This event marks dirty deal # 001. Europeans 1 Delaware Indians 0 scored. There is no record of alcohol involved but historians have not ruled out the peace pipe in the deal.
This transaction was needed to secure the Dutch as legitimate landowners and therefore exempt from retaliation from local Indians. They wished to pillage New York in peace. The first US eviction was completed.
This was not the first visit to Manhattan. The value of the furs and farming was clear to the Dutch. The first haul back to Netherlands was well worth the costs of exporting from the New World and the $24.00 dollars capital investment. The Indians would prove to be a problem for the next 200 years.The Delaware Indians were pushed further and further West until they confronted the Pacific Ocean. Then forced North into what is now South West Canada.
The dirty deals continued for the next 400 years. So profitable, the thieves of Wall Street erected a huge Board to keep track of all the money stolen. They call the board the exchange. There is no accounting for the losses. I'm sure if losses were tabulated the Delaware Indians would garner top spot on the lost column. The Indians all agree it's not an exchange.
With the Indians gone they were now forced to swindle each other. There was so much money being stolen the Government became involved pumping tax money into the Railroads. The Railroads would have a good run for a hundred years then sent to pasture with the Indians. Eventually, we will all end up on the reservation. It's how we roll in America.
The Auto Industry is a good example of how Titans gobble up the competition forming huge corporations like GM. General Motors bought up Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Buick. The Giant leveraged Packard, Cord and Studebaker onto the industrial reservation. This continues until the giant explodes in cataclysmic bankruptcy similar to blue chip Penn Central Railroad.
There are no safe investments on Wall Street. The popular theory is leave your money in long term and you make money. Not true, every imaginary business empire on Wall Street is headed for the reservation. Eventually, they ALL Fail. These are called corrections when frantic buying on future values overwhelms market value. Gasoline and Oil are good examples of hedge Funds buying up future productions in a self fulfilling prophecy. They drive market values higher ignoring supply and demand. We see this in unemployment rates. As people return to work hedge funds buy up the gasoline supply before workers ever get near a pump. More of ticket scalpers than legitimate business. Long term this destroys the economy. We need to Nationalize Oil and Gas until other alternate energy sources are viable competition.
A Park is not a City with a hole in it. The Capitalist sees no value in the Park. Oddly the longer the Park endures and the larger the City around the Park becomes, the more valuable the Park. This is regulation. Controlling Capitalism from killing all the buffalo and poisoning the air and water is the trump card of greed. Regulation is a central component of successful capitalism. The Indians did an excellent job of conservative values. Taking only what they needed and protecting the rest for the future. There aren't any examples of greed in Indian Culture until we taught them Gambling and Chance. Gambling is modeled after the big Wall Street Casino. It takes a lot of losers to create a big winner.
The complaint recently is the new rule of 2big2fail TARP and other Bailouts. This covert economy is Fascism not Socialism and certainly not Capitalism. The great Financial Holocaust of 2008 should have been followed by the greatest correction and redistribution of wealth in modern history. Capitalism is self cleaning when free markets work in unfettered supply and demand. This is the center of the revolt taking place in Occupy Wall Street. The message is not that some are rich. The message is they were cheated by the correction that was not allowed to happen. TARP is a government sponsored plan to allow the rich to live in perpetuity. This defies Capitalism and Democracy simultaneously. It's not wealth we abhor. It's the rigged table forcing America's wealth to the top undeserving 1%. Casino Bankers are allowed interest free money from the Federal Reserve and US Treasury. Why must the citizen pay tribute to the Casino Bankers for Student Loans and Home Mortgages. This should be interest free as well. Wall Street Conspiring with the 112th Congress and Main Street picks up the tab and cleans the environment along the way. Occupy Wall Street thus far is a peaceful revolution. Aggravated it's capable of a violent revolution. It's a powder keg about to blow in Manhattan. Stop defending wealth. It's not wealth we object too. It's the undeserving wealthy we are angered. And the unfair rules that created same. Change is coming and soon.
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