The mid term elections are a chance for the average guy to make his reform known.
I think this is an excellent time for each voter to determine what he wants in reform rather than ordering off the Democratic or Republican menus.
We have been voting from the menu for years and the benefits are zilch, unless your a corporate raider or similar carpetbagger. I personally have along list of reforms and changes in the political landscape.
1. Open Primary Election is at the top of my list. I believe open primary is the first step in 200 years that could return freedom and power of government back to the voter and away from Oligarchy Government.
If your unsure about Open Primary your not alone, it's new or new to me. The basics are a single primary that produces a limited number on the ballot for the General Election Day. Could be two, but a like five, I've always been different. The more people on the ballot the more money it takes to buy the election. It could also produce NO party affiliations of Democrat or Republican. The candidates capturing the most votes are on the ballot. I really like this idea.
Ancient Greeks abandoned voting and went to a lottery system where names were literally drawn from a hat. Seems they experienced buying elections were a flaw to Democracy also.
2. Bank Reforms that separate government from banking I favor. We have separation of church and state and I think we need to get government out of our personal banking. Laissez faire approach to our freedoms in the Fourth Amendment. If they want to continue surveillance on Corporate Banking that's acceptable. They need to be watched ,not me.
3. No more Corporate Welfare, bailouts or subsidies. If your 2big2fail then your 2big. Let Corporations regardless of size or history go under take their medicine and deal with the fallout afterwards. Bailouts perpetuate the wealth and impede the much needed correction. Everybody put on their long pants and Man Up.
4. No more tax deductions of any sort. Simplify the payment of tax and eliminate the IRS.
5. Eliminate the Patriot Act as a obstruction to the US Constitution.
6.Phase out Social Security and rely on personal Retirement Bank accounts out of reach of government from reform #2 above.
7. Eliminate your state Operators Drivers License as an Tracking Surveillance number. Your Drivers License is to promote safe driving habits and not government tracking number. Its not for ID or cashing checks. Why in the name of Deity would anyone endorse a law with mandatory jail sentence for driving without a license. Its like doing time for walking on the grass at the state house for Gods Sakes......
8. Prohibit anyone including government from deducting money from your payroll check.
This includes Healthcare Insurance, Retirement and Income Taxes.
9. Abolish Mandatory Insurance of any kind including Auto and Health.
10. Secure our borders and require all applicants for citizenship speak English and pass High School GED test. Abolish guest or migrant workers. If you want cheap labor go to Mexico and grow food and build factories.

11. Pass zoning laws requiring forclosed homes to be sold within 90 days or be razed as a nuisance.
Stop legislation that strengthens Corporate domination over the voter. We all know its leading in the Wrong Way
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