Monopoly is a game invented in 1935 during the First Great Depression. The game attempts to bring satire to the modest current events of the day. The game no doubt invented by my Grandparents generation is played extensively by all generations since.
The game can be played by numerous players with one appointed to be the Banker. You gotta watch the Banker as this guy always cheats. We all know the game ends when one persons owns everything, usually the Banker. Everyone else is in the poor house just like real capitalism. Being the Banker is not an advantage if played honestly, just like real life. The Banker is more of a community service appointment.
What I find interesting is the game has changed little even though the our laws and economy has changed substantially since 1999.
The first thing you will note is there is no evidence of inflation. Boardwalk, Park Place and Go all have the very same monetary values today. This is largely because the printed script is the same. The amount of script in 1935 is the very same in 2010.
The reason being is; even though there is a Banker there is no Federal Reserve, to print more money. If there were a federal reserve then an eraser would be required to play the game fairly as more currency would constantly change all values. If there were a FED discount window the Banker would always win, spoiling the entertainment value and unfair to other players. The Banker would never exhaust his money and all other players would soon learn that as Banker's money increased their money was devalued.
In 1935 we had the 1934 Glass Steagall Act which made it unlawful for Bankers to take money from the FED and invest in the Stock Market. If the game had a stock market, hedge funds would appear and again the game would be unfair not to mention never end. Fair play is central to the games success. All players are given the same amount of script to start the game. There are no rules which allow certain people privilege. A level playing field is shared by all players.
The Banker receives no bonuses for his access to all the money. He does not own GO or invest in properties other than his own. There are penalties however in Community Chest and Chance for taxes, interest, hospital and jail. These bring more reality to the game as does free cards and dividends pay outs. The money accrued goes to the center of the board where all player have access through Free Parking for the public good. The Banker receives no fee for each exchange of money or transfers. Nor does he profit from another players bankruptcy or capture his wealth. The rules don't require a player to purchase property or arbitrarily pay rent unless of course he lands on that particular square already owned.
To recreate a similar model of Monopoly today of the Second Great Depression or Greater Depression would be impossible. To reflect today's Depression would require a rule book of Healthcare Proportions.
The only people to play the new version are Banksters that would be viewed as the Purple Gang in 1935. Today's Banksters yesterdays criminal sums it well.
Public Announcement from Obama declare "It's all legal" are correct, but far from Epiphany
The Regan Administration that broke unions and deregulated Savings and Loans in 1980 brought on the $160 billion dollar bailout of Bush the First Silverado Fiasco.
The proposed NAFTA (signed into law by Slick Willy Clinton) by Bush the first is destroying the middle class wealth.
The abolished Glass Steagall Act in 1999 signed by Slick Willy Clinton opened the door to Americas Second Great Depression in 2007, but not until the Banksters had filled all their greedy pockets.
Now if you thought it just couldn't be worse the Bankster who just derailed the economy are now asking Henry Paulson for welfare enrichment or Bush the Second's Parker Bros economy will fail.
The lies cheating and deception of Bush the second's administration is beyond the grasp of the average citizen. No liquidation no losses to shareholders as the wealthy were sheltered from bankruptcy Court's.
Then Obama follows the Corporate Welfare with a new name of Stimulus. Hand Feeding the wealthy in America.
The US Treasury today claims many of the Banksters Bailouts have been repaid to the Treasury. The TARP report published by the US Treasury indicates much of the money was forgiven, offering reconciled not Paid in Full as Bernanke's flagrant misspoken.
The money paid to AIG (the bagman) will never be repaid or reconciled. This money was paid by AIG to the Dirty Dozen Banks as insurance coverage on the phony mortgage derivative schemes.
To claim the money is repaid is a disgrace to the taxpayer. Remember GM tried the same crap claiming they also repaid their debt. It didn't fly.
As a gesture of some closure Goldman Sachs agrees to pay a 550 million dollar fine for lying to customers buying stock.
A shot of cheap wine for a raging alcoholic. The gave, donated thirty times this amount away in 2009 bonuses to the ignorant fools who knocked the wheels off our economy.
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