Americans are told to wait patiently for their benefits to slowly drip from the welfare office. Sober up or sleep in the streets was the Republican slogan less than a year ago. They will spin Bush Covert Criminal Immigration Doctrine into their proposed plan to prosperity. Nobody is proposing an end to legal immigrants who obey laws and play by the rules. We all object to those who enter our Country Illegally and have no respect for fences laws or personal property. These ghost workers seem to be those most desirable to conservatives.
They will fight to privatise Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid as the best for citizens welfare. Privatising these programs will only bring vast wealth to their cronies, The Pharaoh's of Wall Street. I love the way these dried up old farts toss around words like fighting. We're lucking if their not on vacation.
The conservative electorate will be blindly led into the next election based upon imaginary issues of the last election. Always one election behind. The focus is always directed to the current administration in power, highlighting birth certificates and blue dresses having no impact on running our Democracy.
The majority independent voters who quietly sit and listen to both sides are amazed at how little discussion their is devoted to an actual plan going forward.
Two years ago I urged voters to ignore what the candidates said and instead focus upon what they didn't claim. What they did not say is precisely what they don't wish to reveal. . Still makes good logic two years later.
This election I will add that we should ask voters to query candidates on what they will not do. Past candidates have always promoted a platform of flag waving patriotic promises garbled in fairy tales of change with little if any substance. Seems reasonable to ask what they won't do, because asking what the intend to do is always as vague as Change or Hope or Hope for Change.
Maybe, if we read between the lines and demand to know what they will not do, we might puncture their prepared speeches with the light of truth.
We know the Liberals will spin a doctrine of a bigger government that only serves you and cuts out the markup offered in 2big2fail private enterprise. Both Conservatives and Liberals handed out TARP money to undeserving corporations. The problem here is they always place your benefits with your employer and the Congress then pulls the strings of employers who in turn jerks your chain to work harder, longer and for less wages because you lack imaginary skills and education.
Employer based deduction separate the consumer from his purchase power, with the government and employer firmly between you and spending your money. Much like sending a neighbor to buy you a car without knowledge of make, model value of the car and most cases without telling you how much you paid for the car.
I propose if they ended employer based health care completely and allowed interstate competition in Health Care Carriers the result would be affordable and better care as in the 1960's. Ditto for Social Surveillance
I feel disappointed in Obama and will not vote for him again. The Obama Care Employer Based Mandatory Unconstitutional Health Care is the reason. Beyond Obama Care everything he did afterwards is off the table moot, even though Frank-Dodd Act was nearly as bad for America. Frank-Dodd recognizes Investment Banking and Legalizes 2big2fail. Investment Bankers are needed to lead us into a World Economy of Corporate Blur between Governments and Commerce known as the WTO.
Investment Banking is the tool that allows government to control the worlds Wealth, Assets and Resources instead of controlling the Worlds Borders. It's the first attempt of World Domination of Wealth rather than Real Estate. If you own the Real Estate you must feed the people.
We see the beginnings of this new World Order as The US ignores it's Southern Border in Covert Immigration that protect foreign invaders cloaked in imaginary civil rights. World Trade will not be free trade as the Titans of Wall Street indenture the world population to slavery and a poisoned planet of industrial waste.
Now is the time to change our system not elect more bureaucrats. Vote for honesty in 2012.
Posted April 25, 2011
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