Only 1% of our citizens are happy with our present economy. If Momma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Gonna Be Happy is the pledge of the Protesters.
The divide is evidence of the political capital building in Washington, DC. The only thing Congress loves more than Lobbyist Money are Happy Voters.
Meanwhile down at the floor the Anus Supremacists are defenseless against the grass roots attacks. Also known as alias The Perfect Assholes. They have worked for years to develop the intimate relationship enjoyed with our 112th Congress. The Anus Supremacist are completely dependant on the Mayor, Governor and Congress to protect their national agenda. The US Military is offered to insure the interest of the Anus Supremacist is protected Globally. They dither waiting for their corporations to be protected as 2big2fail Fascism. Exposed by the protesters they appear to be a hog on ice. About as dangerous as well.
The Secret Anus Supremacist program completely ignores the 99% general public as mostly a nuisance to their greedy plans. They work exclusively with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York insuring all their greedy wishes are followed. The Federal Reserve works in the darkness of hidden accountability. When the light shines here, the rats will all run.
Always bleeding the citizens with the right hand as the left hand tosses money to the 112th Congress. Little is known of the secret Anus Supremacist. They were thought to have vanished in 1934 in the Glass Steagall Act. It appears they have returned to haunt the big board. We do know there are three levels within the group. The first level for new recruits are the Assholes. Once having proven themselves they are promoted to level two or Complete Asshole and then to the highest appointment as a Perfect Asshole. These are the people with one thumb on Scales of Justice when the Tax Code is developed in Washington, DC.
They organize to allow the Corporations owned may pollute the planet and the cleanup paid by citizens. They Rape the environment. Pillage the Economy. and the Plunder Congress for Bailouts for toxic investments. It really isn't any more complicated than a Lemonade Stand.
Which side are you supporting?
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