I found myself wishing I had cleaned the bottom of the refrigerator most of the evening. The debate started out slow then petering out towards the end.
I give honors to Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul for not participating in the mud wrestling. Anderson Cooper lead the questions with 9% national sales tax followed by scrutiny of Obama Care Health Insurance. Ignoring the Unemployment 9% rate. Many main stream Republicans see Herman Cain as a guy who went on a book tour and found himself center stage top Republican candidate for President. Much of the Debate focused on the 9-9-9 non event. Then moved on to who mows Mitt Romney's Grass. I've heard more inspiring conversation playing stickball in the street.
I give the whole evening to Ron Paul as the only person who answered questions and offered detailed solutions to real problems. Ron Paul supports a 0-0-0 plan for many years. Detailed questions concerning balancing the budget, lowering the debt and creating opportunities for high paying jobs were absent from the evening. Anderson Cooper did a poor job as moderator. At one point Perry lashed out at Cooper with: "your job is to ask the question. I can answer them any way I want". The remainder of the debate centered on fruit baskets, apples and oranges ignoring the questions asked.
If your interested in what Bachman wore or who insulted whom, I suggest you follow another source. Mitoosense has little good to offer from the Las Vegas Debate.
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