In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Wrap

In the news today are the Bush ERA Mega 2big2fail Banks disclosure they have stopped all pending foreclosures due to crooked law firms representing the Banksters.
The disclosure in foreclosure is a result
of claims the Banksters were taking property they had no note invested. They were simply throwing people in the street and taking ownership through the courts.

The Law Firms are taking the Fifth Amendment 2crooked2blegal.

In addition to 2big2fail the Banksters have also found they are 2big2loan and 2big2foreclose, deeming them useless in American Banking. They will continue to bolster the phony DOW Jones by investing Houdini Dollars printed at the US Treasury. The zero percent interest is the new Obama program officially identified as Zero4Zeroes.
The Banksters defended all allegations claiming the government was 2big2regulate.

Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton are rumored to be collaborating on a new line of designer prison wear for their faithful. The 2Lo2B2Hi brand will follow with a press release of a new fragrance "Onyobak".
The bottles will be a traditional long neck, dual purpose design. It will also be a first ever vibrating container (batteries not included) Similar to vibrating phones the bottle will vibrate every time a celebrity get arrested or posts bail. The fragrance will be a select blend of stale smoke, essence of Coors and hint of chlorine bleach . The announcement is expected to be followed by a class action infringement law suit from the inmates of the L.A. Jails.

BP announced their company would not release further information regarding the Macando Well Explosion that killed 11 men. It seems their computers crashed due to overloads of irresponsibility and lies. The CEO reports the only reliable information available indicating the catastrophe happened at all is the incessant Harp Music that mysteriously cannot be turned off from the computer. A BP spokesmen said a covert radical group known only as the Oily Pelicans are implicated in the Fowl play.

The US Senate announced their intentions to ban Mr Goodwrench from their chambers. They were tricked into believing he represented Government Motors and were horrified when he exposed elements of the truth that may cause pillars of salt forming in the chambers.
The vote will be taken immediately following the Republicans locating their yes button lost for 18 months.
MSNBC launched their new 10:oo pm time slot show "Are You Smarter Than Sarah Palin". The moderator Lawrence O'Donnel asks simple yes or no questions as the competitor makes up their own vocabulary. Levi Johnston was the first contestant and a estranged member of the Palin clan. An indisputable advantage when scoring. He won the competition which should qualify him for a GED and Mayor of Wassilla, Alaska.
The new programming is an attempt to break away from the 24 hour cable news cycles where pundits create news by interviewing round tables of other pundits to be aired at another time slot. Perpetual nonsense and very little responsible journalism regardless of the channel you select.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

World War Three / Part Two

News cycles are a little slow. The Talking Heads are focusing on a newly released movie" Waiting for Superman". I have a lot of first hand knowledge on the topic because I watched his speeding bullet and jumping over tall buildings after school for many years. Black and White only 3:oo pm Monday thru Friday. I must admit I secretly new the Comic Book story was fiction.

The government and media have used the new release to expose the deplorable condition of our Public Schools. This is also another topic I'm familiar as a graduate of the Public School System.The deplorable status is not news but, the movie evidently is new. Ditto for the White House Spin Meisters who have known the system was in decline for years. They never understood the answer was right in front of the problem. The problem is government separating the people from the school. Not all Public Schools fail but some fail while others have remarkable successes. Money spent is not a determining factor. Nor does the structure they attend guarantee success. Neighborhood involvement is the source of success. Even if you must donate your time and do it yourself this is how it's done. If you believe the government will perform, you will be disappointed every time. You are government! A child will not learn from a huge budget, tall buildings or a thousand screaming ethnic ministers.

The government is for lip service and wasting your money. The bigger the government the more and faster the waste.

President John Kennedy's famous speech "Ask not what your country may do for you" should be taken as face value. President Bill Clinton said we ( the government) will provide a level playing field for you to compete. A level playing field is your right in America. If you are not receiving special rights, join the club.

I was Born in the Mid-West In 1950 I began school one step at a time . I walked to school until old enough to drive and then commuted on motorcycle, about a mile. Neighborhood schools were standard and only country kids rode a bus. The school was central to the neighborhood and the people of the neighborhood took pride in their township supported school district. My school did fund raisers pitch ins and cakewalks until the Board of Health deemed the school could not participate in selling food with out a license. So we continued on by purchasing cooked foods at retail and then reselling them for profit. It didn't work as the costs were to great to resell. This marks the beginning of our declining Public School System. When the government tell the people what they may do, is a sad day indeed. The larger the school district the less people support the school. Our school had an identity of the people in the neighborhood. Court ordered busing for desegregation brought and end to my Antebellum. The Schools became a political football for social issues as education quickly fell to second place priority. The logic supported the building and location was producing better students. Not true, the people inside were producing better students through neighborhood involvments and participation. Removing the people from their local school was the beginning of the end for Public Schools.

In High School we did not have a Football Stadium for the first eight years. We had a planetarium instead. None of the schools I attended had a swimming pool or air conditioning.

The school system did not build our Stadium. The Stadium was built from donations of money, work, materials and lots lunch money. Talk about nickels and dimes. I remember the playing field seeded and the fathers hoisting the newly acquired but very used scoreboard from somewhere into place. The stadium was a testament of the powers of a strong middle class. We would not travel to another school for home games again. The government provided nothing and more surprising, we did not expect the government to provide.

As Public Schools fell victim of Court Ordered Busing, Private Schools emerged. Taxpayers paying twice for education. The buildings they erected and location were suspect of their immediate successes. The success of Private School is not due to huge budgets or fine buildings. The building is a by product of the very education taking place within the walls. People without government involvement dedicated to education rather than politics excel in education. It's not the quality of the teachers either as Home Schooled children out perform Public Schools children consistently. It's not geography, neighborhoods, structures or the teachers to blame. It's the government that is destroying Public Schools. Restore neighborhood schools run by neighbors and the system will correct itself as long as government remains uninvolved.
Educators should not be responsible for anything but education. Politics, busing and racial equality are not central to education.

The failure of some schools is a failure of the people who failed to support the school. It is up to parents to be empowered to run their schools not government.

At the same time Washington was busy destroying the schools they were also destroying the middle class. They didn't take people out and shoot them ,they just took they're money and self respect. Exporting their jobs overseas to avoid workers right and environmental standards not present in foreign countries. All of the advancements of labor law against the robber barons vanished in government supported Wall Street enterprises overseas.

The Third World War began as the Cold War against the former USSR. The Cold War was won on the backs of American Workers out producing Communist Countries. Our economy so strong the USSR eventually ran out of money. Without the USSR in competition the USA began spreading the same uncontrolled capitalism around the World. The Pharaohs of Wall Street invaded every economy and exploited their people. Our American government endorses this uncontrolled capitalism as world trade. The truth is America is engaged in a Third World War and seeks to conquer each countries economy, enslave it's people and capture their wealth.

The once powerful American Middle Class and their jobs have been sacrificed to a third world country. The workers who won the Cold War are now peons and sharecroppers not shareholders in the American Dream. We need an American Economy supporting American values. The Welfare of American People should always take precedents over the Pharaohs of Wall Street. There should not be Pharaohs on Wall Street, just people going to work like the rest of America once worked.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mr. Goodwrench Goes to Washington,DC

First we sent Davey Crockett to Washington and then Jimmy Stewart went as Mr. Smith goes to Washington and now Comedy Central's very own Stephen Colbert is added to the list of morally acceptable representation at our nations capital. How refreshing to have political conversation without someone filling their pockets from the GDP Storehouse.

Friday, Stephen Colbert testified before Congress representing Farm labor legislation. His performance could have been better if he had found a straight man to play pitch and catch. Straight is a rare commodity in Washington,DC.

Mr Goodwrench did not receive compensation for his community service, nor was he lobbied by huge corporations to spin the news cycles. Stephen went to represent his people to the blind congress that refuses to see or hear the demands of "We the People".

His topic was Farm Labor but the truth of his sarcasm could be applied to virtually any topic. He was direct and addressed the injustice of Farm Labor. What was missing in his speech was the typical Congressional Presentations to the public that awards a small but, noble much needed legislation for the people and then adds heavily laden PORK and Corporate Cronyism for the Oligarchy Icing.

A small bone for the public while Corporate Banksters feed upon the GDP meat and gravy.

The best Comedy was provided by Congressmen John Conyers who was probably the only person in America who was not interested in Mr. Colbert's statesmanship. Congressman Conyers is the second longest serving representative from Michigan's 14th Congressional District (Detroit).

The irony of coarse is the dismal condition of the state of Michigan but, also the plight of their leadership in Detroit. Rep. D- Michigan John Conyers is obviously happy with the current in denial philosophy of "Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil" that plagues Washington, DC. His timing should be rewarded at his next election.
The one person Americans are most anxious to see leave Washington would be none other than Mr. John Conyers. It's painfully obvious he's been feeding at the public trough much to long.

Wisely, Mr Colbert responded he was there by invitation and of coarse would yield to Rep. Zoe Lofgren's judgments.
Mr.Colbert focused some on the plight of Farm Labor but then asked why does Congress choose to ignore this topic and others for years. Why do they spend all of their efforts to being elected.

The answer is; those who do nothing, do nothing wrong and therefore excel at doing nothing as their platform for re-elections. Campaigning solely upon the success of mistakes that weren't made.

Mid-Term elections are coming soon and after the election dust settles Congress will once again focus on squeezing more blood for the Oligarchy Banksters while, BP plays the Harp music backgrounds in accompaniments as Rome burns again.

We need election reforms that provide the American voter to select "None of the Above". When "None of the Above" captures the most votes all candidates for that office are dismissed as unacceptable regardless of incumbents and would require a reset to begin primary election process over. Now that's what I call an election!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Deer Season

It was 2003 as I remember.

High in a tree, in mid November.
A chill in the air, deep in woods of nowhere
Daisy McVey took skillful care,

fired her shot on a Buck she thought?
On her way down she fell to the ground.
On Daisy's trail is what I found.
What happened to you lying in the dirt?
You've torn your shirt and appear to be hurt
I lost my grip, when I tripped and I've broken my hip
By the way, just how old are you Miss Daisy McVey?
I'll soon be 92 come next June.
Miss Daisy you must be crazy
We need to go to the road when you unload.
She said don't be lazy, you get my Buck, then I'll go back to the truck!
called her son Lee who was 73 and told him what his mother had done.

I He came in hurry and listened to her story.
She said I got some meat for us to eat. The Buck I shot is stuck in my truck. Get my gun and we'll head for downtown son
I soon discovered Miss Daisy had recovered.
Two years later I found Lester Slater.
Not far away from Daisy McVey had lay.
Sittin on a rock holdin his gun.
How old are you Mister Slater.
This coming December I'll be 91

I fell from that tree and I've hurt my knee
Come with me.
This is the reason we all call this deer season,

Carolina Fall

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where Does Capitalism End and 2big 2 fail Begin

The discussion of the Lehmen Bros. Bankruptcy continues on 2 years after they went under. There are talking heads still claiming Lehman Brothers should have been given clemency from their own ignorance. The logic is beyond comprehension. Rewarding failure is now the pinnacle of success in American business. The American taxpayer is mystified as to how they became financially responsible for the failures of the Banksters.

We were told the TARP bailouts initiated by George Bush and continued by Barack W Obama are necessary to prevent another Great Depression. What it really did was prevent the top 1% from depression and threw the other 99% Americans to Hooverville. (not Hooterville)
Worse yet, it prevented the necessary redistribution of wealth, allowing new investors to bring new blood to failed industries.

Had we let Capitalism work foreclosed homes would have immediately been bought at true market values and Auto Companies would have been liquidated and bought at discounts from investors with skin in the game. The only skin in the game today, is the hides of the taxpayers.

Capitalism is self cleaning only if you allow markets to work. When gasoline was $4.25 a gallon it was free markets. A year later when the Banksters and Auto Czars are broke it's Corporate Welfare 2big2fail.

The TARP legislation and Stimulus Recovery impede a healthy correction and perpetuates the wealth to those who are parasites on the host taxpayers. We loose both ways.

All this and Hank Paulson claiming he saved your retirement money that should have never been put at risk by the Banksters. They are truly nothing more than a bunch of thieves with ties.

My question is simple. How big must you be to operate failure in perpetuity? Who determines which failure should be saved and how stupid must you become to qualify for 2big2fail?

Capitalism is a system that we are all familiar. The first rule of Capitalism says when your out of money your broke and liquidation is eminent. Bankruptcy is defined as unable to borrow money. Those who declare bankruptcy cannot borrow money and may not operate as a bank.

These rules prevent bankers from borrowing money from one bank to pay another bank. Kiting loans to create an even bigger bubble of insolvency. Sound familiar?

Using Lehmen Bros. as example; they filed for bankruptcy on 9/15/08. British owned Barclays bought a large portion of Lehmen Bros. the next day 9/16/08.
Nomura of Osaka, Japan bought the Asia Pacific operations 9/22/08.
In one week it was history with no cost to the taxpayer. Two years later they are still crying we didn't bail them out!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BP, Please turn off the Harp Music

Now that BP has claimed the Macando Well is sealed, will they finally turn off the propaganda lies and Harp music on my television. Your propaganda will not cause me to purchase your products.

Americans need to devote more airtime to corrupt politicians, electric wheel chairs, bathtubs and other government freebies taxpayers can't afford.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BP Declares the Macando Well Officially Dead

The needless Macando Lease explosion April 20, 2010 has been sealed according to a BP press release. The well is dead along with 11 men and thousands of miles of beach, estuary and tons of sea life. Millions of dollars of costs to the taxpayer for the Coast Guard, NOAA and countless other government agencies

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homeless Reality in America.. Where they gonna live? FEMA CAMPS?

Recession is Over! We Advance to The Second Great Depression

The Great Suppression of 2007 is over as we advance to the Second Great Depression. The Census Bureau released new poverty levels of 14.3% with 4 million new entrants to Americas highest educated poor in the history of mankind. The Government Always lies to us in the interest of National Security and I'm certain the number released of One in Seven Americans now living in poverty is far worse due to creative bookkeeping. We may now add another star to our flag, the 51st state, the State of Poverty.

The new State of Poverty would immediately become our largest state by population. Easily surpassing Number One California's 2009 population of 36,961,664. The Poverty rate is larger than all the residents of California and South Carolina combined, with a few left over.

43 million Americans who don't buy cars, homes or add to the GDP. Instead we have 43 million people burdening the GDP. That's a huge load for the remaining population to carry. 43 million Americans who qualify for free housing, food and health care for their children. 43 million people who are better educated than most employed workers of the booming Chinese economy. Know wonder why the Mexicans are returning to Mexico where they are free to grow their own food.

All this and knowing full well the Bonus Booty of AIG and Goldman Sachs could end poverty and allow a return to normalcy. It's easy to see the bonuses of the Banksters are driving more and more Americans to poverty. The Banksters are robbing us blind as Hank Paulson 2big2fail claims "it's best for all".
I'm certain the 43 million people living under bridges and sleeping in the streets did not remotely benefit from the 800 billion TARP or Stimulus Legislation that bailed out the Banksters and Auto Czars. I Don't believe the crap they are paying the money back to the treasury. To the last Bankster with all the money and homes, It's all useless and worthless unless you have another greed merchant to buy it back.
President Barack W Obama validated the Bush Covert Doctrine by signing the Financial Reform Legislation. The current Barack W Obama Administration is claiming victory in growing the economy in spite of an increase in unemployment and poverty levels.
Mr President, I suggest you turn your charts over, your reading them upside down. The American people will not remember your administration as the author of the Great American Collapse. You will be remembered as the President who did nothing to repair our economy and punish those who are guilty of stealing the public storehouse

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Capture Osama Bin Laden before 9/11/2011

Yesterday we all remembered those innocent souls who were indiscriminately murdered on 9/11/01 9 years ago. Our government has failed to capture Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. The 9/11 attacks have been used instead for political gains and ceremony.

After the attacks, Bin Laden quickly claimed victory for the attacks with the entire USA still under a no fly zone. The 9/11 attacks were not a exhibition of Bin Laden's great mind. They were an evidence of default in an American sense of false security. We had our head in the sand.

The American Economy was once diversified into thousands of separate industries. An economy with a thousand supporting legs. We became focused by greed to create wealth of a few at a significant cost to national security. Somewhere along the line hard work became a sign of weakness. We were lead to believe that gathering as many workers to enslavement was the only pathway to wealth in America.
We foolishly placed all our eggs in a single basket of 2big2fail bankers to raid world commerce. Our coarse is total domination of the global wealth, not real estate. Attempting to spread our one sided version of free market capitalism of the Wall Street Stock Markets to the rest of the globe.
Why would anyone logically attack the United States Military when the enemy is obviously an undefended Wall Street. I don't believe this is a religious Jihad against the infidels in America.
The Bin Laden Jihad is simply his vehicle to enlist support of ignorant people who cannot see his mindless war mongering agenda. If Islamic radicals knew the truth of Bin Laden they would hunt him down as the coward he truly has become.

Wall Street is spreading a system where obscene profits are skimmed for divisive splits between 2big2fail Bankster's and Oligarchy Government. Robbing the wealth of the GDP with unregulated legislation allowing the TARP theft in the name of good for all. Stealing the cream of the GDP, leaving nothing but poverty for the rest. This is why we were attacked and this is why we are hated here and abroad. "It's the economy stupid"
There is no divide between the White House and Wall Street. Wall Street is a covert fourth branch of an unconstitutional government that divide The Oligarchy Government from a Democratic Government by the People.

Supreme Commander of Allied forces General Dwight Eisenhower wisely by passed the distractions of political opportunities to liberate Paris in favor of maintaining intense focus on finding Hitler.
Utilizing his point man or Hitler's worst nightmare Gen. George S Patton. The fundamentally aggressive General George Patton systematically hunted to track down and corner Hitler.
I suspect Hitler feared Patton more than any single person on the planet. It was the American forces that entered Hitler's Bunkers and raided Germany's strongholds without ceremony.

That war began on December 7, 1941 and Hitler's death was recorded as April 30 th 1945. Three years 4 months and 23 days to kill that "Paper Hangin Son of a Bitch". Or 10 months and 24 days from the D-Day invasion on Normandy, France.
America has used the name of Bin Laden to promote a senseless war in Iraq, to pass legislation of the Patriot Act against it's own citizens as Bin Laden walks free in Pakistan.
America should abandoned distractions of nation building and Bush Covert Doctrines and vow to kill Bin Laden before the tenth anniversary of 9/11 next year. We know Bin Laden will never surrender and I'm sure he would like to see America fall before the same tenth anniversary.
Killing Bin Laden and his henchmen should be the highest national priority over useless political ceremony and nation building Bush Covert Doctrines.
After the Bin Laden capture we should focus the same intensity on the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Ave and bring them to justice as well.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hee-Haw Rebellion

Another Holy Man is leading his flock to political activists Armageddon. It was a similar logic that caused us to attack Iraq. This is why we have separation of Church and State.

Misguided frustrations lashing out at an Icon in denial of the core problem. Somebody needs to read the US Constitution to this clown. Explaining the first amendment protects people who may build a Mosque or worship in freedom.

This is a standoff in the first amendment Freedom of Speech versus Freedom of Religion.

God spoke to this clown and told him to burn books. God told 300 million other Americans ya can't fix stupid. There is no logic there is only the danger of a psycho path who hears voices in his mind.

If you want to burn something, I suggest you burn a picture of Bin Laden

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bush Tax Cuts to Expire.

The Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy are set to expire this year. As we get closer to financial Armageddon the push backs are increasing.

The focus is always on the 39% tax rate the wealthiest pay in tax. This tax rate does not reflect the true amount paid after they claim their deductions that we lower class little people are not entitled . The tax code is carefully crafted to offer tax exemption deduction benefits to only those who qualify, and of course only wealthy can qualify for the Jim Crow Deductions. You can't win because you don't make the rules.

We need a spend tax that encourages people to save money. Those who choose to buy pay taxes as part of the purchase, not ownerships. The Bush tax cuts will fade into history with his needless vendetta against Saddam Hussein and his legacy of worst ruler since Caligula. Only 27% of Americans supported the Bush Covert Doctrines. The rest of us simply followed like sheep.

BP raises BOP

Mark Bly Safety Director of BP PLC

(no relation to Capt Bly) released his 193 page in-house investigation in time for the raising of the BOP evidence.
I personally have not read the fictional report, preferring to wait on the editing and actors of commercial television. Tomorrow they will answer charges of lying in the report.
The recognized authority Rear Admiral Spongebob Squarepants was unavailable to comment on the 193 page cartoon.

The BOP was taken to NASA to perform their post-mortem investigation. At NASA, Groucho, Harpo and Obamo will sort out the truth for release to the public.

Regardless of any BP claims they were victimized by faulty equipment or contractors, their expertise is in the acquisition of materials and contractors at the Macando Lease. Nothing, is what they do. They are surviving parasites from the sweat of another host.

America has a contract with BP PLC only and we can only receive restitution from BP PLC.

BP PLC legal maneuvering in court with their subs and suppliers is of no concern to Americans. Although, it may make good prime time commercial television to sell products to the consumers

BP PLC will no doubt place the burdens of responsibility upon the US MMS regulatory agencies who approved their procedures unencumbered.
In the end they will conclude that some guy in the lower management was responsible and sentenced to prison to be vindicated next year The whole issue will then be swept under the Oligarchy Carpet in the Oval Office

Obama's Change

Remember the "Change" Obama campaigned on in 2008. The only change we got is the small change falling through the Oligarchy Bankster's overflowing bonus pockets.

Enjoying the crumbs of money that spills from The TARP and Stimulus Plans.
A trillion and a half dollars wasted on Bush's Banksters, Auto Czars, Healthcare Reforms and Financial Reforms. Up in smoke.
Barack W Obama is filling the pockets of the Elite Oligarchy Royals in Americas as he shamelessly panders the sweat of GDP Workers to the highest bidder.

We saw a claim of an end of "Operation Iraqi Freedom". A war that should have never been. The Iraq War accomplished nothing and promoted the Iran government to a triple threat unchecked by Saddam Hussein.
The SEC is accused of downloading porn while the 2big2fail banksters threw people into the streets foreclosing on their homes.
We witnessed the lies of Healthcare Reforms were necessary to job growth when it really was a bill to create a bigger government and remove consumers from purchase power. Obama Care does nothing to curb costs in health care. It will cause cost to spiral upwards with elected officials, pirates and nepotism employers collaborating with insurance to squander even more money.
We stood and watched streaming video of BP oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico as our government struggled to control the Macando Lease out of control.
Finally, we saw our government bring suit against the State of Arizona for trying to control it's border with Mexico. Our government supports the Covert Bush Doctrines of just look the other way on cheap labor for the robber barons.
We know the sins of the previous administration. We don't require reminders of what the other guy did. We expected you to stop the thefts. What President Barack W Obama has done is validate the former administration as his platform of Change.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Obama's Labor Day Plan

President Obama announced his projected plan to spend 50 billion dollars on Airports, Railroads and Road projects. The $860 billion he took 18 months ago along with 350 billion of Bush leftover TARP extortion is evidently depleted and now he's a little short. Similar to the fifty story BP Blowout Preventer spewing oil. Our government has similar issues with exploitation of wasteful waste spending. There is no bang in our buck, not even a smoke! We run our economy from endless circular deficit spending.

Creating more shovel ready projects of imaginary stimulus. I'm sure the stimulus he's shoveling will enrich his bureaucrats buddies in time for election donations for mid-term candidates. Doubtful his noble gestures will trickle down to the rank and file GDP slaves.

The 2 year election cycles take precedent over building a strong vibrant economy. Stay in power by pulling the purse strings to get re-elected is our system.

The Plan will require another big mortgage to finance another election to fill the pockets of robber barons and provide the uplifting moral sugar rush to the public just in time for election.

Continuing more long term pain and short term gains out of the sweat of the GDP. The extraordinary waste prohibits the debt ridden worker from competing in global markets. Simply put it's not training, education impeding growth stupid "It's The Government" .
Harvard Law evidently doesn't teach economics it preaches larceny and theft 101.

The noble gestures of free Healthcare and Bank Reforms make great sound bites but the meat clearly goes to building a bigger Oligarchy Government priority.

Obama rhetoric is as stale as Bush's constant claims your not a "Patriot Supporting the Troops" deflecting any criticisms of administration lies and failures. Obama is on track for another repeat Bush legacy if improvements are not realized soon.

I'm reminded when the economy is booming and obscene profits and bonuses are taken we have "Free Markets". When the extortion's are completed and the economy reverts backwards we get 2bib2fail as necessary for national security. I've seen this movie before.

Richard M Nixon announced publicly that 6% unemployment was desirable. His analogy that with 6% out of work you can threaten the 94% working with dismissal.. Fast forward to 1998 when Alan Greenspan made similar statements that full employment numbers were causing a increase in wages and a hike in interest rates would slow the economy circumventing the people from their power. Needless to say his plan worked as America entered a self imposed recession in an election year.

With wages increasing uncontrolled borders contribute to more workers to drive down the wages further. Bush Covert Immigration Doctrines allowed our laws to be ignored in favor of subsidizing his housing market derivitive mortgage fiasco. He should have stayed in Baseball.

Friday, September 3, 2010

B.A.R.F. Report

Today, President Obama spoke appropriately from the White House Rose Garden.

Rose colored glasses were distributed wisely for the event. The latest figures for job growth 67,000 new private sector jobs for August were celebrated. The good news prompted me to do some research to determine when I might find work again.
The President revealed his new campaign slogan for 2012 as
"NO Quick Fix". The old slogans of "Hope" and "Change" evidently should be applied together as "Hope For Change". Either way he reminds us he never stated when or how. We always fall for the fine print. I don't blame Obama for the current crisis. I do hold him responsible for his dismal performances foolishly focused on Healthcare Reform as a job creator. This is wrong for sure and borders somewhere between lying and perjury to the American people. There are no laws against perjury to the public. Perjury evidently is a crime only when we lie.
Government jobs are not counted in the new job tabulation as only new small business jobs collect tax.
Small Business are the paperboy for the Federal Reserve collecting money for the national debt.
Government jobs numbers are declining as a result of lost revenues of workers not paying into the GDP.
You see we are the Golden Goose and if "We The People" don't work the government jobs vanish in budget shortfalls despite newly printed Houdini Dollars by Big Ben.
It's believed that even the 22 million free ranging criminal aliens are betraying the US and crossing back into Mexico. Whatever will we do without them?
I must admit I did not have access to the Garden or Glasses in my data collection. Since I have not found employment since 2008 I have a lot of time to devote to these types of disclosures.
BARF Report is not an acronym it simply rhymes with TARP and is named so to confuse our elected officials of government. Feel free to come up with any acronym that may apply. I'm much to busy with Blog dribble.

The first thing to be considered in my continued state of destitute unemployment is not the job growth, it's my age. I will be sixty this year. There are 15 million flying in the radar of unemployed counted in America.
I'm not one of the counted because I have never filed for unemployment benefits. Benefit is a strange word applied for charity. I guess I don't count?
Anyhow, Back to the BARF Reporting. There are 4 million birth annually in the USA. Divide the number by 12 months and you get 333 thousand births a month vying for August jobs.
The death rate is 2.5 million annually or 208,333 deaths monthly. Subtract 208,333 from 333,000 and you will quickly toss your new Rose Color Glasses back in the The White House Rose Garden. The product is 125,000 minus the new 67,000 August jobs equals a deficit of 58,000 jobs still in the unpublicized White House Shitter.
The people like myself who haven't any money are overwhelmed by the Banksters who do have money and they aren't spending their money. It took ten years to steal it and they aren't giving it back.
As for myself I just play the fiddle and welcome more and more Americans kicked to the Poverty Bench. They all thought it would not happen to them is common. For a time, they will focus on getting work before realizing it's not their fault and hope won't pay the bills.
I will probably never work again but, I will never pay tax again either.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bush Wars End

Somewhere in Washington DC the history of the "War of the Georges" will be recorded in the US Archives.

President Barack Obama spoke to the American people to announce the end of 7 1/2 years of "Operation Iraqi Freedom". I will always remember his speech as the one where shoes were not thrown at our leader.

President Obama's wisely chosen words never mentioned victory, winning or surrender. If we fought a war, we didn't win. To claim victory you must first produce a looser to validate the win. We didn't win because there was no war. America didn't fight a war of real estate of past Great American Victories. The war in Iraq did produce a much greater threat to the US than Saddam Hussein could ever muster.

We found no Weapons of Mass Destruction, al-Qaeda Training Camps or Nuclear Capabilities supported rhetoric of GW Bush and Dick Cheney. They were dead wrong 4400 times.

There won't be ticker tape parades or sailors kissing their girl on magazine covers. There will be no surrender of an humiliated Emperor on the decks of Mighty Mo. Americans solemnly, only have the debt as proof we fought in Iraq at all. The 4400 young people who paid the ultimate price will never come home to their families.

I will always remember the eight years of G.W Bush as eight years of two Vice-Presidents and no leadership.

America foolishly fought the only war we know how to wage. We fought a war that could never be won. Sadly it was not our first venture into futility. We watched the tanks roar across the desert and Extraordinary Valor of American Marines who fought in the Streets of Baghdad. Door to door 800 miles from any beach.

The United States Military performed at a level never attained by any similar force in history. Iraq was Americas first and hopefully last Pre-Emptive Strike against a loud mouth tyrannical leader in an Arab country. We fought out of frustration without direction an attacker who has no flag or controls any lands. Our opponent is a murderous marauding mercenary fighting for spoils of food in his mouth.

With a Undersized Invasion Army orchestrated by Donald Rumsfeld (alias Rummy) we chased our opponents in endless circles until the Surge Policy was realized. The success of the surge is evidence of the flawed Rumsfeld Plan that impeded the end and cost more American lives. We failed to win a decisive battle with overwhelming force which caused the Bush War to endure as the thugs mobilized more mercenaries. Silently supported from countries with flags but lacking fortitude to join a war against American Iron. Similar to Charlie Wilson's War.
As American youth fought for God, Country and little rewards Haliburton and Blackwater pilfered huge booty from No-Bid contract awarded by Bush. Meanwhile the Banksters at Goldman Sachs were robbing the American People blind in competition with World Com and Enron. This Oligarchy theft continues on today as the Obama's Cabinet does nada.

President Obama speech attempted to celebrate the War in eulogy describing our new Iraqi partnership in G-20 world commerce. Turn the page was the phrase he used to describe an unworthy conflict. He recanted GW Bushes position that only Patriots supported the Bush War and his troops.
What we learned from our experiences in Iraq is; the old rules of engaging war cannot be applied to Warlords such as Bin Laden. Bin Laden is still free and still quietly trying to destroy us financially. President Obama analyzed the history of The War of Bush as sacrifice of blood and a further distraction from prosperity investments in energy and education that exacerbated the downward spiral in our economy. As I remember, this is exactly what Bin laden planned. The Bush War in Iraq was more than Bin Laden could have wished upon.