He could have had any name. The child of a young Mother and immigrant Syrian Muslim Father.
The young boy could have been a orphan. Instead he was adopted and given the name of Jobs. Steve Jobs would be the name of the unknown youngster. Born in obscurity in San Fransisco, California 1955.
The boy grew to be a famous man. Known for as many things he did not follow as his unpredictable accomplishments. Some say he changed the world. We think Steve will be remembered for the way he brought change rather than the products produced. Henry Ford built Ford automobiles all his life. Fords greatest gift will be remembered as the assembly line he developed to perfection. I had heard much about Steve Jobs and his Apple Computer. I did not know of his amazing life story until CNN broadcast his 2005 Stanford College Commencement Speech. If you haven't heard the words I urge everyone to listen. If you think you've had a rough go of it, think about Steve Jobs.
From the day he was born, Steve did not follow the wisdom of the day. Had he not been adopted the world would not have Steve Jobs. Had Steven followed others Dogma he would have continued his academics and buried in Corporate America's endless dead end jobs. The jobs that reward Corporate Behaviors and ignores creativity. The Corporate Peckin Order that streamlines the obscure status quo.
Instead Steve shrugged off the wisdom of others and chose to follows his dreams in the Middle Class Family garage. At every turn Steve seemed to follow his instincts and ignore prescribed conventional wisdom.
Steve died on Wednesday October 5th 2011 from Cancer. "Don't be sad he's gone, be glad it happened" (Dr Seuss). Steve Jobs completed his path from obscurity into history. He left his mark and raised the bar for us all.
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