The new Obamaburgs are popping up all over America. Protesting the double standard that began under Bush.
Under the Bush Regime Banks granted greedy loans to anyone with a pulse and able to sign a mortgage. The useless mortgages were then bundled and sold by the Casino Bankers as AAA rated securities on Wall Street. The buyers of these toxic assets were all to often private retirement accounts of the citizens. This activity was illegal in America from 1934 to 1999. The Casino Bankers were driven to feed the greed of the Derivative Securities. When the market crashed Hank Paulson and Bush stepped in with the first law of Fascism and fabricated 2big2fail from economics heaven.
If the Casino Bankers would have been allowed to go to Bankruptcy our free markets would automatically redistributed the wealth selling off the assets to the highest bidders. This correction was not allowed to take place defying all laws of Capitalism.
We all know how we got to where we are today. Mitoosense is the product of this conjured TARP bailout legislation since we began in March 20, 2010. It was clear the malfeasance under Bush 43 would continue under Obama 44. Obama validated 2big2fail passing Dodd- Frank Act.
In 2011 we have the same people in government and Casino Bankers still running the country amok. Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blanckfein and Jamie Dimon to name a few.
The people on the other hand have not been spared or blessed with the same leniency enjoyed by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.. The average guy looses his home, cars and property in the depression that followed. Bailouts of anyone is wrong. Bailouts of only Corporations is Fascism. Not Socialism charged by many. The Homeless live in the streets in full view of boarded up TARP Bank homes they paid for.
The outrage so great the people took to the streets in peaceful demonstrations. The formation of the T-Party began in Chicago from Rick Santelli who screamed against Obama's Cash for Cunkers and $8,000.00 Government Mortgage buy downs to move a stagnate Auto and Housing Market. The benefits went to GM, AIG, Fiat, Home builders and Casino Bankers. Nothing seems to curb the Greed in Washington, DC and New York. Windfall Bonuses continue to be handed out on Wall Street accompanied with General Health Care CEO paid the obscene salary of $102 million annual compensation. Not including bonus for doing a great job.
They just don't get it! The T-Party squared off against some in the Republican Party and defied all Democrats as the problem. We now have another group formed Occupy Wall Street. They followed the money and it lead to Wall Street. Half of the malfeasance is in Washington, DC. The money is in New York. The first recognizable Obamaburg was born a month ago and spreading from city to city and state to state. Nearly every state capitol has demonstrators protesting Wall Street conspiring with the 112th Congress. This group is different than the T-Party in it denounces both Republicans and Democrats as the source of their protesting. Mainstream politics has tried repeatedly to force them into the Two Party system somewhere. Occupy Wall Street want no association with either guilty group.
Today's polling indicates 37% of the public support the Protesters and denounce Wall Street. This is more support than 112th Congress, Republican Candidates or Obama Approval ratings. This is a lot of support for any politician wishing to get on board. Washington, DC is salivating over the potential votes and the numbers are growing. Early on in the protest 700 were herded onto the Brooklyn Bridge. Once the bridge was full the ends were sealed with those caught taken to jail.
Where was Eric Holder Attorney General when American Citizens were carted off to Jail. The Justice Department has never arrested 700 Mexican Invaders crossing our Southern Borders. What message do we send with 22 million free ranging criminal invaders have Civil Rights and Citizens in New York have none. Is Eric Holder to busy selling guns to Drug Cartels to see the Bill of Rights being stomped upon in Americas largest Cities. Where are their rights and who is protecting them.
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