Possibly the greatest loss of the 2big2fail Bank Bailouts is the wasted talents of America's youth pictured. The 800 billion TARP Windfall for Wall Street is over shadowed in the devastation of the missed opportunities in a failed economy. All this creativity foolishly channelled to grab the attention of a government in denial. You can't see the future of those who will solve America's energy or environmental solution, but it's there. This energy that should be injected into our economy is now reversed into a cost burden of society. Those who blame the youth as the perpetrators are the source of the problem. Narrow minded politicians with blinders that are focused on the greed of the DOW JONES. Visions of a people clouded in the rapacity of Casino Banker's intent on bursting the next economic pinata. Zombie workers who cannot see beyond the flashing lights of the Big Board. Deaf mute to everything except the 4:00 PM bell. Ignorant of the suffering that takes place around the globe to satisfy the hunger in New York.
This is America's wasted youth. Somewhere in this crowd is the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. We have not seen this kind of protest since the Vietnam War. When people gather in these numbers and intensity as in Occupy Wall Street, the people are always right and the government is always wrong. Their is no defense against the will of the people. Vietnam was a similar event where the peoples message was ignored to long. The result May 4, 1970 was the Kent State Massacre that murdered 4 American Children. We look back on the Kent State Massacre and wonder how it could happen. It's about to happen again if Washington, DC continues to ignore "We the People". The missing element is the leadership needed to guide America's youth until they can guide themselves.
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