In Memory of Carol Ann

Dedicated to Erin Elizabeth and Deanna Carol

Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Herman Cain Dies

Former 2012 Presidential Candidate passed away today from complications from Covid 19. Herman was born December 13 1945. In a time when Blacks from the deep South were not supposed to succeed Herman broke all the records kicking down imaginary barriers supported by others from his own race. In addition to his 2012 Presidential Candidate Herman managed to obtain a Master's Degree from Purdue University and Bachelor's Degree from Moorehouse College. He became CEO of Godfather's Pizza, CEO National Restaurant Association, Chairman Federal Reserve Bank Kansas City. He claimed to be raised poor but happy in Atlanta Georgia. His parents were hard working people who paid their own way in life. Herman Cain did not abuse drugs and had No Arrest Records which eliminates Herman as the litmus test for Black Role Models Today. Herman Cain played by the rules and amassed a estimated wealth  of between 3 million and 6 million Dollars. President Barack Obama is speaking today at the funeral of John Lewis who marched on a bridge in Alabama and was a elected Congressman. Both men about the same age. Both born in the deep South. Who is your role model and why. Happy Trails Tom

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Barrack Obama

Since 1889 Aunt Jemima has been the face depicted on pancake boxes. 131 years is along run. 24 years after the Civil War. This move may have been considered progressive in the day. 100 Years after the American Revolution and the United States Constitution. Complaints of racial stigmas forced the manufacturer to drop the name and face today. I never thought pancakes could be controversial. I do know this much for sure. If white people were depicted as Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben then there would be outrage from  the same minority of equal opportunity and why are Blacks not hired for these positions. Martha Stewart would make billions today doing exactly the same business model. I am certain that regardless of the faces used on Pancake Boxes the complaining will never stop and logic is never a consideration. Just for the record, I never gave 2 shits about the Confederate Flag or Monuments to Confederate Soldiers. I think most people don't care. Racial Equality lies in the minds of those who are taught from  birth this stigma. Perhaps if Black Ancestors applied themselves in either of these wars, freedom may have come sooner and without permission from others. An obvious hard fact for the African American community to acknowledge.. 8 Years of a Black President never gets it's recognition and those who voted for him are called Racists. Just as those 700,000 brave white soldiers who died in battle to free the slaves are completely ignored by  Black history books. Black History chooses to focus on bridges and marches that occurred in the deep South some 200 years later. The loss of life was minimal in comparison to the Civil War where tragic prices were registered and ungrateful to whining people today...... Happy Trails Tom

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Biden's Basement

A poll taken today in Joe Biden's Basement indicates  a whopping 13 point lead among non family members. Numbers for direct family slip a bit to 9 points but still heavily favored downstairs. Upstairs Trump is still leading!!!!