We race cars, boats, people, horses and virtually anything that moves can be raced. Including slow races for pigs, frogs and sailboats.
We find races without classes boring. Without competition race lacks significant entertainment value.
The word is a Spanish derivative of razza transformed into English in 1580.
Necessity being the mother of invention the definition always precedes the word itself. Meaning, we don't invent words until the need appears.
In 15oo's the world became smaller as explorers like Christopher Columbus began stitching humanity on Earth into a single species.
Isolated groups of common descent evolved in separate distinctive characteristics. People of foreign descent were amazed when the Pyramid s of Egypt were first viewed.
Mayans invented the calendar but not the wheel.
In the beginning segregation was a product of natural evolution, not selection.
Because of barriers of natural resources, mountain and oceans humanity did not enter the Cuisinart until trans ocean exploration.
Slavery is known to all civilizations of people in every corner of the world. Sadly, human trafficking still endures today in some parts of the globe. Slavery went international in the 1500s by Portuguese Sailors.
Our DNA celebrates our human diversity. Sometimes positive and sometimes not so much. Just as some people really like red cars others prefer green or blue. Detroit responds with various colors for every discriminating taste. All human senses exhibit unexplained natural discrimination. Vision ,Smell Sounds, Touch and Taste produce immediate discrimination of like or dislike. It's the way we all roll. We discriminate daily without race, "surprise"
We relish some of us may run faster while others excel in mathematics. Just as we celebrate our achievements, we tend to deny our shortcomings as part of our genetic code. We recognize cars built for the drag race will not perform well on a dirt track. People aren't any different. Doesn't mean one is better than another.
Some people grew in different dimensions of need. If your family came from Mountain Zones you probably lack skills in your genetic code for fishing swimming and boating. It just wasn't required due to limited water supply. It would most likely make people from higher elevation better genetic hunters. It does not mean you cannot fish or learn to build a boat.
Other quirks and behaviors are learned or taught. Do you put on both socks and then shoes or are you one of these weird people who alternate back and and forth, one sock and then shoe etc? Some of us do.
If you were raised in my house in Indiana by a two timing Marine Corp Veteran (South Pacific 41 thru 45 and Korean Conflict 5o to 53) you were taught to pay your own way, never ask for anything , charity was a disgrace, be independent and the only Shakespeare he new was "never a lender or borrower be".
The ONLY MARCHING HE DID WAS AGAINST THE JAPANESE AND CHINA. He didn't identify with anyone who marched on Washington, DC or protested anything he defended with his life. He naturally felt that serving first and then complain was in order. He rarely complained or I was never exposed to belly aching whining. Can't argue the logic.
I'm not sure if he was a racist. I do know that both he and I qualify by today's standard as racists. To disagree with the perceived plight of others is now deemed racist. It is a charge for which there is no known defense or clear definition. You are charged and that's it your guilty. But, But ,But you mutter to yourself.
Declaring my brother is lazy and ignorant may be offensive, but is debated on the presented facts alone. This statement is acceptable dialog in America and gets no national discussion.
If my brother is charged similarly by another individual and if there is the perceived presents of race, then facts are no longer deemed important. The Race Card is then substituted and becomes the Trump Card in American Law today.
Remember we're talking about the same person here. I know this, because he's my brother.
Charging others of similar characteristics can be described as racist but again based solely on the perceived presents of the race phenomenon. Such accusation may be deemed grounds for a hate crime. If the imaginary race gods deem race is present at the time. Again only when there is the perceived presents of race. You must therefore, be a racist to prosecute racism. There must be recognition of race first. Reinforcement of the "takes one to know one"analogy.
Here in lies the mistake which is the fulcrum of the Race Card.
Both accusations share the "TWO's" 2eyes, 2ears, 2legs, 2arms.
Therefore, it could be, it's not the color of your eyes, hair or nose I object to, it's your conduct I find reprehensible.
We don't throw people in jail for the color of their hair, eyes or nose. We convict them of crimes in a court of law regardless of their eyes, hair or nose.
Most people will agree although not all; it's the nose color that is the source of racism in America. Eyes and hair aren't factors in race or racism in America.
The greatest racist of all the infamous Adolph Hitler exterminated million in Germany and the color of ones nose was not a determining factor. He hunted and killed for various imaginary doctrines accepted in the day. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
In Ireland nose color is unimportant. The Irish kill and mame for reasons of Catholic vs Protestant Religion.
America was recently attacked by a group claiming to be of religious Jihad against America. America is not a theocracy and therefore finds it difficult to hate based upon religion. We just don't roll that way.
If your gonna hate all of the above are acceptable motives to the nose color alternative. If I've left any haters out my apologies I tried to include all of you.
Declaring my brother is smarter and excels is also viewed as racist, but only when their is the perceived presents of race.
My sister is another story because all sisters are female (we think). Sex is much easier to define and therefore doesn't receive the national discussion of race.
Race is as abstract as DNA.
I further concede to those who are not family members that may read this editorial, there is real racism in America and the courts are not always fair when verdicts are rendered. (see OJ trials)
My claim is race exist in the confines of ones mind only. Take this test. Ask yourself:
"do you see all people in America as your competition regardless of family, gender or nose color"?
If the answer is "yes" I compete with all humanity, then your not racist (your safe) On the other hand if you see some people on your side then your a big problem in America.
The photo above was selected because the car represents the only evidence race exist at all. Race is a human invention in the mind. Racism also lives in the mind and has no place in reality. It does exist on every government form in America, check your box accordingly, "WHY" I ask. Why does the box exist and what is it's use and to whom.
America made it's peace with England over the Revolutionary War, The Indians for Indian Wars and needs to stop perceived reparations for the Civil War. The Civil War ended and we should focus on a better future rather than lamenting on past mistakes regardless of how heinous.
The charge of Federal Government is providing a level playing field to all Americans. Granting "Special Rights" is Discrimination, unfair to all and promotes the incompetence we see in government.
Recently the Black Panthers armed at a Pennsylvania Poll Place attempted to discourage some voters from voting. Our Attorney General Eric Holder has done nothing to prosecute the Black Panthers an obvious decision clouded by his race. He cannot see because, he does not know. He should be fired. He will however, file suit against the state if Arizona to protect Free ranging criminal illegal aliens.
Some groups were asked "why did you not express outrage against the panther's as expressions of hate'? The leaders of groups who's very agenda is founded in equality were quoted on national news cycles " the panthers conduct was not their charge" indicating they seek equality for only some people. This logic is segregation and if we all look back to the days of segregated tribalism in America we can see segregation is where race began.
More failure from our government and the Obama Cabinet. I supported Obama and expect change, it's not his prerogative, it's the law.
I support my President, but I will not vote for him in 2012. I'm not a happy camper.
This week we are confronted with ironic Karma as the Obama Cabinet lashes out at one of it's own. We have come full circle in perceived racial tension. Race as well as Treasury, USDA, Justice, Interior and Pentagon are out of control. Long time issues of government corruption ignored for another 18 months. Every facet of government is revealing decades of more rot and decay.
I'm concerned our President is not in control and someone should step in soon and cover the Big Button before some idiot kills us all.
Certainly our President is one of the most intelligent men in history. His challenge is comparable to his role model Abraham Lincoln. Overwhelming would be underestimating his problems.
I think the world of the President and love him like a brother, but I will not vote for him.
Racism is a nagging arthritis in comparison to the huge problems of the economy, illegal immigration, the banksters, two foolish wars and energy addiction issues on life support in critical care.
If you believe in majority rule, gay marriage and perceived racism are priorities to only a few. While every American shares a part in war and the economy.
Race is defined as a product of biology. In America race has morphed into an industry for financial gain for a select few. Overwhelming the core value of an anti discrimination agenda.
The name Shirely Sherrod will now share a place in American History with Rosa Parks.
Both Shirely and Rosa are tied to racial discrimination and of the same race. Although at opposite ends of the spectrum. If you did not believe in reverse or false discrimination then the name Shirley Sherrod should change your mind.
Even though Shirely Sherrod was not guilty of any discrimination that we are aware. She shares her charges of discrimination with millions of Americans who have been falsely accused of racism.
The despicable use of false racial accusation gets no national discussion. Racial profiling is commonly pedalled by groups and other carpetbagging Reverend this or Reverend that to enrage segments of the general population. Perceived segregation is constantly in the news cycles whether real or imagined.
For the record Shirley Sherrod was not guilty and joins millions falsely accused. The difference that singles out Shirely Sherrod is her nose color is perceived and associated with being the victim. When reverse discrimination rears its ugly head it rarely gets any attention, until Shirely Sherrod. Man bites dog scenario is big news.
Personally, I'm glad the Shirely Sherrod wrongful firing received national attention. This case has exposed the ugly truth that while discrimination in America has severe legal repercussion. False/Reverse discrimination hasn't any negative responses.
We clearly see an inept U.S.D.A. blindly requesting resignation without a speck of investigation is a crime in itself. Shirely begged the USDA to not expose their ignorance.
At the end of the day she did what anyone in her position would do, she resigned knowing full well her confident legal position. To those who say Shirely's firing was not about race are mistaken. This is all about race and how it is being used as leverage to gain what one does not deserve. The source is reported to be a white male who is not being accused or held accountable to any standard.
One could make the claim the white males motives were racist or sexist. The truth is probably buried in a political agenda of a very twisted sick white male and race or sex was used as merely a vehicle of attack. Not to mention the abuse of the first amendment by media who report, but do not verify fact. False witness is not protected under the first amendment and apology and retractions by media are not acceptable closure to their reckless reporting. Media should fined by the FCC and suit brought in these most extreme cases. If perceived racial attacks are considered hate crimes then logic would require false accusations should also be dealt with under the same law.
I do concede this issue is not about discrimination, which is usually the case in racism.
I ask a more obvious questions of "Why is the USDA empowered with saving any farmer, black or white. Why do we empower a corrupt system to take money from one person and give money to another. Is this charity or creating frivolous employment for more USDA bureaucracy. How much money is spent to maintain the systems of all entitlement giveaway programs of Congress. Skimming the public storehouse is big business in Oligarchy America.
The foolish pundits who claim there is only discrimination and false/reverse discrimination is merely a double negative. These people live in a perfect Utopia which the human race has not evolved to or earned. They refuse to accept genetic codes are reflections in stereotypes both positive and negative. They forsake accountability and substitute the more reliable crutch of racism in denial. This idealism has never won a war or placed men on the moon.
Shirley Sherrod will be forever known as the Poster Child for False/Reverse Discrimination. She now joins a select group of those who can see the difference between preference and hatred.
The wisdom of Solomon would declare, the real issue here is giving taxpayer's money away.
The man who fired Shirely was not racist, he was overwhelmingly incompetent and should be fired also. Ironically the guilty are not asked to resign, only the innocent Shirely Sherrod.
Tragic evidence, incompetence is acceptable in the Obama Cabinet and perceived racial improprieties are grounds for immediate dismissal.
Seems as though running the government poorly is secondary to imaginary radical racial equality standards.
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