Rick W Perry is in the news today. The Perry campaign has been on the ropes slipping more with every debate. His message that Jesus sent him was also claimed by rival Bachman. Perry began as a Texas Cowboy Gunslinger. His minister in faith attacked Romney's religion as a cult. Implying that Romney is unworthy of office due to a cult affiliation. Yesterday Perry's wife spoke at the meeting of the Daughters of American Dirt and claimed her husband was a victim of religious persecution for his beliefs. The Texas Governor has slipped to a Crybaby Mudslinger.
Faced with losing he came out with a real economic plan to save America. All the other candidates had a plan and his Jesus Plan wasn't working.
The entire plan reads like a memo from Haliburton to all Employees. The Perry Plan to Domestic Prosperity is centered on oil. Perry identified our current economic failure on clean air and water. It appears we have to much of both. The clean air and water are chocking oil production. The oil and gas industries never had the right to pollute our natural resources. They just did so. They crap on the planet and force others to clean their waste. Oil and gas are 100 year old technologies that have no place in the 21st Century.
The future technology is cleaning the planet, not making it dirty. We already have the technology to a filthy environment. America's next moon landing is in environmental technology of clean renewable energy in harmony with nature. Ignoring the filth on the planet is a plan to fail eventually. Short term gain and long term pain. Great wealth for Exxxon at your expense.
No Thanks Rick I'm going forward , not backwards.
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