The health care bill was not positive reform for the American people. A noble idea but, in the end makes health insurance a mandatory tax and forces employees to be subservient to Oligarchy Corporate Employers through seized payroll deduction.
Your government is forcing you to pay for coverage and empowers the insurance companies with uncontrolled costs.
The more Insurance can spend the more they charge. It encourages waste in a non capitalism socialist enterprise. Health care Reform separates you from direct control over your money! It's like sending your neighbor to buy you a car. You have no control over the price paid, quality of the car or even size of the vehicle.
Financial Reform permits the Banksters uncontrolled access to the assets of American wealth and legalizes 2big2fail. The Dirty Dozen Banks and Auto Czars have been ordained by Congress to a Monarchy Status.
Immigration Reform is a Pathway to Cheap labor and not a humanitarian effort to elevate free ranging criminal aliens to citizenship.
Our government tells us they want to give us free housing . In the end we get government housing. Noble ideas ,but in the end cause American Federal Government to grow ever further out of control, away from the voter it serves.
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