The man tells him he's a fiscal conservative.
The child knows the man obtained the diapers by charging others and followed with claims of benevolence as the diaper to be, "his gift."
The child will be confronted with free many times in his life. Including education, healthcare, food stamps, medicines, electric wheel chairs and bathtubs all free, presumably.
Carpetbagging scoundrels line up to mark up the free entitlements. The recipients will never see the true costs or realize they will eventually pay for with interest from the billion dollar day national debt maintenance. The debt total accrues at nearly 4 billion daily.
Even military budgets are invaded with carpetbagger mercenaries such as Blackwater and Haliburton with no- bid contracts. Good work if you can get it, relax you can't.
The fact the the diaper was made halfway around the world to be pandered free is another issue known as "Free Trade". There's that word again.
The child, wise beyond his years knows he will pay for everything this man has enjoyed for the rest of his life. This man unwisely spent all his money and the child's father's money and now seeks the child's income to quell his greedy appetite. The man gave the child a number at birth to insure repayment obligations are fulfilled. The number referred as Social Security is neither.
The man lives a life of privilege at the child expense. The man also claims he keeps the child safe from attack. The truth being the Child actually protects the man. The man claims to be concerned for the declining "Family Values". (means your not working hard enough) The man has no history of any evidence in "Valuing Families".
The man causes each generation to work longer hours while it creates a bigger government to be sold as more free stuff. It's an easy sell as most people quickly fall for free. This is known in Economics 101 as "The Freefall". After all "Free" is your right in the US Constitution,right?
See if you can find it. The only free reference in the constitution is "free speech", everyone is expected to work or starve and sometimes both. Freedom is mentioned many times but not free. If free won't sell, rights are used as a backup to seal the deal. Americans are living off the crumbs of bureaucracy as the carpetbaggers amass obscene wealth from distribution of the free Oligarchy carrots, If the product was cycled through the government you will pay10 times premium. Even unemployment payments cycled through Bank of America enriches the Bank. We own the Bank and fund same with money from the US Treasury.
The number (all Americans have one now) is part of a bigger lie known as Social Security. Social Security is neither as most things free are eventually revealed as a expenditure.
I remember when I got my SS number I was 14 years 6 months of age and I asked for the number. I have a vivid recollection of this day because I had to catch a bus downtown to the school board of all places and request my number. I had to have this number as part of my condition of hire to bag groceries at the market. I was barely legal to work according to child labor laws of the day. The minimum wage was $1.00 per hour and coincidentally that's the very same amount they agreed to pay for my bagging skills. Uno on my resume. I was soon promoted to the produce department but the wage remained $1.00 per hour. Six months later I was living the dream on a brand new motorcycle. $393.00 cash.
My first contribution to the American economy. I had to obtain two certification to drive. The first was an Operators Permit proving your ability to drive and Plates or Tags to prove I paid property tax and sales tax. Insurance was not required. The driver was responsible by law for property damage and liability in court. Should you be judged liable the courts would force you to pay the entire damages awarded. Bankruptcy was your only option to stop the courts from taking your property and seize your wages. Very simple system and worked well.
I questioned the need for the SS number as retirement was not in my foreseeable future. When I got my first check I noticed some of my money was deducted. Some for FICA but also other deductions for taxes etc. The revelation revealed the SS numbers real use was a tax tally to charge every American for the free stuff in society.
State Laws have required mandatory auto insurance for some time. Mandatory Auto insurance pretty much guarantees a frivolous law suit will be filed for even minor fender benders.
More clog for justice.
Just recently, States now can seize both your Operators License and Plates without reimbursement compensation for not paying the auto insurance extortion carpetbaggers. In addition fines assessed on your tag and operator's license for same. Second time is 1 years suspension and third offense is jail time in the big house The Greybar Hotel. All for not giving your money away to the Oligarchy Extortion Insurance. The way you get caught is stupid easy as the Oligarchy Insurance Extortionist notify the State your delinquent and pull your tags license and impose fines and jail.
I find this particularly offensive when the hand that feeds is bitten by the beggar. This collusion between Insurance Pandering and the Banksters blurs the line of government. Begging the questions of Who is working for whom as a disturbing reality.
Thou shalt not redeem transport insurance. The eleventh commandment.
We now throw people in jail for not buying insurance. Is driving without a license a crime committed worthy of incarceration. No accident, no intoxication ,no points for bad driving habits and jail time for not paying insurance extortion is not law it's a crime against humanity.
The truth here is your operator's License is how they track Americans. Without the license tracking is impossible. This explains proposed legislation allowing the 22 million criminal free ranging aliens an Operators License . Further evidence they want you to have a license so they can sell you insurance and track you at the same time. More revenue for the bureaucrats and carpetbaggers.
Now we have mandatory healthcare insurance. More legalized extortion and soon we will be building Healthcare insurance prison next to the Auto insurance prisons, good for our economy. Now Imagine your one of the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens pillaging America. The government wants to give you a pathway to citizenship which will require you to loose your freedom and forced to pay taxes as the government tracks your every move. Would you want to be a citizen? Long ago we had enormous empires built on steel, railroads, oil, auto and chemistry turning the economy in the American Industrial revolution. Quicker than it began the golden age slipped away in a very short 100 years and most of it in my lifetime. I'm one of those people who did not experience the First Great Depression but I heard about it, nonstop for twenty years of people screaming in my ear "you don't know what it's like".
In the midst of the Second Great Depression or Greater Depression (your choice) I'm beginning to realize what I missed, "Nothing"
"Nothing" describes the First and Second Great Depressions. Similar to Monopoly the game is over for all the enormous industries of Americas golden age. The Banksters Won it all. They cheated as they always will. They own everything through consumption, elimination and bribery.
The game will now reset to kids born from 1980 on, known as Generation Y. These people have the many things in their favor to succeed. Ordained as the first generation to have less than the preceding generation will add a new dimension of persistence along with less debate on the perceived advantages of some.
They are the best educated and therefore least dependant on manufacturing skilled labor jobs. God help them if they try this avenue. Also they have the legacy of the World War Two Generation to follow as roll models and the infamous Boomers Generations mistakes to avoid at all costs. My advice is 1. never shoot all the Buffalo
2. be in diversified in every available commerce
3. balance the budget as you balance the wealth
4. Initiate mandatory community 2 year service for all Americans. Service allows for all access to the GI Bill. Eventually everyone will be covered by Veterans Healthcare,
5. Term Limits for the Senate.
6, reinstate abolished Glass Steagall Act.
7. Abolish the IRS and Social Security. Seal The Borders and strengthen Immigration requirements as a element of National Defense.
8. Abolish the Patriot Act.
9. Eliminate all legislation that separates the citizens from any form of commerce with government regulation in between.
It's Game On In America and good luck!!
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