Today America was blessed with words of wisdom from the great orator Barack Hussein Obama. The teachable moment was to kickoff the Criminal Immigration sausage making reform awaiting congressional favor. The president wasted no time in qualifying any Republican push back as partisan.
They always call it reform because reform implies that there is a systemic problem to be corrected. One can only come to this conclusion by avoiding basic facts. Such as, if Bush had not let 22 million illegals in the country; the country would not have this huge problem. This is an American problem of pure bureaucratic neglect. The Bush economic engine relied on worthless mortgage derivatives illegal in 1999 and subservient illegal labor to run the economy aground.
After the attack on September 11, 2001 you would think border security would be at the top of our priorities. Seems logical.
What I have seen of reform thus far is abandoning the former system suffering only from bureaucratic neglect. Favoring a new bureaucratic policy yet to be ignored. If your not following my thoughts are : there was nothing inherently wrong with the original system other than it was ignored by government long enough to become a huge gangrenous epidemic of neglect. (2big2fail)
This was true of September 11, 2001 attack, The Banking Failure, Uncontrolled Borders, Immigration, Health care Reform and the latest failure of the Department of Interior's infamous Deepwater Horizon debacle or the Pentagons more recent Rolling Stone articles.
They always call it reform because reform implies that there is a systemic problem to be corrected. One can only come to this conclusion by avoiding basic facts. Such as, if Bush had not let 22 million illegals in the country; the country would not have this huge problem. This is an American problem of pure bureaucratic neglect. The Bush economic engine relied on worthless mortgage derivatives illegal in 1999 and subservient illegal labor to run the economy aground.
After the attack on September 11, 2001 you would think border security would be at the top of our priorities. Seems logical.
What I have seen of reform thus far is abandoning the former system suffering only from bureaucratic neglect. Favoring a new bureaucratic policy yet to be ignored. If your not following my thoughts are : there was nothing inherently wrong with the original system other than it was ignored by government long enough to become a huge gangrenous epidemic of neglect. (2big2fail)
This was true of September 11, 2001 attack, The Banking Failure, Uncontrolled Borders, Immigration, Health care Reform and the latest failure of the Department of Interior's infamous Deepwater Horizon debacle or the Pentagons more recent Rolling Stone articles.
The speech reminded the viewer the Reforms should be centered at the source of the neglect. The source being The Obama Administration Cabinet. If the Treasury, Interior and Justice Departments did their jobs instead of downloading porn, Reforms would not be required. No mention was noted to reforming the Obama Cabinet. We need accountability in government not reforms. Reforms are kicking the can down the road further. We need to enforce the laws we have before attempting to add more laws.
The delivery of the message was first rate and every American should be proud we have a leader and not a decider. The President skillfully slipped from a detached observer declaring obvious problems that we all are aware, to discounting opposing options as problematic. Leaving the listener with his very narrow agenda of change.
After careful speech examination you will find the Presidential Policies firmly on the fence awaiting another to carry the ball across the goal. The consummate politico exit strategy.
Some of the highlights were proclaiming victory for Education Reform. (borrowed money) Clean Energy requiring Government Motors with higher CAFE Standards. Healthcare reform at our expense (taxation without representation) as seized money by your employer.
And bending our ears with the immaculate taxation Financial Reform pending congressional votes. This is legislation that legalizes theft by the Banksters and attempts to place limits on the thefts covered by insurance. ( hahaha).
We are getting things done. The big question is ; does anyone want the change?
Honorable mentions were, Albert Einstein, (atomic bomb) Nickolai Tesla (electric motor), Serge Brin (google) and Andrew Carnegie (steel). All immigrants. He fails to mention they were all legal European immigrants and the contributions of illegal immigrant is still at zero.
He also never mentioned Barack Hussein Obama Sr. who had the opportunity for citizenship but declined. Barack Obama has seven siblings from four partners that his father equally neglected.
He described the Arizona Law as divisive. He never refers to the law as illegal or the pending Federal Litigation in support of Non Americans. Nor does he demand the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens leave the country and enter legally.
He described the Arizona Law as divisive. He never refers to the law as illegal or the pending Federal Litigation in support of Non Americans. Nor does he demand the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens leave the country and enter legally.
The President further advised there were 11 million free ranging criminal aliens in America. This number is similar to the volume of barrels of toxic goo spewing into the Gulf of Mexico is based upon pure fabrication. Neither he nor his Cabinet knows how many or where from.
Obama fail to mention the illegal worker is a huge benefit to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street without the burdens of bureaucratic entitlements. The illegal worker in America energizes the economy illegally while the Administration flaunts our American Economy at the G-8 or G-20 conferences as desirable to third world countries. Our dirty little secret and Un-American.
The President reminds us he has dispatched more troops to the southern border to stop the hemorrhaging border.
In addition the President offers his proposed illegal Pathway to Citizenship which is
1. Register
2. Pay tax and fine
3. Learn English
4. Earn Citizenship
I find this profoundly backwards and defies the law of the land he pledged to defend by Constitutional Oath of Office. Our ancestors were;
1. Earn Citizenship (wait your turn and respect our borders)
2. Register
3. Learn English
4. Pay Tax and Fines.
He closes his speech with patriotic references to the Statue of Liberty and the contributions of immigrants in America. I think it important to note; the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France and has no place in our US Constitution or the visions of our founders
The illegal aliens does not want citizenship because he cannot compete on a level playing field once he must pay tax and included in all benefits of a legal worker. It is his illegal status that gives him the unfair advantage over his legal counterpart. He lowers the standard of living of all Americans and forces wages to falsely plummet. He enjoys our freedom without the intense surveillance of The Patriot Act
The illegal aliens does not want citizenship because he cannot compete on a level playing field once he must pay tax and included in all benefits of a legal worker. It is his illegal status that gives him the unfair advantage over his legal counterpart. He lowers the standard of living of all Americans and forces wages to falsely plummet. He enjoys our freedom without the intense surveillance of The Patriot Act
The illegal immigrant sends his money across the border out of reach of the IRS or Pork Stealing Congress. He will buy a home in his country and live well at our considerable expense
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