In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Robert Mueller: The Dog Ate My Homework

The much awaited Mueller Report has been released to the Department of Justice. Now we can begin the arduous task of spinning those words into political yarn. Fitting I think for an investigation which began with political yarn can end in the same manner. We The People should not stop our investigation of those who are responsible in government that lied to perpetuate the nonsense.  Reading between the lines it's obvious many Trump Supporters were lured into traps to obtain access to Hillary Clinton's  Missing E- Mails. Most were finally revealed when duplicates were found on a computer owned by disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner. Those at the FBI who followed the Democratic Bait exposed their own agendas to control the outcome of a election. Committing the very crimes they were appointed to investigate...

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bupkis Report

The Mueller Report has not been released or not to me and the Democrats are now downplaying the reports impact. This is the strongest indicator that some one knows that Trump is not guilty of Russian collusion. Democrat Adam Schiff's implied evidence is likely just fantasy. The dialog has shifted from treason to Trump's request for security clearances, Trump Taxes and Unpaid parking tickets. Two years of suspicions unproven or proven to be unproven thanks to the Mueller Investigations. The next two years no doubt will be filled with more democratic yarn spun in the backrooms at the DNC. The dirt published about Democrats  meanwhile goes completely ignored. Proof that the roots of the DC Swamp go very deep indeed.....