When Barack Obama ran for President he really screwed up race relations in America. Not by running, by winning. Beating a White Woman In the Convention and a White Male Veteran War Hero in a national election. Many such as myself felt the perceived racism was over in America. The constant nurturing of the so called movement would cease. Before the Obama election the lines between Black and White were clear. White people were racists and black people were black people. Black people played the race card at every opportunity. They could apply discrimination to any conflict where White people were involved. The only defense for Whites was to charge the Blacks were not Black. Never worked. My best friend is Black was often used to validate a White persons innocents. This never worked either. You always found the original dispute distracted and overwhelmed by the race card. The only way out was to deny being White, which is racist. Blacks who challenged other Blacks would eventually call each other Nigger and the discussion would end. I know this to be true cuze, I've seen it happen many times. According to Chris Rock (also black) this is acceptable in the Black community but, unacceptable in a Black White Community. Everybody understood how the system worked until Obama was elected President.
Then in 2008 all the Blacks voted for Obama but, so did most White people. You can now say that half the White people are not racist. At the same time you can say that all the Black people are racist, applying the same logic. If Blacks only voted for John McCain then there would be no racist in America. Confusing isn't it; or you could say race played no part and people voted based upon issues of platforms.
Whites are quick to accept this resolution. Blacks say not so fast, you racist. Trying to revive the old rulebook. Just because we got a Black President doesn't mean we don't have racism.
Huh! I'm really confused. Most White people voted for a Black President. If Obama only received Black votes then everybody who voted would be racist. Blacks for voting for Blacks and Whites voting for Whites. I understand this logic.
That didn't happen. Either, some people are racist or everybody is racist sometimes. I think I can grasp this but, it's difficult.
Then along comes Morgan Freeman who stirs everything up saying the Obama Presidency has caused more racism in America. Morgan Freeman is said to be Black although, questionable. Freeman is God I think. It's either Freeman, George Burns, Charlton Heston or Al Sharpton.
The Freeman logic is that party affiliation were being used to remove Obama from office because he is Black. I thought we buried this issue in 2008.
Freeman charges, Whites who don't vote for Obama are racist. This can only mean that Black people who do vote for Obama are also racist. Tough sell for me. If true we should vote with Black and White Ballots and just leave the names of the ballots. Ridiculous at best.
Then along comes Herman Cain who is also Black and running with the Party that Freeman accused of being racist! Wow, this is out of control. I'll never figure this out. If Herman Cain runs against Obama in the National Election all White voters will not be racist and all Black voters will be racist. I think?
I was just beginning to grasp this possibility until I watched Rev. Al Sharpton on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. We know Jon Stewart is not racist because he's Jewish. This is persecution instead of discrimination so Stewart get an exemption from the race card. I think. When questioned by Stewart of an all Black runoff for President. Sharpton answered that Cain being all Black without interracial parents would not cause him to vote for Cain, being more Black than Obama. This shit's really gettin deep now. Al then says he would vote for a White guy before voting for Cain because Cain is a racist. Sharpton is a minister and also gets a race card exemption, I think. Otherwise, Sharpton is racist for voting based on colors. I think.
Double huh! The whole thing is outta control. We now have half racist if I'm following the agenda correctly. Herman Cain who is Black cannot be a racist unless he's proven to hate White people. Yet according to Sharpton we now have half racist designations.
I couldn't be more confused. I thought I understood I was a racist but, now I'm not sure. If I voted for Obama I'm a Half Racist and if I didn't vote for Obama I'm still a Half racist. If I vote for Cain I am a racist and if I don't vote for Cain I'm a racist. Is a half better or worse than a whole. I'm not sure. I think I'll join the Blue Tail Fly, Jimmy Crack Corn and forget the entire mess.
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