The War of the Worlds radio broadcast Halloween 1938 is considered the second greatest hoax on the American People. The first naturally, is the G.W. Bush Weapons of Mass Destruction performed 63 years later.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Mitoosense: Muckracker 2011

The fastest growth in American GDP was triggered by the Trans Continental Railroads. The Railroads opened the Wild West to pillage from New York's Financial District.
Born were The Robber Barons of Standard Oil and United States Steel. The untapped resources of the West was fertile virgin soil for sound money making investments. The Government Supported Railway was paid for by all the citizens and exploited by only a few. The Rockefeller's, Vanderbilt, DuPont, Carnegie and Mellon were some of those who profited from the People's Railroads.
The Progressive Era, early 1900 was born from the journalists who published the reality of an unfair system that rewarded some so lavishly. The popularity grew to political capital so great that the White House became at risk. Theodore Roosevelt in a speech referred to a 1620 literary figure of a Man who rejected Salvation to focus on raking the filth beneath his feet. The term Muckrakers origins are derived from Roosevelt's Speech.
These were the founders of Investigative Journalism or Watch Dog Journalism accepted today. Yellow Journalism referred to publisher who sensationalized truth to sell rumor and gossip. Yellow Journalism has seen a rebirth with Cable News Pundits today.
Muckrakers exposed the filth found in American Meat Packing Industry that resulted in the formation of USDA and FDA standards. The Standard Oil Monopoly was broken in the Sherman Anti Trust Act. They wrote of corruption in Congress which brought about the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution. Article were written exposing fraud in Life Insurance and Pharmaceuticals. The American Federation of Labor was born from public outrage of child labor. The wealth of the Robber Barons was being diminished in new legislation and a new Congress elected by the people.
President Roosevelt was the first President to embrace the Muckrackers as legitimate journalist, once ignored as radicals. The Muckrackers now had the ear of the White House. Much as President Andrew Jackson was attacked as a Jackass, Jackson accepted the charge. The Jackass became the symbol of the Democratic Party. Muckrakers became synonymous with good rather than evil in a twist of popularity.
Roosevelt witnessed the ravages of unregulated capitalism and Founded The National Parks as protected lands. One hundred years ago America was busy protecting our Union from 2big2fail TARP Fascism. The Great Depression brought on even further regulations to reel in the Greed of Casino Banking. The 1934 Glass Steagall Act formed the FDIC guarantee and outlawed Casino Banking until 1999.
In the 1970's we saw the Great American Rust Belt formed as global competition invaded our economy. America chose to accept global competition. At the same time it overlooked the lessons learned during The Progressive Era of early 1900.
In a unregulated World Economy the Robber Barons have returned. The unfair system of the Gilded Age is back on a Global scale. Just as it crashed in 1893 it has crashed again globally in 2008.
Born in the Crash of 2008 are the Occupy Wall Street protesters. These are the descendants of the Muckrakers of early 1900. Internet Bloggers support the OWS movement 2 to 1. Just as President Roosevelt could not ignore the will of the people. The White House can no longer ignore those sleeping in Zuccoti Park and elsewhere around the globe. The difference is the Occupy Wall Street is also on a global scale reaching to all developed countries in bandwidth of Internet Brotherhood. Global Trade and greed is being met with Global Muckrakers in 2011.
At stake are the very same issues of early 1900. Corruption in Congress, Poisoned food supply with salmonella and listeria. Sweat Shops overseas and here in the US with Covert Immigration. Casino Banking has returned without Glass Steagall Act. Health Care Insurance and Pharmaceutical are out of control in America. Everything that Teddy Roosevelt fought so hard against has slipped away in the New Global Economy. Not free trade, we have unfair trade. People living outside Democracy are being pitted against those workers living inside Democracy.
We've seen this movie before a hundred years ago. The result today rests with Occupy Wall Street success. Will we have Democracy or more hypocrisy?
Teddy Roosevelt wrote:
There are, in the body politic, economic and social, many and grave evils, and there is urgent necessity for the sternest war upon them. There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil man whether politician or business man, every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life. I hail as a benefactor every writer or speaker, every man who, on the platform, or in book, magazine, or newspaper, with merciless severity makes such attack, provided always that he in his turn remembers that the attack is of use only if it is absolutely truthful.
Words of Wisdom
Only 24 more days until the big New York Thanksgiving Parade. This Halloween take a hot meal to Patriots who sleep in the streets.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oakland Police Chief Should Be Fired

Where is Eric Holder and his team of storm troopers who protect the free ranging criminal invaders. Why does Obama deny Constitutional support of the protesters.
Mitoosense supports Occupy Wall Street and demanding the Police Chief Oakland fired post haste. Send the message that fear of violence will not solve the problems created in Washington, DC and New York conspiracy.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Nomadic Industrialists

This event marks dirty deal # 001. Europeans 1 Delaware Indians 0 scored. There is no record of alcohol involved but historians have not ruled out the peace pipe in the deal.
This transaction was needed to secure the Dutch as legitimate landowners and therefore exempt from retaliation from local Indians. They wished to pillage New York in peace. The first US eviction was completed.
This was not the first visit to Manhattan. The value of the furs and farming was clear to the Dutch. The first haul back to Netherlands was well worth the costs of exporting from the New World and the $24.00 dollars capital investment. The Indians would prove to be a problem for the next 200 years.The Delaware Indians were pushed further and further West until they confronted the Pacific Ocean. Then forced North into what is now South West Canada.
The dirty deals continued for the next 400 years. So profitable, the thieves of Wall Street erected a huge Board to keep track of all the money stolen. They call the board the exchange. There is no accounting for the losses. I'm sure if losses were tabulated the Delaware Indians would garner top spot on the lost column. The Indians all agree it's not an exchange.
With the Indians gone they were now forced to swindle each other. There was so much money being stolen the Government became involved pumping tax money into the Railroads. The Railroads would have a good run for a hundred years then sent to pasture with the Indians. Eventually, we will all end up on the reservation. It's how we roll in America.
The Auto Industry is a good example of how Titans gobble up the competition forming huge corporations like GM. General Motors bought up Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Buick. The Giant leveraged Packard, Cord and Studebaker onto the industrial reservation. This continues until the giant explodes in cataclysmic bankruptcy similar to blue chip Penn Central Railroad.
There are no safe investments on Wall Street. The popular theory is leave your money in long term and you make money. Not true, every imaginary business empire on Wall Street is headed for the reservation. Eventually, they ALL Fail. These are called corrections when frantic buying on future values overwhelms market value. Gasoline and Oil are good examples of hedge Funds buying up future productions in a self fulfilling prophecy. They drive market values higher ignoring supply and demand. We see this in unemployment rates. As people return to work hedge funds buy up the gasoline supply before workers ever get near a pump. More of ticket scalpers than legitimate business. Long term this destroys the economy. We need to Nationalize Oil and Gas until other alternate energy sources are viable competition.
A Park is not a City with a hole in it. The Capitalist sees no value in the Park. Oddly the longer the Park endures and the larger the City around the Park becomes, the more valuable the Park. This is regulation. Controlling Capitalism from killing all the buffalo and poisoning the air and water is the trump card of greed. Regulation is a central component of successful capitalism. The Indians did an excellent job of conservative values. Taking only what they needed and protecting the rest for the future. There aren't any examples of greed in Indian Culture until we taught them Gambling and Chance. Gambling is modeled after the big Wall Street Casino. It takes a lot of losers to create a big winner.
The complaint recently is the new rule of 2big2fail TARP and other Bailouts. This covert economy is Fascism not Socialism and certainly not Capitalism. The great Financial Holocaust of 2008 should have been followed by the greatest correction and redistribution of wealth in modern history. Capitalism is self cleaning when free markets work in unfettered supply and demand. This is the center of the revolt taking place in Occupy Wall Street. The message is not that some are rich. The message is they were cheated by the correction that was not allowed to happen. TARP is a government sponsored plan to allow the rich to live in perpetuity. This defies Capitalism and Democracy simultaneously. It's not wealth we abhor. It's the rigged table forcing America's wealth to the top undeserving 1%. Casino Bankers are allowed interest free money from the Federal Reserve and US Treasury. Why must the citizen pay tribute to the Casino Bankers for Student Loans and Home Mortgages. This should be interest free as well. Wall Street Conspiring with the 112th Congress and Main Street picks up the tab and cleans the environment along the way. Occupy Wall Street thus far is a peaceful revolution. Aggravated it's capable of a violent revolution. It's a powder keg about to blow in Manhattan. Stop defending wealth. It's not wealth we object too. It's the undeserving wealthy we are angered. And the unfair rules that created same. Change is coming and soon.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Important Day in American History
President Obama announced all US Forces will leave Iraq according to the agreement signed by former President George W Bush. Mission Accomplished in the Bush Wars, ending December 31, 2011. The troops are finally coming home from the most embarrassing war in American history. Officially, No More Shoes will be thrown at the United States we hope. The shoes were a size ten. Quite possibly the only ten in the Bush Administration.
Only Honest Man Working on Wall Street

His taste in women indicates he would be a good fit in Congress! Honesty, obviously holding him back from office. Integrity is not a requirement. Begging for money is most of the Congressman's work. Taking money under the table also favored.
Spelling is acceptable, grammar needs work! The governor is neither female or named Spitzer!
If he gets off his ass I'd vote for him. Off your ass only to get elected. Of coarse.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Flotsam Jetsam
If we took all the gold in the world and divided by the amount of debt in the world. How much gold would we all get? Not much I bet!!
Campaign Trail:
The Tax plans supported by Republican Candidates Romney, Cain, Bachman and now Perry needn't wait until 2013 to become law.
If they truly have merit we can make them law Now!
There is good reason they aren't brought before Congress. They're all Election Bunk.
Iraq War:
Those who supported the Iraq War are now demanding we not pull out our troops. The Iraqi People asked us to leave. They threw shoes at Bush 43. History will record, Americans weren't liberators in Iraq. Americans were invaders. America wasn't protecting Iraq we were occupiers against the wishes of Iraqi people. Our decision to leave is difficult because like Vietnam we should have never been there from the beginning.

Campaign Trail:
The Tax plans supported by Republican Candidates Romney, Cain, Bachman and now Perry needn't wait until 2013 to become law.
If they truly have merit we can make them law Now!
There is good reason they aren't brought before Congress. They're all Election Bunk.
Iraq War:
Those who supported the Iraq War are now demanding we not pull out our troops. The Iraqi People asked us to leave. They threw shoes at Bush 43. History will record, Americans weren't liberators in Iraq. Americans were invaders. America wasn't protecting Iraq we were occupiers against the wishes of Iraqi people. Our decision to leave is difficult because like Vietnam we should have never been there from the beginning.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Mitoosense: Outpost in Cyberspace

A general store of humor mixed with mediocrity of events of our daily lives. I was amazed at the lack of interest in our publication. If you are contemplating your own website you can depend upon 2 or 3 visits a week of wanders adrift in Cyber Space. Attracting others is a daunting task. Attracting people to listen to what may be bothersome is even a greater task. Convincing people what may be wrong in their lives must include bits of the good things as well.
Mitoosense continues to catalog the events if for no other reason than an independent account of what really did take place in history. Hieroglyphs of the World Wide Web for future generations to stumble upon. I personally have lived long enough to witness the media spinning hyperbole into theories until they are accepted as factual miss information.
Future generations have a right to know what really happened. We celebrate American exceptionalism in our heritage. Men on the moon and liberation of Europe to name few. The Bay of Pigs, Vietnam War and Watergate are for you to find evidence. The dirty laundry is always left out of history. This gives future generations a slanted look going forward. Not that we should focus on our mistakes but, they shouldn't be ignored either. Success has a thousand Fathers. Be proud of your mistakes because these will be the only things in life that you will get all the credit. We do learn from our past errors. We've been rather busy this last decade making a lot of mistakes in America. To celebrate American Exceptionalism you would be hard pressed to find anything in the last ten years to express this attitude. It could be said American Exceptionalism is being used to promote American Acceptionlism propaganda in Covert Immigration Policy. They propose that many of American inventions came from immigrants to America. What is left out naturally, is these contributions are from legal immigration and Illegal Immigration has produced nothing but hardships for all. Our economy functions when those who earn money in America spend money in America. When money earned is sent across the border then you suffer a double negative. Loss of work of the legal citizen and commerce sent across the borders.
Very similar to Wall Street who don't build or manufacture anything in New York. The power wielded produces few jobs from the activity of finance. The money provided is capable of producing thousands of good jobs. They offer capital funding to business needing financial investments. At one time if America needed money to start a new industry venture capital was available in New York. Here in lies the problem. Wall Street makes more money providing jobs overseas than here in America. Wall Street is making money from the wholesale destruction of American Industry. The money comes from the US Treasury and Federal Reserve System. The result is American Acceptionalism take it or leave it Bucko. If your not rich or working it's because your uneducated without skills. Look no further than China to see this is all malarkey. Sounds good, smells bad and looks worse.
If our financial sector in Wall Street made more profits from investing in America the result would be a steady drop in unemployment and increases in prosperity in America. This is in the the hands of American Foreign Policies, the World Trade Organization and Unfair Trade with Foreign Countries. Not at the expense of Wall Street because they now service the entire planet with funds at the considerable expense of the American Workers. Even your Federal Reserve is handing out your cash to foreign countries and Banking Institutions in other countries. The reason is simple, sacrificing your jobs are the payment to worldwide competition. Bankers make more money from a bigger world pie than servicing America only. Oligopoly is enriched at your expense and there's no end in site. America is a smaller pie to share than focusing on the entire planet. Unfortunately, the trade off is your friggin job.
I'm not sure if the people of Occupy Wall Street have stumbled upon American Acceptionalism but, I can tell you they're getting closer to the truth everyday.
The photo above is from New York. It appears the City has mobilized the scooter police to quell the protesters urgency. I find myself wondering who came up with Storm Troopers on Scooters idea. Is this some sort of modern day Cavalry. Single file with the Captain leading the charge. You must be kidding or lost your friggin minds. Weapons and the roar of 50cc of foreign made Italian Vespa's mounted with overweight New Yorks finest cops. Funny because the Cops, Firefighter, Teachers and Sanitation Workers are now all in jeopardy of loosing their jobs in American Acceptionalism they protect. They may soon find themselves on the other side of the police line wondering what happened to their jobs.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Hooverville to Obamaburg All Aboard

The new Obamaburgs are popping up all over America. Protesting the double standard that began under Bush.
Under the Bush Regime Banks granted greedy loans to anyone with a pulse and able to sign a mortgage. The useless mortgages were then bundled and sold by the Casino Bankers as AAA rated securities on Wall Street. The buyers of these toxic assets were all to often private retirement accounts of the citizens. This activity was illegal in America from 1934 to 1999. The Casino Bankers were driven to feed the greed of the Derivative Securities. When the market crashed Hank Paulson and Bush stepped in with the first law of Fascism and fabricated 2big2fail from economics heaven.
If the Casino Bankers would have been allowed to go to Bankruptcy our free markets would automatically redistributed the wealth selling off the assets to the highest bidders. This correction was not allowed to take place defying all laws of Capitalism.
We all know how we got to where we are today. Mitoosense is the product of this conjured TARP bailout legislation since we began in March 20, 2010. It was clear the malfeasance under Bush 43 would continue under Obama 44. Obama validated 2big2fail passing Dodd- Frank Act.
In 2011 we have the same people in government and Casino Bankers still running the country amok. Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blanckfein and Jamie Dimon to name a few.
The people on the other hand have not been spared or blessed with the same leniency enjoyed by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.. The average guy looses his home, cars and property in the depression that followed. Bailouts of anyone is wrong. Bailouts of only Corporations is Fascism. Not Socialism charged by many. The Homeless live in the streets in full view of boarded up TARP Bank homes they paid for.
The outrage so great the people took to the streets in peaceful demonstrations. The formation of the T-Party began in Chicago from Rick Santelli who screamed against Obama's Cash for Cunkers and $8,000.00 Government Mortgage buy downs to move a stagnate Auto and Housing Market. The benefits went to GM, AIG, Fiat, Home builders and Casino Bankers. Nothing seems to curb the Greed in Washington, DC and New York. Windfall Bonuses continue to be handed out on Wall Street accompanied with General Health Care CEO paid the obscene salary of $102 million annual compensation. Not including bonus for doing a great job.
They just don't get it! The T-Party squared off against some in the Republican Party and defied all Democrats as the problem. We now have another group formed Occupy Wall Street. They followed the money and it lead to Wall Street. Half of the malfeasance is in Washington, DC. The money is in New York. The first recognizable Obamaburg was born a month ago and spreading from city to city and state to state. Nearly every state capitol has demonstrators protesting Wall Street conspiring with the 112th Congress. This group is different than the T-Party in it denounces both Republicans and Democrats as the source of their protesting. Mainstream politics has tried repeatedly to force them into the Two Party system somewhere. Occupy Wall Street want no association with either guilty group.
Today's polling indicates 37% of the public support the Protesters and denounce Wall Street. This is more support than 112th Congress, Republican Candidates or Obama Approval ratings. This is a lot of support for any politician wishing to get on board. Washington, DC is salivating over the potential votes and the numbers are growing. Early on in the protest 700 were herded onto the Brooklyn Bridge. Once the bridge was full the ends were sealed with those caught taken to jail.
Where was Eric Holder Attorney General when American Citizens were carted off to Jail. The Justice Department has never arrested 700 Mexican Invaders crossing our Southern Borders. What message do we send with 22 million free ranging criminal invaders have Civil Rights and Citizens in New York have none. Is Eric Holder to busy selling guns to Drug Cartels to see the Bill of Rights being stomped upon in Americas largest Cities. Where are their rights and who is protecting them.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Politically Correct and Confused

When Barack Obama ran for President he really screwed up race relations in America. Not by running, by winning. Beating a White Woman In the Convention and a White Male Veteran War Hero in a national election. Many such as myself felt the perceived racism was over in America. The constant nurturing of the so called movement would cease. Before the Obama election the lines between Black and White were clear. White people were racists and black people were black people. Black people played the race card at every opportunity. They could apply discrimination to any conflict where White people were involved. The only defense for Whites was to charge the Blacks were not Black. Never worked. My best friend is Black was often used to validate a White persons innocents. This never worked either. You always found the original dispute distracted and overwhelmed by the race card. The only way out was to deny being White, which is racist. Blacks who challenged other Blacks would eventually call each other Nigger and the discussion would end. I know this to be true cuze, I've seen it happen many times. According to Chris Rock (also black) this is acceptable in the Black community but, unacceptable in a Black White Community. Everybody understood how the system worked until Obama was elected President.
Then in 2008 all the Blacks voted for Obama but, so did most White people. You can now say that half the White people are not racist. At the same time you can say that all the Black people are racist, applying the same logic. If Blacks only voted for John McCain then there would be no racist in America. Confusing isn't it; or you could say race played no part and people voted based upon issues of platforms.
Whites are quick to accept this resolution. Blacks say not so fast, you racist. Trying to revive the old rulebook. Just because we got a Black President doesn't mean we don't have racism.
Huh! I'm really confused. Most White people voted for a Black President. If Obama only received Black votes then everybody who voted would be racist. Blacks for voting for Blacks and Whites voting for Whites. I understand this logic.
That didn't happen. Either, some people are racist or everybody is racist sometimes. I think I can grasp this but, it's difficult.
Then along comes Morgan Freeman who stirs everything up saying the Obama Presidency has caused more racism in America. Morgan Freeman is said to be Black although, questionable. Freeman is God I think. It's either Freeman, George Burns, Charlton Heston or Al Sharpton.
The Freeman logic is that party affiliation were being used to remove Obama from office because he is Black. I thought we buried this issue in 2008.
Freeman charges, Whites who don't vote for Obama are racist. This can only mean that Black people who do vote for Obama are also racist. Tough sell for me. If true we should vote with Black and White Ballots and just leave the names of the ballots. Ridiculous at best.
Then along comes Herman Cain who is also Black and running with the Party that Freeman accused of being racist! Wow, this is out of control. I'll never figure this out. If Herman Cain runs against Obama in the National Election all White voters will not be racist and all Black voters will be racist. I think?
I was just beginning to grasp this possibility until I watched Rev. Al Sharpton on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. We know Jon Stewart is not racist because he's Jewish. This is persecution instead of discrimination so Stewart get an exemption from the race card. I think. When questioned by Stewart of an all Black runoff for President. Sharpton answered that Cain being all Black without interracial parents would not cause him to vote for Cain, being more Black than Obama. This shit's really gettin deep now. Al then says he would vote for a White guy before voting for Cain because Cain is a racist. Sharpton is a minister and also gets a race card exemption, I think. Otherwise, Sharpton is racist for voting based on colors. I think.
Double huh! The whole thing is outta control. We now have half racist if I'm following the agenda correctly. Herman Cain who is Black cannot be a racist unless he's proven to hate White people. Yet according to Sharpton we now have half racist designations.
I couldn't be more confused. I thought I understood I was a racist but, now I'm not sure. If I voted for Obama I'm a Half Racist and if I didn't vote for Obama I'm still a Half racist. If I vote for Cain I am a racist and if I don't vote for Cain I'm a racist. Is a half better or worse than a whole. I'm not sure. I think I'll join the Blue Tail Fly, Jimmy Crack Corn and forget the entire mess.
Head of State

37 billion of Gadaffy assets in America are now frozen. There seems to be some IRS attachments to be cleared before the money is released. Imagine that! Once they figure out Libya has the crude, maybe they won't be so rude.
Wall Street wins again with the Libyan Oil Fields back in production.
Funny, I never new how to spell the guys name. I guess it doesn't matter now.
Election 2012

Americans are told to wait patiently for their benefits to slowly drip from the welfare office. Sober up or sleep in the streets was the Republican slogan less than a year ago. They will spin Bush Covert Criminal Immigration Doctrine into their proposed plan to prosperity. Nobody is proposing an end to legal immigrants who obey laws and play by the rules. We all object to those who enter our Country Illegally and have no respect for fences laws or personal property. These ghost workers seem to be those most desirable to conservatives.
They will fight to privatise Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid as the best for citizens welfare. Privatising these programs will only bring vast wealth to their cronies, The Pharaoh's of Wall Street. I love the way these dried up old farts toss around words like fighting. We're lucking if their not on vacation.
The conservative electorate will be blindly led into the next election based upon imaginary issues of the last election. Always one election behind. The focus is always directed to the current administration in power, highlighting birth certificates and blue dresses having no impact on running our Democracy.
The majority independent voters who quietly sit and listen to both sides are amazed at how little discussion their is devoted to an actual plan going forward.
Two years ago I urged voters to ignore what the candidates said and instead focus upon what they didn't claim. What they did not say is precisely what they don't wish to reveal. . Still makes good logic two years later.
This election I will add that we should ask voters to query candidates on what they will not do. Past candidates have always promoted a platform of flag waving patriotic promises garbled in fairy tales of change with little if any substance. Seems reasonable to ask what they won't do, because asking what the intend to do is always as vague as Change or Hope or Hope for Change.
Maybe, if we read between the lines and demand to know what they will not do, we might puncture their prepared speeches with the light of truth.
We know the Liberals will spin a doctrine of a bigger government that only serves you and cuts out the markup offered in 2big2fail private enterprise. Both Conservatives and Liberals handed out TARP money to undeserving corporations. The problem here is they always place your benefits with your employer and the Congress then pulls the strings of employers who in turn jerks your chain to work harder, longer and for less wages because you lack imaginary skills and education.
Employer based deduction separate the consumer from his purchase power, with the government and employer firmly between you and spending your money. Much like sending a neighbor to buy you a car without knowledge of make, model value of the car and most cases without telling you how much you paid for the car.
I propose if they ended employer based health care completely and allowed interstate competition in Health Care Carriers the result would be affordable and better care as in the 1960's. Ditto for Social Surveillance
I feel disappointed in Obama and will not vote for him again. The Obama Care Employer Based Mandatory Unconstitutional Health Care is the reason. Beyond Obama Care everything he did afterwards is off the table moot, even though Frank-Dodd Act was nearly as bad for America. Frank-Dodd recognizes Investment Banking and Legalizes 2big2fail. Investment Bankers are needed to lead us into a World Economy of Corporate Blur between Governments and Commerce known as the WTO.
Investment Banking is the tool that allows government to control the worlds Wealth, Assets and Resources instead of controlling the Worlds Borders. It's the first attempt of World Domination of Wealth rather than Real Estate. If you own the Real Estate you must feed the people.
We see the beginnings of this new World Order as The US ignores it's Southern Border in Covert Immigration that protect foreign invaders cloaked in imaginary civil rights. World Trade will not be free trade as the Titans of Wall Street indenture the world population to slavery and a poisoned planet of industrial waste.
Now is the time to change our system not elect more bureaucrats. Vote for honesty in 2012.
Posted April 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Donnybrook Fair, Las Vegas

I found myself wishing I had cleaned the bottom of the refrigerator most of the evening. The debate started out slow then petering out towards the end.
I give honors to Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul for not participating in the mud wrestling. Anderson Cooper lead the questions with 9% national sales tax followed by scrutiny of Obama Care Health Insurance. Ignoring the Unemployment 9% rate. Many main stream Republicans see Herman Cain as a guy who went on a book tour and found himself center stage top Republican candidate for President. Much of the Debate focused on the 9-9-9 non event. Then moved on to who mows Mitt Romney's Grass. I've heard more inspiring conversation playing stickball in the street.
I give the whole evening to Ron Paul as the only person who answered questions and offered detailed solutions to real problems. Ron Paul supports a 0-0-0 plan for many years. Detailed questions concerning balancing the budget, lowering the debt and creating opportunities for high paying jobs were absent from the evening. Anderson Cooper did a poor job as moderator. At one point Perry lashed out at Cooper with: "your job is to ask the question. I can answer them any way I want". The remainder of the debate centered on fruit baskets, apples and oranges ignoring the questions asked.
If your interested in what Bachman wore or who insulted whom, I suggest you follow another source. Mitoosense has little good to offer from the Las Vegas Debate.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Today's Thought
If life dealt you four aces. It doesn't mean you have a royal flush or your neighbor shouldn't have a full house.
When Hank Williams wrote " My Buckets Got a Hole In It" he didn't mean my buckets got a whole in it.
When Hank Williams wrote " My Buckets Got a Hole In It" he didn't mean my buckets got a whole in it.
Best Pitch I Ever Heard
Elite Anus Supremacists

Only 1% of our citizens are happy with our present economy. If Momma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Gonna Be Happy is the pledge of the Protesters.
The divide is evidence of the political capital building in Washington, DC. The only thing Congress loves more than Lobbyist Money are Happy Voters.
Meanwhile down at the floor the Anus Supremacists are defenseless against the grass roots attacks. Also known as alias The Perfect Assholes. They have worked for years to develop the intimate relationship enjoyed with our 112th Congress. The Anus Supremacist are completely dependant on the Mayor, Governor and Congress to protect their national agenda. The US Military is offered to insure the interest of the Anus Supremacist is protected Globally. They dither waiting for their corporations to be protected as 2big2fail Fascism. Exposed by the protesters they appear to be a hog on ice. About as dangerous as well.
The Secret Anus Supremacist program completely ignores the 99% general public as mostly a nuisance to their greedy plans. They work exclusively with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York insuring all their greedy wishes are followed. The Federal Reserve works in the darkness of hidden accountability. When the light shines here, the rats will all run.
Always bleeding the citizens with the right hand as the left hand tosses money to the 112th Congress. Little is known of the secret Anus Supremacist. They were thought to have vanished in 1934 in the Glass Steagall Act. It appears they have returned to haunt the big board. We do know there are three levels within the group. The first level for new recruits are the Assholes. Once having proven themselves they are promoted to level two or Complete Asshole and then to the highest appointment as a Perfect Asshole. These are the people with one thumb on Scales of Justice when the Tax Code is developed in Washington, DC.
They organize to allow the Corporations owned may pollute the planet and the cleanup paid by citizens. They Rape the environment. Pillage the Economy. and the Plunder Congress for Bailouts for toxic investments. It really isn't any more complicated than a Lemonade Stand.
Which side are you supporting?
Monday, October 17, 2011
G.W. Bush for President

The Republicans seem to have lost their Conservative Compass. They float on a rudderless ship. (see graph attached) The Democrats have done this for years. The GOP is waiting patiently for Mitt Romney to say something incredibly stupid to win their support. They seem to embrace any candidate who will lower taxes on the rich. They cheer when dying hospital patients are urged to pass in the streets. Or standing ovations for polluting the planet. In spite of the fact these aren't Conservative values. Just means the costs don't appear on their taxes. They support bailouts subsidies to Oligopoly Corporations consistently, also not conservative. Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan lacks real depth. Once you pierce the puddin skin you find no puddin beneath. Donald Trump campaigned with "tell China and OPEC where to go and reveal your birth certificate" to rave Republican Reviews. Republicans endorsed Sarah Palin's famous bus ride to nowhere.
Tax reforms are considered Class Warfare but, bailouts to bankers is sound policy. Ditto for US Auto Manufacturing, The Airline Industry and AIG Insurance.
Ah, for the good ole days when Bush 43 was President and we could depend on another daily stupid statement.
The Democrats are just as bad. We'll leave them alone for now. They own Obama and Mitoosense has plenty to dish out for the entire Obama Administration later.
The GOP should try to run Bush 43 in 2012. Let's bring back the Famous Bush Parker Bros. Economic Plan. We all remember how it works. Bush had full employment in North America and most of South America. What sticks out in my mind most is I had a friggin job. I know, a lot of people will say he was a terrible President. Things have changed since George The Shoe Guy was President. At the top is, Bin Laden is dead along with his henchmen and thousands of followers. Most of the Arab world has new leaders who would not be familiar with Bush. I think maybe Obama has paved the way for another Bush Administration. Cheney who is also an alcoholic as Bush is not in good health. Rummy would be moved up to the Vice positions. Rice and Powell are both out as Book traitors. New black people would be brought on board naturally. Democrats would brace for another round of "not supporting the troops and Mission Accomplished. Bush would get another chance to find those Weapons of Mass Destruction. Haliburton Stocks will soar.
This brings us to the US Constitution and Amendment 22 "Presidential Term Limits". Bush never followed the Constitution. That's how we got the Patriot Act defying the 4th Amendment. Bush can make a good argument he was never in control of the Nation. Bush, Cheney and Rummy have all written books documenting denial of responsibility. Lets not forget Bush was not elected by popular vote in 2000. This means Al Gore may share some responsibility in the lost decade. Get a free pass from the Supreme Court and lets return to our imaginary wars, economy and Constitution. Cuze I'm bored...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
National Dementia Day ?

Today is National Dementia Day. You may be one of the millions unaware of the celebration. Being unaware indicates your also a possible victim. Seek help immediately. The Information Desk at the Mall cannot help you.
The reason I know it's National Dementia Day is when I found myself in the kitchen this morning and couldn't remember why I went to the kitchen. National Dementia Day can be celebrated at any time or place and as many times as you wish. Mine was today. Carefully retracing my steps I soon learned of my original intentions. Realizing my own trip from reality in a self imposed time warp predicted by Albert Einstein. I had come full circle. The disease is noted in two phases. There's short term Dementia and Long Term Dementia. Dementia begins with long term afflictions such as forgetting complex math formulas, anniversary's, birthdays and escalates to wondering where you placed your shoes, in final stages. (pictured at above)
If you find yourself in the bathroom and don't remember why your there, it's clearly time to put your affairs in order. I never forget why I'm in the Men's Room. In the Ladies Room is another disease and not considered Dementia.
Considered a disease of aging. I disagree. When your born you begin life's journey. The Earth spins on it's axis creating the day. The daily revolutions occur as the Earth and Moon spin around the Sun creating years. After 60 years of all this spinning your just dizzy from the endless circles.
Other indicators are preoccupation with Homeland Security Color Awareness or Gay Pride. As the disease progresses it affects hair growth. Daily hair grooming becomes similar to USDA crop rotation. Each morning you find less hair on your head and new shoots in the Ears and Nose. Shaving aggravates the disease. The proof found in Amish Religion and American Indians. They aren't known to shave and nobody ever saw a bald Indian or Amish Man. I assume they're living Dementia free. The National Symbol of Dementia is the Question Mark?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Live from Fort Apache
Loose Ends and Spinning Yarn

You can read the Yahoo article to find out how it works in Cyberland. Cain has not released any specific details of how his 9-9-9 Plan will work. I suspect the Easter Bunny may become involved in Cains Tax Plan.
The first disturbing fact is the third 9 or the Federal Sales Tax added in the tax code. Adding any tax further complicates the tax code. Any savings of the $430 billion we spend each year on filing taxes would be lost in collecting the new tax. Why do we separate incomes from Corporate Tax and Income Tax? The reason for the difference is to allow special interest loopholes, subsidy and exemptions to some and deny others in the unfair tax rule. Corporations are People according to Mitt Romney and the Supreme Court. Corporation aren't people in the Tax Code. They're exempt in their own unfair sections. So we have part time people! Corporations have a Tax I.D. Number and contribut nada to Social Security.
People, including myself cross state lines in search of lower taxes on goods. Gasoline, Liquor and Tobacco products vary from state to state. With a National Sales Tax people would tend to buy in foreign Canada or Mexico and smuggle across the border. We did this during Prohibition. Also Cains Tax plan doesn't tax used merchandise. An obvious loophole of used Bentley's for sale and other toys for the Rich.
If your poor and many are. You will see an immediate hit of 9% you didn't pay before. If you earn $20,000 and buy a new car you pay 9 plus 9 or 18% tax. If your car should be repossessed by the Bankster, the tax is lost as well. If your rich you will see an immediate reduction of 20% of taxes due or more. People who make millions keep their million and will spend it overseas to avoid the Tax.
I say, flat tax everybody. Pay the same no exception, no exemption, no deductions and no divide between how money was earned or by whom. I say further, Taxes, Social Security and Health Insurance deduction should be collected by the Banker when you cash any checks. Uncle Sam has demanded all money funnel through the Bankster anyhow. Banksters have the computers and access to records to expedite tax collection cheaply.
The employers could and should focus on building a stronger GDP. Instead they're inundated with a complicated tax code and verifying citizens from the 22 million free ranging criminal invaders. This is a unfair burden to Corporate America and stifles competition in world markets. The Bank can instantly identify who's legal and who is not. The citizen becomes in charge of his Social Security and Health Insurance deductions. No more April 15th deadlines or Insurance Prison. The Bankers collect the money for the government.
The Republican front runner is still Mitt Romney with Herman Cain close behind. Many give third place to Rich W Perry. Perry is falling like a rock all month. Romney was attacked from friendly fire for being a Moderate and not a true Conservative. Gotta be careful on who's a true Conservative. I only see Republicans and no real Conservatives in a very long time. The answer here is in the definition applied as Conservatives. Gifting tax breaks and special interest exemption from polluting the planet aren't considered Conservative by definition.
Rick W Perry announced his unencumbered plans to drill baby drill and grant special environmental and tax burdens to big oil in his economic plan. Perry is obviously running for Governor of America and clueless about being President. America still remembers the images of foreigner BP Deepwater Horizon explosion that killed 11 Americans needlessly and polluted the Gulf of Mexico.
Buddy Roemer former Governor of Louisiana is in the hunt now and offers a new insight to the Presidential Race. Mitoosense will begin watching this guy closer in the future. Mitoosense has dropped all candidates except Romney and Roemer for various reason.
The Occupy Wall Street entered it's forth week of Occupation in Fort Apache. Mayor Bloomberg has his panties in a bunch trying to eradicate Americas homeless from the Wall Street's doorstep. Not good for business and guarding the bronze bull from the Escape from New York crowd is costly. The Mayor and all of America is now exposed to the fallout from the 2big2fail Bailouts. The two year delay is no doubt found in the downward spiral of Main Street since the Covert Bush Handouts in 2008. It's not clear if Obama will call on FEMA or the Military to intervene between The Protestestors and Gordon Gekko supporters
President Obama is pushing his jobs bill to Congress and Bully Pulpit. Americans are not with him on another stimulus package. The jobs bill will likely increase the Dow Jones and create more jobs in China again. A lateral election motivation and all politics.
Mexico's President Calderone prophecy came true recently. Calderone had charged the US was allowing US made weapons into Mexico's Drug Cartels. Attorney General Eric Holder is sittin on a Fast and Serious time bomb in front of the American people.
Adsense Update October
Another month rolls by. Time to count my fortune. At the end of 2 months I have 11 clicks and 2700 page views for a grand total of $ 16.61. Up from $9.11 last month. Earning a whopping $7.50 for the month. Not enough yet to pay Bankster Fees and Taxes.
Mortimer and Randolph Duke say they would pay more but, this is all I'm worth this month. I'm not gonna cash out until it's over a Million Dollars. Could be sooner than you may think. Considering the amount of currency being dumped into Wall Street from the Fed.
If your one of the 1300 Mitoosense monthly visitors don't forget to click on the adsense before leaving.
Mortimer and Randolph Duke say they would pay more but, this is all I'm worth this month. I'm not gonna cash out until it's over a Million Dollars. Could be sooner than you may think. Considering the amount of currency being dumped into Wall Street from the Fed.
If your one of the 1300 Mitoosense monthly visitors don't forget to click on the adsense before leaving.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Perry is Fracking Nutz

Rick W Perry is in the news today. The Perry campaign has been on the ropes slipping more with every debate. His message that Jesus sent him was also claimed by rival Bachman. Perry began as a Texas Cowboy Gunslinger. His minister in faith attacked Romney's religion as a cult. Implying that Romney is unworthy of office due to a cult affiliation. Yesterday Perry's wife spoke at the meeting of the Daughters of American Dirt and claimed her husband was a victim of religious persecution for his beliefs. The Texas Governor has slipped to a Crybaby Mudslinger.
Faced with losing he came out with a real economic plan to save America. All the other candidates had a plan and his Jesus Plan wasn't working.
The entire plan reads like a memo from Haliburton to all Employees. The Perry Plan to Domestic Prosperity is centered on oil. Perry identified our current economic failure on clean air and water. It appears we have to much of both. The clean air and water are chocking oil production. The oil and gas industries never had the right to pollute our natural resources. They just did so. They crap on the planet and force others to clean their waste. Oil and gas are 100 year old technologies that have no place in the 21st Century.
The future technology is cleaning the planet, not making it dirty. We already have the technology to a filthy environment. America's next moon landing is in environmental technology of clean renewable energy in harmony with nature. Ignoring the filth on the planet is a plan to fail eventually. Short term gain and long term pain. Great wealth for Exxxon at your expense.
No Thanks Rick I'm going forward , not backwards.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fill the Vacuum

I often find myself wondering what the Poor are doing today. There are over 50 million who aren't at work. I realized at that moment they're probably listening to the television in another room and reading Yahoo. In search of good news of the day. Humph.
Now there's a short circle. I remember back in the day when Americans went about the daily task of climbing the ladder of success. Build a better mousetrap has always been the hallmark of American Prosperity. Stuck in irritating traffic snarls in fear of being late. Then somebody sold the ladder to China. My job was not the first to go. The first were American Manufacturing jobs eliminated in a more efficient technology. The remaining jobs were sent overseas to exploit foreign workers and absent environmental standards. The Construction Business has undergone faster ways to build with less manpower also. The one thing you couldn't do is export construction jobs overseas. It really didn't make any difference who made the money or how in America. American workers would build from the wealth of the GDP. Then along came George W Bush Covert Immigration and suddenly my job was gone in 22 million free ranging criminal aliens homesteading America. I'm not bitter. The industry is gone and I'll do something else. The fact it was all illegal belongs to Bush43 and his legacy.
It's important to note: it doesn't make any difference what job you have in America. The economic creep will get your job too. College Education or not, Unencumbered Capitalism is going to knock on you door as well. People such as Teachers, Fireman and Police who thought they were secure from the economic ax are now watching their workers slip into the ranks of the 50 million. The problem is always attached to whatever industry occupies the bottom rung on the ladder. The greedy are needy and your job will be led to slaughter for taking to much pie.
Obama answers with borrowing against future taxes to keep Federal Workers on the job. If we let these people slip away then government begins to lose it's political grip on the nation. Nothing against Obama but, this is not a solution to anything. Obama is simply bringing dignity to the funeral. He should be at the hospital saving the patient.
Back to today. I heard a sound bite coming from the television in the other room. Bubba Clinton was appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman. Too funny. Whenever I see or hear Bubba Clinton the first thing to pop into my mind is this thought: How did Bubba really break his friggin leg at bachelor Greg Normans house in Florida? A sitting President at a private party with a broken leg and the mystery never solved? This is the stuff of legends. Where's that twerp Ken Star when you need answers.
If you read Mitoosense you know I like Bubba. Not enough to watch Letterman but, I still like Bubba. The conversation turned to those who Occupy Wall Street and why. Bubba said something that really stuck. He said " they really need to be for something, If your just against something, then somebody will come along and fill the vacuum". I thought about this and agree. The Democrats, Republicans and Unions are all over this vacuum trying to fill the free void nurtured by others. This subtle statement from Bubba is a warning to protesters to organize your voice or fade into obscurity with the T-Party. Bears shit in the woods, the Pope is Catholic and Wall Street is full of thieves and politicians. We all agree. Occupy Wall Street needs a goal to win. If you don't have a goal then winning is impossible. Without a goal they really are nothing more than a nuisance.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today's Thought

This is America's wasted youth. Somewhere in this crowd is the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. We have not seen this kind of protest since the Vietnam War. When people gather in these numbers and intensity as in Occupy Wall Street, the people are always right and the government is always wrong. Their is no defense against the will of the people. Vietnam was a similar event where the peoples message was ignored to long. The result May 4, 1970 was the Kent State Massacre that murdered 4 American Children. We look back on the Kent State Massacre and wonder how it could happen. It's about to happen again if Washington, DC continues to ignore "We the People". The missing element is the leadership needed to guide America's youth until they can guide themselves.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Punishing Success

Cain supports more bailouts to Corporate America Wealth Fare Programs. More trickle down Reaganomics that brought us all to this disaster. This guy is off my radar in 2012.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Bocephus Fired Monday Night

The statement spoken in jest was centered on the Golf Summit is comparable to Fuhrer Adolph Hitler playing Golf with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The picture above seems to validate Hanks views of hypocrisy. Clearly the comparison was about the meetings and nothing in common with Nazi Regimes or Jewish Theocracy. The Bocephus bad taste metaphor was obviously intended to ridicule the futility of the Golfers.
He never implied that any golfer was similar to Hitler or Netanyahu. Bocephus is a world leader in bad taste. To expect anything beyond credible Alabama politics would be unfair to Bocephus. Both the Right and Left are clamoring to identify which golfer is Hitler in Hanks analogy
Hank Jr. has become the Ambassador of Rednecks in America. The delegate of Dixie is called to duty whenever votes, ratings or taxes need collecting. People like Hank Jr or Joe the Plumber are enlisted to assemble all my rowdy friends required for temporary patriotism of the day. Supporting the illusion that we are all Americans and equal. There in lies the disguise of the 1% Elite American 2big2fail.
The lurkers in the Media are always hungry for a free meal. They seek sound bites like this to spin into credible controversy. Pundits who spin religion and perceived racism into real cash at the expense of their victims. It's the New World of Media who recycle sound bite garbage into politics. The invention of news as opposed to hard work of reporters and journalism.
Monday Night Football will go on as scheduled. The intro will likely become Rap or Hip Hop. The question is: will all my rowdy friends attend. We may find Hank and all his rowdy friends in Zuccoti Park instead. ESPN has a lot riding on their foolish decisions.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fetch Boy! Fast and Furious

Most of the weapons were not recovered and are now used to kill innocent people. Kinda like my dog who can chase the stick but, fails to bring it back.
Eric Holder testified he was not aware of Fast and Furious being carried out at the Justice Department until only a few weeks earlier. Nobody watching the store again. Pornography surfaced in other departments of government has yet to be identified. Ditto for sleeping in the Airports.
Nobody in government is sure who authorized the illegal transfer of arms but, T-Party are suspects.
Makes Mitoosense wonder who's watching our nuclear arms?
One in A Million

He could have had any name. The child of a young Mother and immigrant Syrian Muslim Father.
The young boy could have been a orphan. Instead he was adopted and given the name of Jobs. Steve Jobs would be the name of the unknown youngster. Born in obscurity in San Fransisco, California 1955.
The boy grew to be a famous man. Known for as many things he did not follow as his unpredictable accomplishments. Some say he changed the world. We think Steve will be remembered for the way he brought change rather than the products produced. Henry Ford built Ford automobiles all his life. Fords greatest gift will be remembered as the assembly line he developed to perfection. I had heard much about Steve Jobs and his Apple Computer. I did not know of his amazing life story until CNN broadcast his 2005 Stanford College Commencement Speech. If you haven't heard the words I urge everyone to listen. If you think you've had a rough go of it, think about Steve Jobs.
From the day he was born, Steve did not follow the wisdom of the day. Had he not been adopted the world would not have Steve Jobs. Had Steven followed others Dogma he would have continued his academics and buried in Corporate America's endless dead end jobs. The jobs that reward Corporate Behaviors and ignores creativity. The Corporate Peckin Order that streamlines the obscure status quo.
Instead Steve shrugged off the wisdom of others and chose to follows his dreams in the Middle Class Family garage. At every turn Steve seemed to follow his instincts and ignore prescribed conventional wisdom.
Steve died on Wednesday October 5th 2011 from Cancer. "Don't be sad he's gone, be glad it happened" (Dr Seuss). Steve Jobs completed his path from obscurity into history. He left his mark and raised the bar for us all.
Occupy Wall Street: Mitoosense Extra.

The protesters are not anxious to return to Republican support. Recognizing the jump from the pan into fire. They are forced to deny either party support. This form of politics is impossible to attack from standard pundit ideology. The Cable Pundits dazed and confused have chosen to attack the protesters as uneducated radical hillbillies without clear direction. Ironic this seems to be the platform they embrace. No Direction and No Leadership and No Viable Solutions. Posing the question: is it protesters in the dark or Congress? They're not stupid. They followed the money and it led to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.
These are the people ignored for forty years. Lied to with empty promises of: pay for an education and claim the American Dream. The Dream that's always one degree away from the goal. As more people aspire to the carrots promised they're met with an ever rising bar of minimum standard. There's only so much room at the top 1%. Most will never qualify. These protesters are against both right and left. They're comfortable in the middle and they ain't movin. They were happy with their middle class steal belted radials and toaster until the Banksters took that as well. Filthy rich wasn't enough. Now your faced with Anarchy Revolution from your neighbor.
The contagion is spreading across America inflamed by 50 million people living in poverty. That's a lot of pitchforks and no Military can contain the anger.
Monday, October 3, 2011
NYPD Guards the Sacred Cow

The fear is the Occupy Wall Street protesters may harm the beast. The protest has grown over the past 3 weeks to over 30,000 unhappy citizens. Yesterday the contagion spread to other large US cities of Boston, Los Angles and San Fransisco. None of theses cities has a graven image similar to the Sacred Cow or Golden Calf.
Despite the added security the Dow continues it's downward spiral from 12,500 in May to today's low of 10,600. None of the modern economic policies endorsed by the Federal Reserve has overcome the Unregulated Greed of Casino Bankers. Zero interest, Quantitative Easing and purchase of Wall Streets 2big2fail Toxic Waste has pulled America from the Second Great Depression.
The Cable Pundits are asking why the protesters are unhappy. The Pundits evidently are in denial of the highest poverty and unemployment rates in American History. The press are trying to paint the Occupiers as Radical Domestic Terrorist. These are the representatives of Main Street ignored for forty years. The 50 million living in poverty are the majority and their voice will not be denied any longer. They have no Police or Army of protection. They are "We the People" the descendant of the Boston Tea Party, Haymaker Square, Chicago and Kent State University dead.
Capitalism has always been self cleaning. When one Corporation fails the next best in line takes it's place. This insures America's best competitors are always ranked first. Bush 43 2big2fail replaces free market capitalism with the worst are first Fascism. The Bailouts deny the best in America the chance of success. Covert Bush Doctrine 2big2fail is the Un Constitutional Title of Nobility prohibited in Article 1 section 9 Limits of Congress.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
700 Arrested in New York, 24 in Boston

In Boston another 24 were arrested for protesting against Bank of America foreclosure procedures, if any. The whole dirty business of throwing people into the streets is the duty of Corrupt Attorneys, Courts and Local Law Enforcements to carry out the Bankster Hypocritical Justice. BoA took 45 billion of TARP money avoiding bankruptcy. The leniency they were granted by Benny and the Jets did not impede the Bank from profiteering the taxpayers who suffered from the same economic hardships. The double standard has forced angry citizens to exercise their First Amendment rights. This level of hypocrisy usually escalates to the Second Amendment rights.
I find it ironic none of the 724 arrested this weekend were illegal free ranging foreign invaders.
Today's Thought
Have you ever noticed our Constitution protects us from tyranny in a corrupt Central Government but, when the US government conspires with Corporate America it become a useless document. We are defenseless against Fascist Government teamed with Oligarchy America.
When the citizens unite with organized labor, laws preventing rights are passed to plug the leaks. Americans protesting are quickly tossed in jail and illegal free ranging criminal invaders walk freely among us.
When the line between commerce and government is blurred "We the People" become Serfs and Peons again. Banksters steal our wealth and government says it's for our own good. If one don't get ya the other one will. Send a pitchfork to Washington, DC and tell them to stick it!!
When the citizens unite with organized labor, laws preventing rights are passed to plug the leaks. Americans protesting are quickly tossed in jail and illegal free ranging criminal invaders walk freely among us.
When the line between commerce and government is blurred "We the People" become Serfs and Peons again. Banksters steal our wealth and government says it's for our own good. If one don't get ya the other one will. Send a pitchfork to Washington, DC and tell them to stick it!!
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