In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today's Tongue Twisters

Try to say this real fast:
Pedro Piper Picked a Pack of Permit Papers. A pack of Permit Papers Pedro Piper Picked. If Pedro Piper Picked a Pack of Permit Papers. Where's the Pack of Permit Papers Pedro Piper Picked.

answer: none

Checkpoint Charlie

I recently ventured out for a day of errands. My first stop was the bank to cash a check. On the way there I was pulled over in a police check point. They were reportedly looking for intoxicated revellers celebrating the recent holiday observance.

I slowly moved through the line until I got to my interrogator. The officer was in uniform and sported a large piece of artillery on his right hip. His pant legs were tucked inside his large black boots. A nice touch complimenting his desired fashionable Village People look I thought. In a wall mart greeting style monotone voice he asked for my papers.
I gave him my Winn Dixie cards as proof of identification. The Winn Dixie Card has my address with zip code, phone number, magnetic strip, bar code for quick computer scanning in addition to the obvious declaration of my name. It does not however disclose my blood alcohol levels which are the root of my delay. Clearly upset with my document from the grocery, he requested my driver's Operator License. Andy of Mayberry he was not.

Good thing I had my license in my pocket because the law requires me to have it when I operate any car. My state Operator's License has my Social Security Retirement Information embedded in my license number. Not at all sure why as my driving habits are not reflected in my retirement information.

My old license only had pertinent information such as recent traffic violation history and my written signature. Back in the day this is all that was required.

The new license has a very unflattering photo of ME ( they forgot to say cheese) and a really cool hologram (artsy) on the front and a magnetic strip, signature, bar code on the back. The picture and hologram must be important because my Winn Dixie Cards have neither.

He then asked for my insurance. Becoming impatient with the bureaucratic process, I quickly gave him my flight insurance I had just recently purchased at the Airport down the street.

Again I had upset the police interrogator and he demanded my CAR insurance papers. Oh. This is always a problem because insurance papers are always tossed in the glove compartment and forgotten. Poor house keeping is a fault as I have always maintained a high tolerance for filing. I went through several document before locating the most recent date.

The officer seemed upset but I must admit it was secondary to my relief having found the correct paper. Keeping track of all my papers is time consuming and making sure there all current is even more complicated .Mom, apple pie, Chevrolet and paper papers and papers, it's a great country.
Surely I can be dismissed now, he has my complete family life history at his fingertips. I'm certain he now knows if I cried the first day of school, I think I did but, that was long ago. I should have asked him, he would know.

He then asked for my registration. Now were both upset, I've done nothing wrong and I'm not at all sure how long I can maintain this status. I handed him my fishing registration.
Holy Shit, I thought he was gonna vaporize right in front of me. I want your CAR registration he screamed. Easy, the last cop wanted my fishing registration but, I was in a boat.

Relax, the 7"x 12"license plate is on the bumper , did you not see it I replied. No, I want to see the paper copy. Picky Picky Picky. The reflective license plate attached to your bumper is to enable surveillance without your knowledge or consent. It's a public display of your personal information......

Shit, back to the mystery compartment. I pulled out several document until I found the most recent year. This guy was upset when he retired to his air conditioned cruiser, presumably to verify information. He didn't take my Winn Dixie Card, Flight Insurance or Fishing Registration to my dismay. Good thing the Fishing Registration was expired, I think. Ha.

I became concerned that I might need further information so I searched my person for other information he might request and this time I would be prepared. Papers seemed to make him happy and I had clearly not been a good customer thus far.

I found my Passport, Birth Certificate ,Contractors License an old Building Permit and a Parking Receipt to verify more of the obvious. I watched as he exited his air conditioned cruiser and approached my car swinging his arms in lock step.
Your free to go now. I must admit I was a bit disappointed as I had prepared other documents for him and he seemed to be interested in documents.
As I began tossing all my documents in the mystery compartment I wondered "how could he tell my blood alcohol levels from only three documents". Weird Science!
Personally, I would have preferred to an anonymous blow into a Breathalyzer and kept my civil liberties in tact, over violating my entire family history and the US Constitution to a cop. They should just ask you to blow and separate the people who are drunk from those who are going to the bank. I really doubt alcohol was central to the roadblock. I think the roadblock was a rouse to disguise checking my papers. My papers incidentally contains way to much information accessible to a government that reportedly works for me. None of your business I think in order here.
Released to freedom I proceeded to the bank. Down the street there was what appeared to be a parade blocking the right of way. I asked a gentlemen carrying a large sign "I didn't know there was a parade scheduled for today"? He advised it wasn't a parade. They were marching.
Marching for what I asked? He said they were protesting the recent Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 which requires police to check papers if suspicion of illegal immigration is seen. I said, as I understood the current Federal law requires all legal immigrants to carry documents as agreed when issued.
Yeah maybe, he said I don't know because I'm a walk in. Anyway that's profiling. What is profiling I asked?
It's making you have papers he answered.
You mean you didn't ask for legal entry, your a criminal and your a victim of possible discrimination?
Yeah he replied it's in the Constitution It's the law.
I then asked him where he was from.
He said Yakastonia I think.
I inquired do you have a Operators License, Registration, Insurance Policy, Birth Certificate Passport, or Fishing Registration.
He said of course not, I gotta Winn Dixie Card though.
Good enough for me. I then asked him if maybe I could protest with him as it all sounded legal.
I knew the President of the United States was supportive and profiling is unlawful anyway.
He said I guess it was OK, even though I was a foreigner. I suggested we march up the street to the police blockade. He said they couldn't their Marching Protest Demonstration Permit Papers were only for this block. How can you get a Permit without papers I asked. My new friend said money that's all you need. If you can't fight them maybe we should join the fray.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart is the face that initiated the firing of USDA employee Shirely Sherrod. His clip exposed many facets of failures. It failed to expose the race of the attendees of the Shirely Sherrod speech. The speech was reportedly sponsored by the NAAACP. We don't know the racial diversity of the audience.

Virtually all of America missed his intention and focused on Shirely Sherrod the speaker, including myself.

I watched MSNBC talking head Chris Mathews last evening and Chris noted the material included Shirley's disclosure "race was not the issue". Thanks Chris because everyone in America missed the obvious.

Andrew Breitbart interviewed with cameras on, explained his focus was on the laughter in the audience as Shirely made racist statement about the white farmer. His claim the audience seemed pleased when the white farmer's plight was exposed and then silent as Shirely expressed her retractions were validated on the tape. Only Chris Mathews seemed objective about the claim.

Is a retraction with apology in order to Andrew Breitbart? Does information viewed as a reflection of the audience and not Shirley's Speech exonerate his behavior?
The answer is "No" his motives were to discredit people for the color of their nose, as a group. Andrew expected viewers to join him in racism. The tape did not prove whites were not laughing members of the Audience. America completely missed his motives and focused on Shirley Sherrod's partial message.

Andrew Breitbart did exposed the following for the record of this Blog

1. Andrew Breitbart used race to discredit audience members during the speech. We need to eliminate perceived race in America. Highlighting race aggravates the issue further.
2. The Audience displayed racism with laughter and silence when racially cued.
3. The USDA was exposed as incompetent representing the American public when it asked for Shirely Sherrods resignation without investigation.
4. The Obama Administration revealed incompetence is acceptable while perceived racial improprieties is grounds for dismissal. ( a teachable moment Mr President)
5. The NAAACP supported Shirley Sherrods speech and then her dismissal as racist? Whats up with this option. Is the Pot calling the Kettle Black. How can one be supportive of both issues simultaneously? Is the NAAACP agenda clouded in political gain.
6. Nobody expressed interest in either farmer. If the Farmer's were central to the issue, government works!! Our focus should be on the Farmers and did the USDA perform as intended.
7. Shirely Sherrod is not racist and should be compensated for the blatant mistreatment inflicted by the Obama Administration. Public employees should be banned from discussing the Peoples Business to promote personal agendas. We need a law to protect profiteering the Public Business.
8 Chris Mathews is an excellent journalists with intense focus on facts.
9. I have no money so don't sue me.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Born in the USA and $42,000 for a Free Chinese Diaper

This taxpayer is upset. It's not hunger or colic enraging the child. He seems to be aware his Chinese diaper is not free. China charges for everything including diapers. The man in this picture would like for him to believe the diaper is free. The child recognizes where the crap really originates. The child knows there are two requirements to gift, one is ownership, the second is it has been purchased and paid in full. The diaper is neither.
The man tells him he's a fiscal conservative.

The child knows the man obtained the diapers by charging others and followed with claims of benevolence as the diaper to be, "his gift."
The child will be confronted with free many times in his life. Including education, healthcare, food stamps, medicines, electric wheel chairs and bathtubs all free, presumably.

Carpetbagging scoundrels line up to mark up the free entitlements. The recipients will never see the true costs or realize they will eventually pay for with interest from the billion dollar day national debt maintenance. The debt total accrues at nearly 4 billion daily.

Even military budgets are invaded with carpetbagger mercenaries such as Blackwater and Haliburton with no- bid contracts. Good work if you can get it, relax you can't.

The fact the the diaper was made halfway around the world to be pandered free is another issue known as "Free Trade". There's that word again.

The child, wise beyond his years knows he will pay for everything this man has enjoyed for the rest of his life. This man unwisely spent all his money and the child's father's money and now seeks the child's income to quell his greedy appetite. The man gave the child a number at birth to insure repayment obligations are fulfilled. The number referred as Social Security is neither.

The man lives a life of privilege at the child expense. The man also claims he keeps the child safe from attack. The truth being the Child actually protects the man. The man claims to be concerned for the declining "Family Values". (means your not working hard enough) The man has no history of any evidence in "Valuing Families".

The man causes each generation to work longer hours while it creates a bigger government to be sold as more free stuff. It's an easy sell as most people quickly fall for free. This is known in Economics 101 as "The Freefall". After all "Free" is your right in the US Constitution,right?

See if you can find it. The only free reference in the constitution is "free speech", everyone is expected to work or starve and sometimes both. Freedom is mentioned many times but not free. If free won't sell, rights are used as a backup to seal the deal. Americans are living off the crumbs of bureaucracy as the carpetbaggers amass obscene wealth from distribution of the free Oligarchy carrots, If the product was cycled through the government you will pay10 times premium. Even unemployment payments cycled through Bank of America enriches the Bank. We own the Bank and fund same with money from the US Treasury.

The number (all Americans have one now) is part of a bigger lie known as Social Security. Social Security is neither as most things free are eventually revealed as a expenditure.

I remember when I got my SS number I was 14 years 6 months of age and I asked for the number. I have a vivid recollection of this day because I had to catch a bus downtown to the school board of all places and request my number. I had to have this number as part of my condition of hire to bag groceries at the market. I was barely legal to work according to child labor laws of the day. The minimum wage was $1.00 per hour and coincidentally that's the very same amount they agreed to pay for my bagging skills. Uno on my resume. I was soon promoted to the produce department but the wage remained $1.00 per hour. Six months later I was living the dream on a brand new motorcycle. $393.00 cash.

My first contribution to the American economy. I had to obtain two certification to drive. The first was an Operators Permit proving your ability to drive and Plates or Tags to prove I paid property tax and sales tax. Insurance was not required. The driver was responsible by law for property damage and liability in court. Should you be judged liable the courts would force you to pay the entire damages awarded. Bankruptcy was your only option to stop the courts from taking your property and seize your wages. Very simple system and worked well.

I questioned the need for the SS number as retirement was not in my foreseeable future. When I got my first check I noticed some of my money was deducted. Some for FICA but also other deductions for taxes etc. The revelation revealed the SS numbers real use was a tax tally to charge every American for the free stuff in society.

State Laws have required mandatory auto insurance for some time. Mandatory Auto insurance pretty much guarantees a frivolous law suit will be filed for even minor fender benders.
More clog for justice.

Just recently, States now can seize both your Operators License and Plates without reimbursement compensation for not paying the auto insurance extortion carpetbaggers. In addition fines assessed on your tag and operator's license for same. Second time is 1 years suspension and third offense is jail time in the big house The Greybar Hotel. All for not giving your money away to the Oligarchy Extortion Insurance. The way you get caught is stupid easy as the Oligarchy Insurance Extortionist notify the State your delinquent and pull your tags license and impose fines and jail.

I find this particularly offensive when the hand that feeds is bitten by the beggar. This collusion between Insurance Pandering and the Banksters blurs the line of government. Begging the questions of Who is working for whom as a disturbing reality.

Thou shalt not redeem transport insurance. The eleventh commandment.

We now throw people in jail for not buying insurance. Is driving without a license a crime committed worthy of incarceration. No accident, no intoxication ,no points for bad driving habits and jail time for not paying insurance extortion is not law it's a crime against humanity.

The truth here is your operator's License is how they track Americans. Without the license tracking is impossible. This explains proposed legislation allowing the 22 million criminal free ranging aliens an Operators License . Further evidence they want you to have a license so they can sell you insurance and track you at the same time. More revenue for the bureaucrats and carpetbaggers.

Now we have mandatory healthcare insurance. More legalized extortion and soon we will be building Healthcare insurance prison next to the Auto insurance prisons, good for our economy. Now Imagine your one of the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens pillaging America. The government wants to give you a pathway to citizenship which will require you to loose your freedom and forced to pay taxes as the government tracks your every move. Would you want to be a citizen? Long ago we had enormous empires built on steel, railroads, oil, auto and chemistry turning the economy in the American Industrial revolution. Quicker than it began the golden age slipped away in a very short 100 years and most of it in my lifetime. I'm one of those people who did not experience the First Great Depression but I heard about it, nonstop for twenty years of people screaming in my ear "you don't know what it's like".

In the midst of the Second Great Depression or Greater Depression (your choice) I'm beginning to realize what I missed, "Nothing"

"Nothing" describes the First and Second Great Depressions. Similar to Monopoly the game is over for all the enormous industries of Americas golden age. The Banksters Won it all. They cheated as they always will. They own everything through consumption, elimination and bribery.

The game will now reset to kids born from 1980 on, known as Generation Y. These people have the many things in their favor to succeed. Ordained as the first generation to have less than the preceding generation will add a new dimension of persistence along with less debate on the perceived advantages of some.

They are the best educated and therefore least dependant on manufacturing skilled labor jobs. God help them if they try this avenue. Also they have the legacy of the World War Two Generation to follow as roll models and the infamous Boomers Generations mistakes to avoid at all costs. My advice is 1. never shoot all the Buffalo
2. be in diversified in every available commerce
3. balance the budget as you balance the wealth
4. Initiate mandatory community 2 year service for all Americans. Service allows for all access to the GI Bill. Eventually everyone will be covered by Veterans Healthcare,
5. Term Limits for the Senate.
6, reinstate abolished Glass Steagall Act.
7. Abolish the IRS and Social Security. Seal The Borders and strengthen Immigration requirements as a element of National Defense.
8. Abolish the Patriot Act.
9. Eliminate all legislation that separates the citizens from any form of commerce with government regulation in between.

It's Game On In America and good luck!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anarchy in Arizona

Arizona's new law SB 1070 will take affect at 12:01 tonight.

The US District Judge Susan Bolton's decsion to limit crucial sections requiring police to ask for immigration papers when processing any investigation were placed on hold.

Signaling a continued state of Anarchy where the Federal Government refuses to enforce immigration law as it claims dominion against others who may attempt to establish law enforcement in the border states.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is expected to ask for an appeal. Brewer described today's decision as a minor bump in the road.

Now that the Federal Government has declared Arizona's states rights unlawful. The State of Arizona should initiate impeachment process of the President in the US House of Representatives for Violation of Oath Office.

His Oath requires the President to defend the United States of America. There isn't anything more central to defense than protection of the border.

If he can't accomplish a simple task of defending our borders with the full compliment of the US Military he should not be President. The people of Arizona should declare Marshall law and take the steps necessary to reestablish law in Arizona.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The First Great Depression

Monopoly is a game invented in 1935 during the First Great Depression. The game attempts to bring satire to the modest current events of the day. The game no doubt invented by my Grandparents generation is played extensively by all generations since.

The game can be played by numerous players with one appointed to be the Banker. You gotta watch the Banker as this guy always cheats. We all know the game ends when one persons owns everything, usually the Banker. Everyone else is in the poor house just like real capitalism. Being the Banker is not an advantage if played honestly, just like real life. The Banker is more of a community service appointment.

What I find interesting is the game has changed little even though the our laws and economy has changed substantially since 1999.

The first thing you will note is there is no evidence of inflation. Boardwalk, Park Place and Go all have the very same monetary values today. This is largely because the printed script is the same. The amount of script in 1935 is the very same in 2010.

The reason being is; even though there is a Banker there is no Federal Reserve, to print more money. If there were a federal reserve then an eraser would be required to play the game fairly as more currency would constantly change all values. If there were a FED discount window the Banker would always win, spoiling the entertainment value and unfair to other players. The Banker would never exhaust his money and all other players would soon learn that as Banker's money increased their money was devalued.

In 1935 we had the 1934 Glass Steagall Act which made it unlawful for Bankers to take money from the FED and invest in the Stock Market. If the game had a stock market, hedge funds would appear and again the game would be unfair not to mention never end. Fair play is central to the games success. All players are given the same amount of script to start the game. There are no rules which allow certain people privilege. A level playing field is shared by all players.

The Banker receives no bonuses for his access to all the money. He does not own GO or invest in properties other than his own. There are penalties however in Community Chest and Chance for taxes, interest, hospital and jail. These bring more reality to the game as does free cards and dividends pay outs. The money accrued goes to the center of the board where all player have access through Free Parking for the public good. The Banker receives no fee for each exchange of money or transfers. Nor does he profit from another players bankruptcy or capture his wealth. The rules don't require a player to purchase property or arbitrarily pay rent unless of course he lands on that particular square already owned.
To recreate a similar model of Monopoly today of the Second Great Depression or Greater Depression would be impossible. To reflect today's Depression would require a rule book of Healthcare Proportions.
The only people to play the new version are Banksters that would be viewed as the Purple Gang in 1935. Today's Banksters yesterdays criminal sums it well.
Public Announcement from Obama declare "It's all legal" are correct, but far from Epiphany
The Regan Administration that broke unions and deregulated Savings and Loans in 1980 brought on the $160 billion dollar bailout of Bush the First Silverado Fiasco.
The proposed NAFTA (signed into law by Slick Willy Clinton) by Bush the first is destroying the middle class wealth.
The abolished Glass Steagall Act in 1999 signed by Slick Willy Clinton opened the door to Americas Second Great Depression in 2007, but not until the Banksters had filled all their greedy pockets.
Now if you thought it just couldn't be worse the Bankster who just derailed the economy are now asking Henry Paulson for welfare enrichment or Bush the Second's Parker Bros economy will fail.
The lies cheating and deception of Bush the second's administration is beyond the grasp of the average citizen. No liquidation no losses to shareholders as the wealthy were sheltered from bankruptcy Court's.
Then Obama follows the Corporate Welfare with a new name of Stimulus. Hand Feeding the wealthy in America.
The US Treasury today claims many of the Banksters Bailouts have been repaid to the Treasury. The TARP report published by the US Treasury indicates much of the money was forgiven, offering reconciled not Paid in Full as Bernanke's flagrant misspoken.
The money paid to AIG (the bagman) will never be repaid or reconciled. This money was paid by AIG to the Dirty Dozen Banks as insurance coverage on the phony mortgage derivative schemes.
To claim the money is repaid is a disgrace to the taxpayer. Remember GM tried the same crap claiming they also repaid their debt. It didn't fly.
As a gesture of some closure Goldman Sachs agrees to pay a 550 million dollar fine for lying to customers buying stock.
A shot of cheap wine for a raging alcoholic. The gave, donated thirty times this amount away in 2009 bonuses to the ignorant fools who knocked the wheels off our economy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

27 Reasons We Have Expanding Malitias

1. 83% of all US stocks are in control of 1% of the people

2. 61% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck up 49% 2008

3. 66% income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% Americans

4. 36% Americans don't save for retirement.

5. 43% Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.

6. 24% Americans postponed retirement.

7. 1.4 million Americans filed for bankruptcy up 32% from 2008.

8. Top 5% of US households have earned enough additional income to match rising housing costs.

9. First time in US history Banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the US above individual Americans.

10. 1950 the average executives earned 30 times the average workers income. In 2010 executives earned 300 to 500 times the average blue collar worker.

11. 2007 the bottom 80% American households held a mere 7% of liquid financial assets.

12.Bottom 50% US incomes own less than 1% of the nations wealth.

13. Wallstreet bonuses are up 17% from 2008 to 2009.

14. Federal workers earn 60% more than private sector workers.

15. Top 1% US households own twice as much Of America's corporate wealth up from 15 years ago.

16.The average time to find a job has risen to 35.2 weeks.

17. 40% of employed workers are low paying service jobs.

18. 40 million Americans are eligible for food stamps.

19. American workers compete against Chinese workers who earn 0.86 cents an hour.

20. 21% of all children live beneath the poverty level.

21. US Millionaires are up a whopping 16% in 2009.

22. Top 10% US wage earners earn 50% of the national income.

23. The Patriot Act that violates the 4th Amendment.
24. Mandatory deductions from paychecks that separate the worker from his rights to choose retirement, healthcare, insurance, his money and government without express consent.
25. Invasion of privacy allowing sensitive personal information accessible to retirement and driver's Operator License private information "Social Surveillance"
26. Corruption in the Obama Cabinet including Treasury, USDA, Interior Pentagon Justice, Homeland Stupidity for a wide range of issues from downloading porn to uncontrolled borders and awarding poor performances.
27, Mandatory Social Security ID for infants. Every time Government has a problem the answer is always sacrafice of more liberty, ( see intro quote from Ben Franklin)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Theme Song to Looney Tunes

Race In America by a nose

Race is an interesting word in the English Language. The definition for race is widely varied.
We race cars, boats, people, horses and virtually anything that moves can be raced. Including slow races for pigs, frogs and sailboats.
We find races without classes boring. Without competition race lacks significant entertainment value.

The word is a Spanish derivative of razza transformed into English in 1580.
Necessity being the mother of invention the definition always precedes the word itself. Meaning, we don't invent words until the need appears.

In 15oo's the world became smaller as explorers like Christopher Columbus began stitching humanity on Earth into a single species.
Isolated groups of common descent evolved in separate distinctive characteristics. People of foreign descent were amazed when the Pyramid s of Egypt were first viewed.
Mayans invented the calendar but not the wheel.
In the beginning segregation was a product of natural evolution, not selection.

Because of barriers of natural resources, mountain and oceans humanity did not enter the Cuisinart until trans ocean exploration.

Slavery is known to all civilizations of people in every corner of the world. Sadly, human trafficking still endures today in some parts of the globe. Slavery went international in the 1500s by Portuguese Sailors.

Our DNA celebrates our human diversity. Sometimes positive and sometimes not so much. Just as some people really like red cars others prefer green or blue. Detroit responds with various colors for every discriminating taste. All human senses exhibit unexplained natural discrimination. Vision ,Smell Sounds, Touch and Taste produce immediate discrimination of like or dislike. It's the way we all roll. We discriminate daily without race, "surprise"

We relish some of us may run faster while others excel in mathematics. Just as we celebrate our achievements, we tend to deny our shortcomings as part of our genetic code. We recognize cars built for the drag race will not perform well on a dirt track. People aren't any different. Doesn't mean one is better than another.

Some people grew in different dimensions of need. If your family came from Mountain Zones you probably lack skills in your genetic code for fishing swimming and boating. It just wasn't required due to limited water supply. It would most likely make people from higher elevation better genetic hunters. It does not mean you cannot fish or learn to build a boat.

Other quirks and behaviors are learned or taught. Do you put on both socks and then shoes or are you one of these weird people who alternate back and and forth, one sock and then shoe etc? Some of us do.

If you were raised in my house in Indiana by a two timing Marine Corp Veteran (South Pacific 41 thru 45 and Korean Conflict 5o to 53) you were taught to pay your own way, never ask for anything , charity was a disgrace, be independent and the only Shakespeare he new was "never a lender or borrower be".

The ONLY MARCHING HE DID WAS AGAINST THE JAPANESE AND CHINA. He didn't identify with anyone who marched on Washington, DC or protested anything he defended with his life. He naturally felt that serving first and then complain was in order. He rarely complained or I was never exposed to belly aching whining. Can't argue the logic.

I'm not sure if he was a racist. I do know that both he and I qualify by today's standard as racists. To disagree with the perceived plight of others is now deemed racist. It is a charge for which there is no known defense or clear definition. You are charged and that's it your guilty. But, But ,But you mutter to yourself.

Declaring my brother is lazy and ignorant may be offensive, but is debated on the presented facts alone. This statement is acceptable dialog in America and gets no national discussion.

If my brother is charged similarly by another individual and if there is the perceived presents of race, then facts are no longer deemed important. The Race Card is then substituted and becomes the Trump Card in American Law today.

Remember we're talking about the same person here. I know this, because he's my brother.

Charging others of similar characteristics can be described as racist but again based solely on the perceived presents of the race phenomenon. Such accusation may be deemed grounds for a hate crime. If the imaginary race gods deem race is present at the time. Again only when there is the perceived presents of race. You must therefore, be a racist to prosecute racism. There must be recognition of race first. Reinforcement of the "takes one to know one"analogy.
Here in lies the mistake which is the fulcrum of the Race Card.

Both accusations share the "TWO's" 2eyes, 2ears, 2legs, 2arms.
Therefore, it could be, it's not the color of your eyes, hair or nose I object to, it's your conduct I find reprehensible.

We don't throw people in jail for the color of their hair, eyes or nose. We convict them of crimes in a court of law regardless of their eyes, hair or nose.
Most people will agree although not all; it's the nose color that is the source of racism in America. Eyes and hair aren't factors in race or racism in America.

The greatest racist of all the infamous Adolph Hitler exterminated million in Germany and the color of ones nose was not a determining factor. He hunted and killed for various imaginary doctrines accepted in the day. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In Ireland nose color is unimportant. The Irish kill and mame for reasons of Catholic vs Protestant Religion.

America was recently attacked by a group claiming to be of religious Jihad against America. America is not a theocracy and therefore finds it difficult to hate based upon religion. We just don't roll that way.
If your gonna hate all of the above are acceptable motives to the nose color alternative. If I've left any haters out my apologies I tried to include all of you.

Declaring my brother is smarter and excels is also viewed as racist, but only when their is the perceived presents of race.
My sister is another story because all sisters are female (we think). Sex is much easier to define and therefore doesn't receive the national discussion of race.
Race is as abstract as DNA.

I further concede to those who are not family members that may read this editorial, there is real racism in America and the courts are not always fair when verdicts are rendered. (see OJ trials)

My claim is race exist in the confines of ones mind only. Take this test. Ask yourself:
"do you see all people in America as your competition regardless of family, gender or nose color"?
If the answer is "yes" I compete with all humanity, then your not racist (your safe) On the other hand if you see some people on your side then your a big problem in America.

The photo above was selected because the car represents the only evidence race exist at all. Race is a human invention in the mind. Racism also lives in the mind and has no place in reality. It does exist on every government form in America, check your box accordingly, "WHY" I ask. Why does the box exist and what is it's use and to whom.

America made it's peace with England over the Revolutionary War, The Indians for Indian Wars and needs to stop perceived reparations for the Civil War. The Civil War ended and we should focus on a better future rather than lamenting on past mistakes regardless of how heinous.
The charge of Federal Government is providing a level playing field to all Americans. Granting "Special Rights" is Discrimination, unfair to all and promotes the incompetence we see in government.

Recently the Black Panthers armed at a Pennsylvania Poll Place attempted to discourage some voters from voting. Our Attorney General Eric Holder has done nothing to prosecute the Black Panthers an obvious decision clouded by his race. He cannot see because, he does not know. He should be fired. He will however, file suit against the state if Arizona to protect Free ranging criminal illegal aliens.
Some groups were asked "why did you not express outrage against the panther's as expressions of hate'? The leaders of groups who's very agenda is founded in equality were quoted on national news cycles " the panthers conduct was not their charge" indicating they seek equality for only some people. This logic is segregation and if we all look back to the days of segregated tribalism in America we can see segregation is where race began.

More failure from our government and the Obama Cabinet. I supported Obama and expect change, it's not his prerogative, it's the law.
I support my President, but I will not vote for him in 2012. I'm not a happy camper.

This week we are confronted with ironic Karma as the Obama Cabinet lashes out at one of it's own. We have come full circle in perceived racial tension. Race as well as Treasury, USDA, Justice, Interior and Pentagon are out of control. Long time issues of government corruption ignored for another 18 months. Every facet of government is revealing decades of more rot and decay.

I'm concerned our President is not in control and someone should step in soon and cover the Big Button before some idiot kills us all.

Certainly our President is one of the most intelligent men in history. His challenge is comparable to his role model Abraham Lincoln. Overwhelming would be underestimating his problems.
I think the world of the President and love him like a brother, but I will not vote for him.

Racism is a nagging arthritis in comparison to the huge problems of the economy, illegal immigration, the banksters, two foolish wars and energy addiction issues on life support in critical care.
If you believe in majority rule, gay marriage and perceived racism are priorities to only a few. While every American shares a part in war and the economy.

Race is defined as a product of biology. In America race has morphed into an industry for financial gain for a select few. Overwhelming the core value of an anti discrimination agenda.

The name Shirely Sherrod will now share a place in American History with Rosa Parks.

Both Shirely and Rosa are tied to racial discrimination and of the same race. Although at opposite ends of the spectrum. If you did not believe in reverse or false discrimination then the name Shirley Sherrod should change your mind.

Even though Shirely Sherrod was not guilty of any discrimination that we are aware. She shares her charges of discrimination with millions of Americans who have been falsely accused of racism.
The despicable use of false racial accusation gets no national discussion. Racial profiling is commonly pedalled by groups and other carpetbagging Reverend this or Reverend that to enrage segments of the general population. Perceived segregation is constantly in the news cycles whether real or imagined.

For the record Shirley Sherrod was not guilty and joins millions falsely accused. The difference that singles out Shirely Sherrod is her nose color is perceived and associated with being the victim. When reverse discrimination rears its ugly head it rarely gets any attention, until Shirely Sherrod. Man bites dog scenario is big news.

Personally, I'm glad the Shirely Sherrod wrongful firing received national attention. This case has exposed the ugly truth that while discrimination in America has severe legal repercussion. False/Reverse discrimination hasn't any negative responses.

We clearly see an inept U.S.D.A. blindly requesting resignation without a speck of investigation is a crime in itself. Shirely begged the USDA to not expose their ignorance.

At the end of the day she did what anyone in her position would do, she resigned knowing full well her confident legal position. To those who say Shirely's firing was not about race are mistaken. This is all about race and how it is being used as leverage to gain what one does not deserve. The source is reported to be a white male who is not being accused or held accountable to any standard.

One could make the claim the white males motives were racist or sexist. The truth is probably buried in a political agenda of a very twisted sick white male and race or sex was used as merely a vehicle of attack. Not to mention the abuse of the first amendment by media who report, but do not verify fact. False witness is not protected under the first amendment and apology and retractions by media are not acceptable closure to their reckless reporting. Media should fined by the FCC and suit brought in these most extreme cases. If perceived racial attacks are considered hate crimes then logic would require false accusations should also be dealt with under the same law.
I do concede this issue is not about discrimination, which is usually the case in racism.

I ask a more obvious questions of "Why is the USDA empowered with saving any farmer, black or white. Why do we empower a corrupt system to take money from one person and give money to another. Is this charity or creating frivolous employment for more USDA bureaucracy. How much money is spent to maintain the systems of all entitlement giveaway programs of Congress. Skimming the public storehouse is big business in Oligarchy America.
The foolish pundits who claim there is only discrimination and false/reverse discrimination is merely a double negative. These people live in a perfect Utopia which the human race has not evolved to or earned. They refuse to accept genetic codes are reflections in stereotypes both positive and negative. They forsake accountability and substitute the more reliable crutch of racism in denial. This idealism has never won a war or placed men on the moon.

Shirley Sherrod will be forever known as the Poster Child for False/Reverse Discrimination. She now joins a select group of those who can see the difference between preference and hatred.

The wisdom of Solomon would declare, the real issue here is giving taxpayer's money away.

The man who fired Shirely was not racist, he was overwhelmingly incompetent and should be fired also. Ironically the guilty are not asked to resign, only the innocent Shirely Sherrod.

Tragic evidence, incompetence is acceptable in the Obama Cabinet and perceived racial improprieties are grounds for immediate dismissal.
Seems as though running the government poorly is secondary to imaginary radical racial equality standards.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pathway to Cheap Labor

The health care bill was not positive reform for the American people. A noble idea but, in the end makes health insurance a mandatory tax and forces employees to be subservient to Oligarchy Corporate Employers through seized payroll deduction.

Your government is forcing you to pay for coverage and empowers the insurance companies with uncontrolled costs.
The more Insurance can spend the more they charge. It encourages waste in a non capitalism socialist enterprise. Health care Reform separates you from direct control over your money! It's like sending your neighbor to buy you a car. You have no control over the price paid, quality of the car or even size of the vehicle.

Financial Reform permits the Banksters uncontrolled access to the assets of American wealth and legalizes 2big2fail. The Dirty Dozen Banks and Auto Czars have been ordained by Congress to a Monarchy Status.

Immigration Reform is a Pathway to Cheap labor and not a humanitarian effort to elevate free ranging criminal aliens to citizenship.

Our government tells us they want to give us free housing . In the end we get government housing. Noble ideas ,but in the end cause American Federal Government to grow ever further out of control, away from the voter it serves.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mystery Plumber plugged the damn hole

Professor Robert Bea of University of California Berkley reports the cap installed by BP at Macondo leaking oil well is similar if not identical to a design submitted to him from a Master Plumber in Northern California.

Robert Bea a former engineer for oil company received a late night call from a mystery plumber who claimed he had designed a cap that could seal the well to the failed Blow Out Preventer.
The Professor was then forwarded sketches detailing the plumbers design. The Professor then sent the mystery plumbers design to the United States Coast Guard as a viable solution to stop the leaking crude.
The Coast Guard compiled civilian designs for catalogs available to BP engineers.
Naturally, BP denies the cap design origination's were from outside BP Engineering.
Honestly, it truly makes no difference where the design originated. It is undeniable that a Plumber from northern California could also seal the well without benefit of any engineering backgrounds.
BP claimed the deep undersea work was on a par with a lunar landing. I seriously doubt the Master Plumber information could be helpful to NASA.
The new design is simply further evidence of how incapable BP has been throughout the past 85 day ordeal

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Boycott BP Products.

.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................How many lies will we hear before we accept BP as lying British Pirates of the High Seas.
The descendants of Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard the Pirate operate as emissaries of corporate greed, buying, selling corruption in governments around the globe.
Paying for lavish BP trips, where sex and drugs are the accepted itinerary for the Department of Interior M.M.S. employees.
$4.00 a gallon gasoline to refine our US crude. And most frightening wilful reckless Manslaughter of American workers offshore.
Now we're told BP has admitted it lobbied the British Government for Libyan Prisoner Transfer.
This explains the return and release of Pan Am flight 103 Lockerbie, Scotland murderer Abdelo Basset Ali al Megrahi to the Libyan Government in exchange for a lucrative drilling rights to Libyan offshore crude.
Megrahi soul is marred with the deaths of all 259 people of flight 103. BP supported claims the murderer had only three months to live in 2007 from terminal prostrate cancer, therefore should be returned to Libya for eminent burial.
Three years later the murderer is still alive and well living from US oil revenues as our military fights terror around the globe.
BP's mathematics wrong again. It seems BP calculation at the consumer's pump are hugely different when calculating barrels of oil spilled, oil cleaned, money paid to fisherman and now life expectancies of Terrorist Murderers.
Why would anyone believe anything they say. Further, why would you expect anything but lies, deception and twisted numbers in the future.
Crude Oil addiction is destroying America on all fronts. Oil polluting the Gulf of Mexico , Wars in foreign lands and greedy corporate raiders buying politicians and government favor with American consumer's money. Pillage Baby Pillage!!!!!
I urge all Americans to conserve as much oil as possible , but never buy products from BP.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mid Term Election Reform

We hear a lot about Reforms lately. Congress is passing useless legislation that glosses over their poor performances. Disguising the truth of a sick corrupt cabinet not enforcing current laws. If your not going to enforce the law, none will work. Intent on passing legislation and bailouts to benefit Corporation they feed from.

The mid term elections are a chance for the average guy to make his reform known.
I think this is an excellent time for each voter to determine what he wants in reform rather than ordering off the Democratic or Republican menus.

We have been voting from the menu for years and the benefits are zilch, unless your a corporate raider or similar carpetbagger. I personally have along list of reforms and changes in the political landscape.

1. Open Primary Election is at the top of my list. I believe open primary is the first step in 200 years that could return freedom and power of government back to the voter and away from Oligarchy Government.
If your unsure about Open Primary your not alone, it's new or new to me. The basics are a single primary that produces a limited number on the ballot for the General Election Day. Could be two, but a like five, I've always been different. The more people on the ballot the more money it takes to buy the election. It could also produce NO party affiliations of Democrat or Republican. The candidates capturing the most votes are on the ballot. I really like this idea.

Ancient Greeks abandoned voting and went to a lottery system where names were literally drawn from a hat. Seems they experienced buying elections were a flaw to Democracy also.

2. Bank Reforms that separate government from banking I favor. We have separation of church and state and I think we need to get government out of our personal banking. Laissez faire approach to our freedoms in the Fourth Amendment. If they want to continue surveillance on Corporate Banking that's acceptable. They need to be watched ,not me.

3. No more Corporate Welfare, bailouts or subsidies. If your 2big2fail then your 2big. Let Corporations regardless of size or history go under take their medicine and deal with the fallout afterwards. Bailouts perpetuate the wealth and impede the much needed correction. Everybody put on their long pants and Man Up.

4. No more tax deductions of any sort. Simplify the payment of tax and eliminate the IRS.

5. Eliminate the Patriot Act as a obstruction to the US Constitution.

6.Phase out Social Security and rely on personal Retirement Bank accounts out of reach of government from reform #2 above.

7. Eliminate your state Operators Drivers License as an Tracking Surveillance number. Your Drivers License is to promote safe driving habits and not government tracking number. Its not for ID or cashing checks. Why in the name of Deity would anyone endorse a law with mandatory jail sentence for driving without a license. Its like doing time for walking on the grass at the state house for Gods Sakes......

8. Prohibit anyone including government from deducting money from your payroll check.
This includes Healthcare Insurance, Retirement and Income Taxes.

9. Abolish Mandatory Insurance of any kind including Auto and Health.

10. Secure our borders and require all applicants for citizenship speak English and pass High School GED test. Abolish guest or migrant workers. If you want cheap labor go to Mexico and grow food and build factories.

11. Pass zoning laws requiring forclosed homes to be sold within 90 days or be razed as a nuisance.

Stop legislation that strengthens Corporate domination over the voter. We all know its leading in the Wrong Way

Friday, July 9, 2010

One Trillion Dollars Visualized from

Pathway to Freedom

The number shown above is the recent 9 July 2010 National Debt . For those without formal education the first two digit represent 13 trillion. Once you get a grasp of 13 trillion the remainder seems unimportant. This number is about 42,000.00 dollars for every breathing human life in America (does not count Illegals or Spies)
I don't know about you but this figure places my personal commitment about 42,000 dollars short. My apologies.
The debt rises about 4 billion dollars daily. Interest for 2010 is 355 billion dollars.
Let's see, 365 days in a year, 355 billion in interest is very close to a billion interest dollars a day for loan maintenance. Somebodies a big customer

The percent of debt to the Gross Domestic Product will be above 90% in 2010. This reality is; we're 10 buckets away from sinking. The GDP is largely borrowed currency printed by the Federal Reserve.

Meaning there is no gold in Ft Knox. The USS Capitalism ship of state is 90% underwater and President Obama is beginning to feel the moisture of failure in his shoes. Another analogy is we're playing Russian Roulette with a 10 round revolver and 9 bullets in the chambers. Not good odds at all. This is why they now call the debt unsustainable. Why didn't you tell me this before you bailed out AIG, Banksters GM, Fiat and a host of others for three trillion.

Once recognizing the budget has busted our government will no doubt withdrawal all expenditures cutting back to basic needs of maintaining civil law and protecting our borders here in America.

Churches will flourish as people will look to Church instead of government for Charity. Churches have always done a better job of administering charity. They control costs, eliminate corruption and serve a dual purpose of morality council and amount of need. Donations are returned back to Religion rather than government as people become self reliant again. Communities will support each other in a sense of pride.

Our currency will be worthless along with Social Surveillance, IRS and all entitlement closed. Wall Street abandoned, Banksters jailed and Banks closed.

Gun and Ammunition sales will skyrocket as people protect their property

I read somewhere that all the employees of the Federal Government after the Civil War could fit in one three bedroom house (exclusive of the Military and Post Office).

After the Big Bang I expect we will find that post Civil War Government is all the Government we require.

People will return back to an agrarian life with broadband interactive Internet at their finger tips replacing broadcast and cable television. Every home in America will be energy independent with solar panels and wind turbines on every house. Commuting to cities will be done monthly rather than daily visits. Cities will continue to shrink in size as they morph into a center for government and commerce only.

The crops will still grow and people will barter and trade on their own ability. Schools will teach classes on how to be self reliant. Wealth will be measured on how hard you work, rather than how many workers you enslave. Each person will benefit fairly from his efforts. Generational Wealth will end and take with it Generational Welfare.....................

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One Big Reason

One reason asking for proof of citizenship or immigration papers is obvious. If your looking to find criminal illegals and the person in front of you has a hat emblazoned with the flag of Mexico and a t-shirt with same, odds are he has strong ties to Mexico. Chances are if he has a valid Operators License issued in the US one can quickly determine his origins. If his license indicates he is an immigrant then documents should be checked at this time. He isn't required to carry around a file cabinet of information. Name and corresponding documents computer check and your free to go. And yes it's just that easy.

If Border Patrol has proof of an illegal border violation they should pursue all suspects matching the description until the violators are found and deported. If suspects haven't any documentation the investigation should continue until resolution or deportation is finalized. We are all subjected to police investigations as part of civic duty.

Personally speaking, I think America's pathway to reform immigration should be requiring all prospective citizens to read, write English and pass a High School GED test to be considered for legal entry. Those who don't comply should be deported. Striving for a more perfect union. The same standard we expect of ourselves. This would solve most of the illegal immigration and improve the standard of living across the board. The illegals would then stand out like a sore thumb. The current Obama Administration seeks to relax current laws exacerbating the epidemic further. Another advantage of criminal aliens is they cannot vote . This protects politicians on election day.

If you were looking for a Canadian Illegal (I'm sure we have them) you would look for a Operators License, a strong French accent. Color of skin would be secondary to documents and dialect. Certainly if he had a huge red and white Maple Leaf on his shirt would indicate a possible suspect. We cannot deny American Sovereignty, Life, Liberty and Happiness to protect the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens hiding behind our US Constitution. While they freely break down our barriers, laws, invasion of entitlements of education and health care.

If your looking for a car thief, then the shirt and cap are unimportant. If police are looking for a male bank robber with a tattoo on his forehead they will naturally:

A. look for males

B. look for a males with tattoos on their forehead.

If looking for a Bank robber with a tattoo on his forehead and police began questioning blond women with lots of makeup I can see how this would be profiling and illegal. Since the crime violated is directly related to people with foreign dialect, then profiling is not racism. It is profiling central to the crime itself, validating the questioning. We cannot allow special right as many radicals believe. The claim that legal Americans could be questioned in the investigation of a crime is not racism. This is our civic duty and central to self government.

Personally, I was born in the USA and I'm certain a officer who asks for my drivers license must first determine was I driving. If not, he has no right to ask for my drivers operators permit.
On the other hand if I was driving, once he has my license in his computer he can probably immediately tell you my grandmothers maiden name. Neither I or Grandma's rights have been compromised. If our government has the right to ask for my papers then certainly they have a right to confirm immigration status. I'm required by law to have my Operators License on my person when driving. Immigrants should be required to carry Fingerprinted ID as a condition of immigration. The Patriot Act spies on all legal citizens in conflict with the Fourth amendment. Why should immigrants be exempt, when our government stamps each child born in the US with a surveillance government number.

Our economy slow to recovery can be traced to there are no industries to stimulate. We unwisely sent our manufacturing overseas to redeem a $5,00 shirt at Wallmart.
The Big Reason that nobody willingly admits is; the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens send their money to another country. That's a lot of pesos. Also include legal immigrants who also send money across the border. If this money were spent in the US and supported Taxes our burden as Americans would be significantly diminished.

All that money poured into Obama Stimulus and Recovery and a substantial portion sent across our borders. The small amount earned here will go a long way when out of reach of the IRS and our porkers on capital hill.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Logical Solution

We find ourselves in a very complex society today with many challenges. It seems we over spent during the Bush years in every aspect of society, including government. A skyrocketing Stock Market had everyone in America clamoring to spend money from investments.

Everybody participated and everyone should pay. If you made lots of money during these years you should be charged for your share of the fix. Most noticeable was the housing market fueled by the Banksters Derivative Markets legalized in 1999 when 1934 Glass Steagall Act was abolished. The good news here is Glass Steagall worked well for 65 years.

The Banksters lobbied Congress to abolish the 1934 legislation as obsolete and modern day Bankster Philosophy would prevent another Great Depression.
The Banksters failed reveal the main component of the new modern Bankster Philosophy was the US Treasury would give them a trillion dollars that future generations would pay in tax.

Call this Malfeasance Step One. Step one allows the Banksters to invest Bank assets gained from the discount window Treasury into the Stock markets.

Markets Soared to 14,000 DOW as a direct result. Huge salaries were taken and even more obscene bonuses awarded as a result of Glass Steagall abolished. Creating open season on now legal Investment Banksters. The Best and Brightest flourished under the absent Glass Steagall Act legislation. Not only did they flourish, they flaunted their new found wealth with extreme salary and bonuses that were a result of corruption and not abilities. This money is considered their compensation and unbelievably not eligible for clawback

Malfeasance Step Two

The Bailouts:

Up till now American Free Market Capitalism is functioning in America If you fuck up you are bankrupt, stockholders loose. Fortunes made are lost. The penalty for a cavalier unethical business practices. At the pinnacle of step two we find AIG Insurance who underwrote phony worthless insurance for bundled mass of worthless mortgage derivatives. Their clients were the Dirty Dozen Bankster of Wall Street. The phony insurance was needed to acquire the phony bond ratings who are now firmly in the circle of malfeasance. This is crap that the Investment Bankers will refer to as new product.

Its not inventive or original as used car salesmen have been lying in public for years. To the Banksters credit car salesmen never referred to lying as a product.

The sky is falling what ever will we do. The best and brightest did not see the collapse coming. Perhaps their vast intelligence and vision was clouded by all that greed.

In steps the Marxs Brothers, no not Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Zeppo. This time the Banksters screamed for Bush, Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner.

We gave you lots of money and if you don't Bailout AIG (the bagman) we will all surely die a most terrible bankruptcy.

Once AIG was solvent the Banksters could cash in on the worthless security insurance of AIG.

So if the Marxs brothers bailout AIG, the money is paid indirectly back to the Dirty Dozen Banks. Paulson and Bernanke did just that providing an emergency 85 billion in capital to halt the impending bankruptcies of the Dirty Dozen Banksters. The only people who were saved were the very people who brought about the malfeasance. Had we let them go under the economy would rebound and the Mississippi would still flow South and the Easter Bunny would appear in the spring.

Sadly the Marxs Brothers bailed the Banksters out and the debts are now distributed and paid by average Joe. He pays with a his loss of employment and security of his children. The fallout of the bailout is the state and local governments who languished in the spectacular incomes generated by runaway home values are now faced with equally dismal budget shortfalls in property income tax as housing values return to normal and unemployed workers don't pay income tax either.

The Logical Solution is to have the very best and brightest of Investment Banksters fix the shortfall in state and local governments. They were able to save their asses with 800 billion of Bush Tarp money and 860 billion in Obama Stimulus money. A pittance compared to the state shortfall. Let The Dirty Dozen Banksters fix the problem they created or be heavily taxed until the debt is paid

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jobs Jobs Jobs

The bureaucrats are firing up their political platforms in preparation for the mid- term election. Christmas lists in hand promising the voter he will bring Jobs Jobs Jobs. Three repeats is better than the old outdated duo of drill baby drill.

Were gonna have chicken in every pot claimed Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Even though most Americans were unaware FDR was confined to a wheel chair.
Americans are often protected from the truth to avoid a reality they may not be comfortable supporting.

The feel good promises of jobs and return to prosperity where Banksters and Greed will not be tolerated. Factories overseas will be brought back to America, High Speed Rails will jettison us around the countryside without airport delay and Clean Renewable Energy will be plentiful. Wars will be won ,Guantanamo Prison closed and borders controlled. How could you not want this for everyone.
I find it comforting the candidates really do know what the little people need. This is the reasons the promises are always motivating. Stated somewhat vague, which adds to the mystery. Unfortunately once elected the big people will never tolerate delivery of the platforms promised for the little people.
You see candidates can't deliver because of the inherent codependency Oligarchy imposes upon corporation donation to elected officials. This is the reason why you never have trickle up economics, it's always down.
Once elected they don't give two shits about the little people who serve in the military, and deliver the GDP year after year.
The little people are forced to give up democracy at their employer's doorstep to gain employment.
We live in Oligarchy by default. The little people are not organized and are further distracted by the divisive two party system. The last time we organized was 1776.
Happy Birthday America
The last election where then candidate Obama pounded and pummelled opponents with Yes We Can.
I think most Americans believed the first promise was to bring jobs back to America and create new jobs in Renewable Energy. HOPE for your vote was shamelessly bartered..
Like a dream come true Obama 44 was elected.
Now we begin with tools to implement his vision. 860 billion Stimulus and Recovery Act passed. Add this to TARP 350 billion of leftovers from Bush and Paulson. You now have over a trillion dollars of diluted currency whose real value is unknown. Surely, we can all return to work now.
Remember the words Shovel Ready, America has work that needs done or High Speed Rails. But that's not what happened to the money. Obama instead makes huge investments in Education Reform he also promised. Not as often and not at forefront of his agenda.
Obama believes education will create a sound economy. The truth has always been the sound economy produces higher eduction. If Obama had put everyone back to work education would directly benefit. Same for Healthcare. The economy and jobs should have been at the forefront of priorities not Healthcare.
Fix the economy first and social programs can flourish in the wealth it creates. Once the politician is elected we have no idea what direction he may lead first. The legislation passed thus far during Obama's tenure has not benefited the little people.
The focus is on a strong Oligarchy style Banking /Wall Street economy, supported by a corrupt Treasury and Federal Reserve. The spend your way out of debt Oligarchy philosophy has enriched the wealthiest Americans and nothing for Joe the Plumber.
Noble ideas of Utopian society where healthcare and education are free and nobody works is offered. Everyone will have a degree and nobody works. Everyone's a Cheif and no Indians.
Since Obama took office we have witnessed the lack of accountability in the highest levels of government. SEC and MMS downloading porn while pulling down $250000 a year in tax money.
BP pollutes the planet and our government helplessly watches.
Banksters steal the wealth in obscene bonus booty approved by our Treasury.
One swindler from Wall Street steals 55 billion dollars and a single person goes to jail.
Not the Utopia we all voted for. Maybe the little people are tired and just want the Banksters, Insurance and Auto executives to leave the country for Europe where they can practice Pre Magna Carta economics freely. Don't worry about the little people here, we'll be just fine!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama's Immigration Speech Today

Today America was blessed with words of wisdom from the great orator Barack Hussein Obama. The teachable moment was to kickoff the Criminal Immigration sausage making reform awaiting congressional favor. The president wasted no time in qualifying any Republican push back as partisan.

They always call it reform because reform implies that there is a systemic problem to be corrected. One can only come to this conclusion by avoiding basic facts. Such as, if Bush had not let 22 million illegals in the country; the country would not have this huge problem. This is an American problem of pure bureaucratic neglect. The Bush economic engine relied on worthless mortgage derivatives illegal in 1999 and subservient illegal labor to run the economy aground.

After the attack on September 11, 2001 you would think border security would be at the top of our priorities. Seems logical.

What I have seen of reform thus far is abandoning the former system suffering only from bureaucratic neglect. Favoring a new bureaucratic policy yet to be ignored. If your not following my thoughts are : there was nothing inherently wrong with the original system other than it was ignored by government long enough to become a huge gangrenous epidemic of neglect. (2big2fail)

This was true of September 11, 2001 attack, The Banking Failure, Uncontrolled Borders, Immigration, Health care Reform and the latest failure of the Department of Interior's infamous Deepwater Horizon debacle or the Pentagons more recent Rolling Stone articles.
The speech reminded the viewer the Reforms should be centered at the source of the neglect. The source being The Obama Administration Cabinet. If the Treasury, Interior and Justice Departments did their jobs instead of downloading porn, Reforms would not be required. No mention was noted to reforming the Obama Cabinet. We need accountability in government not reforms. Reforms are kicking the can down the road further. We need to enforce the laws we have before attempting to add more laws.

The delivery of the message was first rate and every American should be proud we have a leader and not a decider. The President skillfully slipped from a detached observer declaring obvious problems that we all are aware, to discounting opposing options as problematic. Leaving the listener with his very narrow agenda of change.

After careful speech examination you will find the Presidential Policies firmly on the fence awaiting another to carry the ball across the goal. The consummate politico exit strategy.

Some of the highlights were proclaiming victory for Education Reform. (borrowed money) Clean Energy requiring Government Motors with higher CAFE Standards. Healthcare reform at our expense (taxation without representation) as seized money by your employer.
And bending our ears with the immaculate taxation Financial Reform pending congressional votes. This is legislation that legalizes theft by the Banksters and attempts to place limits on the thefts covered by insurance. ( hahaha).

We are getting things done. The big question is ; does anyone want the change?

Honorable mentions were, Albert Einstein, (atomic bomb) Nickolai Tesla (electric motor), Serge Brin (google) and Andrew Carnegie (steel). All immigrants. He fails to mention they were all legal European immigrants and the contributions of illegal immigrant is still at zero.
He also never mentioned Barack Hussein Obama Sr. who had the opportunity for citizenship but declined. Barack Obama has seven siblings from four partners that his father equally neglected.

He described the Arizona Law as divisive. He never refers to the law as illegal or the pending Federal Litigation in support of Non Americans. Nor does he demand the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens leave the country and enter legally.
The President further advised there were 11 million free ranging criminal aliens in America. This number is similar to the volume of barrels of toxic goo spewing into the Gulf of Mexico is based upon pure fabrication. Neither he nor his Cabinet knows how many or where from.
Obama fail to mention the illegal worker is a huge benefit to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street without the burdens of bureaucratic entitlements. The illegal worker in America energizes the economy illegally while the Administration flaunts our American Economy at the G-8 or G-20 conferences as desirable to third world countries. Our dirty little secret and Un-American.
The President reminds us he has dispatched more troops to the southern border to stop the hemorrhaging border.

In addition the President offers his proposed illegal Pathway to Citizenship which is

1. Register
2. Pay tax and fine
3. Learn English
4. Earn Citizenship

I find this profoundly backwards and defies the law of the land he pledged to defend by Constitutional Oath of Office. Our ancestors were;
1. Earn Citizenship (wait your turn and respect our borders)
2. Register
3. Learn English
4. Pay Tax and Fines.

He closes his speech with patriotic references to the Statue of Liberty and the contributions of immigrants in America. I think it important to note; the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France and has no place in our US Constitution or the visions of our founders
The illegal aliens does not want citizenship because he cannot compete on a level playing field once he must pay tax and included in all benefits of a legal worker. It is his illegal status that gives him the unfair advantage over his legal counterpart. He lowers the standard of living of all Americans and forces wages to falsely plummet. He enjoys our freedom without the intense surveillance of The Patriot Act

The illegal immigrant sends his money across the border out of reach of the IRS or Pork Stealing Congress. He will buy a home in his country and live well at our considerable expense