The bureaucrats are firing up their political platforms in preparation for the mid- term election. Christmas lists in hand promising the voter he will bring Jobs Jobs Jobs. Three repeats is better than the old outdated duo of drill baby drill.
Were gonna have chicken in every pot claimed Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Even though most Americans were unaware FDR was confined to a wheel chair.
Americans are often protected from the truth to avoid a reality they may not be comfortable supporting.
The feel good promises of jobs and return to prosperity where Banksters and Greed will not be tolerated. Factories overseas will be brought back to America, High Speed Rails will jettison us around the countryside without airport delay and Clean Renewable Energy will be plentiful. Wars will be won ,Guantanamo Prison closed and borders controlled. How could you not want this for everyone.
I find it comforting the candidates really do know what the little people need. This is the reasons the promises are always motivating. Stated somewhat vague, which adds to the mystery. Unfortunately once elected the big people will never tolerate delivery of the platforms promised for the little people.
You see candidates can't deliver because of the inherent codependency Oligarchy imposes upon corporation donation to elected officials. This is the reason why you never have trickle up economics, it's always down.
Once elected they don't give two shits about the little people who serve in the military, and deliver the GDP year after year.
The little people are forced to give up democracy at their employer's doorstep to gain employment.
We live in Oligarchy by default. The little people are not organized and are further distracted by the divisive two party system. The last time we organized was 1776.
Happy Birthday America
The last election where then candidate Obama pounded and pummelled opponents with Yes We Can.
I think most Americans believed the first promise was to bring jobs back to America and create new jobs in Renewable Energy. HOPE for your vote was shamelessly bartered..
Like a dream come true Obama 44 was elected.
Now we begin with tools to implement his vision. 860 billion Stimulus and Recovery Act passed. Add this to TARP 350 billion of leftovers from Bush and Paulson. You now have over a trillion dollars of diluted currency whose real value is unknown. Surely, we can all return to work now.
Remember the words Shovel Ready, America has work that needs done or High Speed Rails. But that's not what happened to the money. Obama instead makes huge investments in Education Reform he also promised. Not as often and not at forefront of his agenda.
Obama believes education will create a sound economy. The truth has always been the sound economy produces higher eduction. If Obama had put everyone back to work education would directly benefit. Same for Healthcare. The economy and jobs should have been at the forefront of priorities not Healthcare.
Fix the economy first and social programs can flourish in the wealth it creates. Once the politician is elected we have no idea what direction he may lead first. The legislation passed thus far during Obama's tenure has not benefited the little people.
The focus is on a strong Oligarchy style Banking /Wall Street economy, supported by a corrupt Treasury and Federal Reserve. The spend your way out of debt Oligarchy philosophy has enriched the wealthiest Americans and nothing for Joe the Plumber.
Noble ideas of Utopian society where healthcare and education are free and nobody works is offered. Everyone will have a degree and nobody works. Everyone's a Cheif and no Indians.
Since Obama took office we have witnessed the lack of accountability in the highest levels of government. SEC and MMS downloading porn while pulling down $250000 a year in tax money.
BP pollutes the planet and our government helplessly watches.
Banksters steal the wealth in obscene bonus booty approved by our Treasury.
One swindler from Wall Street steals 55 billion dollars and a single person goes to jail.
Not the Utopia we all voted for. Maybe the little people are tired and just want the Banksters, Insurance and Auto executives to leave the country for Europe where they can practice Pre Magna Carta economics freely. Don't worry about the little people here, we'll be just fine!!!!
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