A general store of humor mixed with mediocrity of events of our daily lives. I was amazed at the lack of interest in our publication. If you are contemplating your own website you can depend upon 2 or 3 visits a week of wanders adrift in Cyber Space. Attracting others is a daunting task. Attracting people to listen to what may be bothersome is even a greater task. Convincing people what may be wrong in their lives must include bits of the good things as well.
Mitoosense continues to catalog the events if for no other reason than an independent account of what really did take place in history. Hieroglyphs of the World Wide Web for future generations to stumble upon. I personally have lived long enough to witness the media spinning hyperbole into theories until they are accepted as factual miss information.
Future generations have a right to know what really happened. We celebrate American exceptionalism in our heritage. Men on the moon and liberation of Europe to name few. The Bay of Pigs, Vietnam War and Watergate are for you to find evidence. The dirty laundry is always left out of history. This gives future generations a slanted look going forward. Not that we should focus on our mistakes but, they shouldn't be ignored either. Success has a thousand Fathers. Be proud of your mistakes because these will be the only things in life that you will get all the credit. We do learn from our past errors. We've been rather busy this last decade making a lot of mistakes in America. To celebrate American Exceptionalism you would be hard pressed to find anything in the last ten years to express this attitude. It could be said American Exceptionalism is being used to promote American Acceptionlism propaganda in Covert Immigration Policy. They propose that many of American inventions came from immigrants to America. What is left out naturally, is these contributions are from legal immigration and Illegal Immigration has produced nothing but hardships for all. Our economy functions when those who earn money in America spend money in America. When money earned is sent across the border then you suffer a double negative. Loss of work of the legal citizen and commerce sent across the borders.
Very similar to Wall Street who don't build or manufacture anything in New York. The power wielded produces few jobs from the activity of finance. The money provided is capable of producing thousands of good jobs. They offer capital funding to business needing financial investments. At one time if America needed money to start a new industry venture capital was available in New York. Here in lies the problem. Wall Street makes more money providing jobs overseas than here in America. Wall Street is making money from the wholesale destruction of American Industry. The money comes from the US Treasury and Federal Reserve System. The result is American Acceptionalism take it or leave it Bucko. If your not rich or working it's because your uneducated without skills. Look no further than China to see this is all malarkey. Sounds good, smells bad and looks worse.
If our financial sector in Wall Street made more profits from investing in America the result would be a steady drop in unemployment and increases in prosperity in America. This is in the the hands of American Foreign Policies, the World Trade Organization and Unfair Trade with Foreign Countries. Not at the expense of Wall Street because they now service the entire planet with funds at the considerable expense of the American Workers. Even your Federal Reserve is handing out your cash to foreign countries and Banking Institutions in other countries. The reason is simple, sacrificing your jobs are the payment to worldwide competition. Bankers make more money from a bigger world pie than servicing America only. Oligopoly is enriched at your expense and there's no end in site. America is a smaller pie to share than focusing on the entire planet. Unfortunately, the trade off is your friggin job.
I'm not sure if the people of Occupy Wall Street have stumbled upon American Acceptionalism but, I can tell you they're getting closer to the truth everyday.
The photo above is from New York. It appears the City has mobilized the scooter police to quell the protesters urgency. I find myself wondering who came up with Storm Troopers on Scooters idea. Is this some sort of modern day Cavalry. Single file with the Captain leading the charge. You must be kidding or lost your friggin minds. Weapons and the roar of 50cc of foreign made Italian Vespa's mounted with overweight New Yorks finest cops. Funny because the Cops, Firefighter, Teachers and Sanitation Workers are now all in jeopardy of loosing their jobs in American Acceptionalism they protect. They may soon find themselves on the other side of the police line wondering what happened to their jobs.
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