failed reveal the main component of the new modern Bankster Philosophy was the US Treasury would give them a trillion dollars that future generations would pay in tax.
Call this Malfeasance Step One. Step one allows the Banksters to invest Bank assets gained from the discount window Treasury into the Stock markets.
Markets Soared to 14,000 DOW as a direct result. Huge salaries were taken and even more obscene bonuses awarded as a result of Glass Steagall abolished. Creating open season on now legal Investment Banksters. The Best and Brightest flourished under the absent Glass Steagall Act legislation. Not only did they flourish, they flaunted their new found wealth with extreme salary and bonuses that were a result of corruption and not abilities. This money is considered their compensation and unbelievably not eligible for clawback
Malfeasance Step Two
The Bailouts:
Up till now American Free Market Capitalism is functioning in America If you fuck up you are bankrupt, stockholders loose. Fortunes made are lost. The penalty for a cavalier unethical business practices. At the pinnacle of step two we find AIG Insurance who underwrote phony worthless insurance for bundled mass of worthless mortgage derivatives. Their clients were the Dirty Dozen Bankster of Wall Street. The phony insurance was needed to acquire the phony bond ratings who are now firmly in the circle of malfeasance. This is crap that the Investment Bankers will refer to as new product.
Its not inventive or original as used car salesmen have been lying in public for years. To the Banksters credit car salesmen never referred to lying as a product.
The sky is falling what ever will we do. The best and brightest did not see the collapse coming. Perhaps their vast intelligence and vision was clouded by all that greed.
In steps the Marxs Brothers, no not Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Zeppo. This time the Banksters screamed for Bush, Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner.
We gave you lots of money and if you don't Bailout AIG (the bagman) we will all surely die a most terrible bankruptcy.
Once AIG was solvent the Banksters could cash in on the worthless security insurance of AIG.
So if the Marxs brothers bailout AIG, the money is paid indirectly back to the Dirty Dozen Banks. Paulson and Bernanke did just that providing an emergency 85 billion in capital to halt the impending bankruptcies of the Dirty Dozen Banksters. The only people who were saved were the very people who brought about the malfeasance. Had we let them go under the economy would rebound and the Mississippi would still flow South and the Easter Bunny would appear in the spring.
Sadly the Marxs Brothers bailed the Banksters out and the debts are now distributed and paid by average Joe. He pays with a his loss of employment and security of his children. The fallout of the bailout is the state and local governments who languished in the spectacular incomes generated by runaway home values are now faced with equally dismal budget shortfalls in property income tax as housing values return to normal and unemployed workers don't pay income tax either.
The Logical Solution is to have the very best and brightest of Investment Banksters fix the shortfall in state and local governments. They were able to save their asses with 800 billion of Bush Tarp money and 860 billion in Obama Stimulus money. A pittance compared to the state shortfall. Let The Dirty Dozen Banksters fix the problem they created or be heavily taxed until the debt is paid
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